Sunday, December 31, 2006

Can you help Cling

It certainly has been an interesting year and an exciting one for Cling. Will we be joining the celebrations tonight? It's very likely that you will catch us in London round about the time of the fireworks, and after that , who knows?
We are currently looking for a photographer to take some publicity shots and also someone who can help us make music videos, we are obviously willing to compensate for any efforts made. Owing to our disastrous experience this year with photos, anyone in the Southampton area need not apply! We would like to do something original and different to compliment our music. If anyone can help in any way, please let us know.
I love New Year, everyone is in the mood to party, people feel optimistic and it is a good excuse to forget about your woes and wipe the slate clean. I don't know if I will be making resolutions, only ones that I can keep. I hope you all have a fantastic evening and the next time I write it will be 2007, scary!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Beautiful Saturday, bright and sunny, I'm surprised because the rain was lashing down last night and there were severe gales again. I hope it stays like this tomorrow night because we will be outside trying to watch some fireworks. Yesterday we were sucked in by the power of advertising and went furniture shopping on the sales, our new sofas have now been ordered and we await delivery. People don't half make it easy for you to get into debt these days, it's so easy to get anything you want on credit, it's a bit scary, you could really go overboard. I couldn't help but notice the news headlines this morning, so a certain dictator has met his punishment, I wonder what will happen now? I could think of a few more brutal dictators that should be tried in court at least, how come they keep getting away with it? Nyo is screaming at me now, I'm not sure what she wants, she's probably excited at the thought there will be a possibility to ruin the new sofas, she's certainly mucked up our old one with her little accidents. Yesterday I was trying to play the keyboards and Nyo came and landed on my head , refusing to get off. Gerald actually took a photo to prove what I have to go through, eventually I had to shake her off as her claws were digging into my scalp!

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Cling theory

Today is the first day that I've felt relatively normal since the excesses of Christmas, just in time to repeat it all for New Year's Eve. It's raining nastily today, so dark we didn't even realise what time it was. The other day we were having this discussion about how the mad the world has become, it was after seeing a programme with David Icke, for those who don't know who he is , he has some very controversial theories about life in this world, about the Illuminati etc, etc. Basically, the things that he was saying 10 years ago have all come true, especially things like the big brother society, where we are constantly watched. I was counting the number of cameras I see driving into London, I pass through no fewer than 16 speed cameras and that doesn't include the normal traffic surveillance cameras, or street cameras. Now the government is talking about having a little black box in your car for insurance purposes or road charging, so they will know exactly where you are going all the time. As we head towards a cashless society, how long will it be before the micro chip is introduced, what about people who don't want the micro chip, will they be outlaws and renegades ? And will we all be brainwashed by subliminal messages sent out on the TV or other mass media? It does make you think, if I have learnt anything in my life it is that things are never what they seem and politicians can't be trusted. We are just little pawns in their game.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I have been like the proverbial bear with a sore head and not only was I horrible to Gerald, I shouted at Nyo too because she was making a noise. I went to bed very grumpy and then woke up in the middle of the night and asked myself why I was feeling like that, it's so pointless. Sometimes it seems as if I have forgotten everything I ever learnt about myself, it proves that we are our own worst enemies at times. It's very easy to say that in retrospect. Have you ever experienced a moment of true peace,where you felt so contented that you wouldn't want to be anywhere else and everything felt right? That happened to me once, we were out in the bush and had climbed to the top of some very high rocks, we lay down flat on our backs to enjoy the sunshine, and the leaves of the trees were silhouetted against the sky. I remember looking at the colours of the leaves and feeling the warm air of the breeze tease my skin, the only sounds were the birds and insects singing. For several moments everything just felt so perfect, I wanted to stay there forever, I felt at one with my creator. That experience has stayed with me for a number of years, I wasn't seeking anything on that day, it just happened, it was as if someone had opened up a door and let me look inside, to show me what it could be like. I should try and remember moments like that when I am feeling stressed !

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Feeling rough

Hi there, we have got into the habit of sleeping very late now, must be trying to recover from all the festivities. Gerald looked out the window this morning and there was a leather glove on the driveway, I went down to see it and it was one of mine that Gerald had given me for Christmas, don't ask me how it ended up there, it is a mystery.
Well we went to the movies last night , it was the ultimate experience in comfort, like the difference between first class and economy. Not only did we have luxurious seats, we got all these delicious snacks included and we could have as much coffee as we wanted, it was great. I would definitely pay extra and do that again. I even managed to stay awake for the duration of the film, although I caught Gerald dropping off a few times, it was too comfortable for him. At least we motivated ourselves to go out otherwise we would have got cabin fever.
My mum made me laugh, as she has got older, she gets a bit muddled up with things, so yesterday she was talking about coming back to England, she said she wouldn't come next year, she would come in 1980, I was like what?? Do you mean 2008, mother? I suppose it is hard for her to decide what to do, but going back in time, that's something else. Reminds me of the film we saw last night, Deja Vu.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Holidays

Hi everyone Happy Christmas to you all, I hope you had a great day, with lots of lovely food and some great presents. Cling got trashed, we had a lovely time. Gerald bought me some stunning presents, and he loved all of his presents as well. Managed to sleep late today but I still feel wrecked. Some fool had left us an obscene message on Myspace yesterday which I didn't think was very pleasant considering it is meant to be the season of goodwill, some people are unbelievably nasty, but I try not to let it upset me, after all what goes around comes around.
I wonder what it's like out there in the shops today with all the sales, last Boxing Day we wanted to try and get to this really big mall, I tell you we couldn't even get on the motorway, it was just jammed, we just gave up and turned back. It seems that the true meaning of Boxing Day has been lost as well then, because it is just associated with sales and consumerism. Still ,we try not to buy into all of that, no pun intended, because Boxing day is actually our anniversary. We might go to this luxury cinema where the seats are like sofas and you can actually have proper food to snack on. I can just imagine sitting back and falling asleep for the duration of the film. We'll have to motivate ourselves now and try to feel normal again. That's the problem when you get wasted.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Not long to go

Christmas Eve is here, it won't go quickly enough for me because I have a big stocking now, full of pressies and I want to know what's inside, how greedy. It's quiet outside, you can hear a pin drop, I think loads of people are going away. My other sister called me from the airport yesterday, they are off to South Africa, they will be having their dinner outside in the sunshine. It must be exciting to fly off somewhere for the occasion. I am just grateful to have some time off actually, I've had enough of this year, it was hectic. Well, we just have to go and get some last minute provisions and that's it.
I bought a well known yoga publication and it is full of articles about losing weight and fashion. Is this what it's become, a fad so to speak? I was doing yoga long before it became a celebrity thing, in fact I have been practicing for about 10 years now, and I hate the way yoga is portrayed in the media as being some kind of keep fit exercise when it is so much more than that. Why does everything have to be turned into a money making machine?
Anyway, we have to go out and get some last minute supplies, Merry Christmas Everyone !!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

London Buzz

The fog has gone, left a grey sky as a reminder, but it has gone, at least people won't be stranded at the airport anymore, it must be very tiring and frustrating. One day I would like to go somewhere that has a really white Christmas, before the ice cap melts and there is no such thing anymore. There is a lovely atmosphere in London though, everyone seems to be enjoying the spirit of things, even people of different religions, everyone is getting into the buzz of buying presents and sending cards. The stunning buildings are adorned with sparkling lights, even Buckingham Palace has a couple of huge trees outside, twinkling away. If you take a walk into Knightsbridge the store windows are like works of art, it must be magical to be a kid and see such spectacles. The only thing I miss is the smell of a real tree, don't worry greenies, I would never have one myself, there are just certain things that remind you of your childhood. Like how unbearably exciting it was on Christmas Eve, so hard to go to sleep, then waking up really early and rushing to the tree to open all the presents, it was great. I still try to do that now, but Gerald always makes me wait till he's got up as well, teaches me the art of patience. I've just realised, I haven't got anything for Nyo, what do you get the lovebird who has everything ?

Friday, December 22, 2006


Hi everyone, this is my Mum's friend, her name is Marietta, she tries to carve out a living selling straw brooms and carries huge bundles of them on her back, mile after mile. I'm not sure where she lives exactly, she speaks very little English and my Ndebele isn't what it used to be, but once a month she comes to visit my mum, who gives her a meal, a cup of tea and some money to try and help. She is always so grateful to my mum and always tries to give a broom in return. Even though she has nothing, this poor old African lady is full of dignity and always smiling. You can always hear when Marietta is coming up the road because she sings, "brooms, brooms". Once Gerald thought it was some kind of strange bird approaching . The day I took this photo Marietta was so tired, she had been walking with this huge bundle all morning, but when she saw the camera her face broke into this broad grin and she was delighted, she has never forgotten me and still asks my mum how I am doing. It is incredible how people keep surviving, against all odds. Gerald said that going to Africa changed his perspective on life.If you see how poor people are there, they have literally nothing compared to us, yet they are grateful for what they do have and they never complain, they just accept. Marietta, I salute you!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fog and Aliens

Wow, you should see the fog outside, no wonder planes are grounded at Heathrow, we can't even see to the end of the road, this I have never experienced before, except one night when we were visiting someone in Kent and I could hardly drive. Now this is very exciting, imagine if you were in an old part of the East End, you would almost be able to imagine Scrooge jumping out from the mists. It seems to be getting worse as well because visibility has drastically reduced in the short time that we have been up. Perhaps I won't be able to go into London tonight. Perhaps the Aliens have arrived and we will all be swallowed up into the mist and whisked off to a place called Gliptonia. Someone has just parked outside and is playing loud bangra music, they have wrecked my illusions!
My dad said he saw a UFO once, well this was many years ago when he was driving at night, he was on a business trip and trying to get home to us. Bear in mind this was the middle of Africa where there are no military bases or anything. He said he looked up in the sky and saw a strange flash of light which was suspended in the air then it disappeared. I was too young to remember much else, but he wasn't the kind of person to make something like that up. Actually a few people used to report sightings along that road, Harare to Mutare, it was scary but fascinating.
Once in London I saw something strange in the sky with a friend of mine, but we were just accused of being wasted, that's the problem , no-one ever takes you seriously with stuff like that, they think you have an overactive imagination. The fog is thickening....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Dehli belly

Hi everyone, it's so misty today, it has been all night, before we went to bed you couldn't even see down the end of the street, I'm glad I wasn't driving last night. Watching a film about India last night reminded me of the times I have been there, I would like to go there with Gerald but I think his stomach is too sensitive. I'm not being funny, but it takes a couple of days for your body to adjust to the water and even if you drink bottled water, your food is still cooked in other water and it can make you terribly ill, that's what happened to me last time I went. If you're going to stay in a 4* hotel then I guess you'll be OK, I was on a kind of pilgrimage to a meditation retreat so I had to stay in this kind of ashram in Dehli for the first night, before catching a train for a 14 hr journey to Rajastan. At the time I was travelling it was the Kumba Mehla where thousands of people go and bathe in the Ganges, all the trains were full and we couldn't get a seat in first class, we had to go with the chickens in fourth class in the end. It was very exciting at first, but a few hours into the journey I began to feel sicker and sicker, like I had food poisoning or something, rushing for the loo, but the toilets in the train were just holes where you could see the track underneath. I never thought that journey would end, never thought I would make it to our destination because after the train journey we had a two hour bus ride into the mountains. So for the first two days I just lay in bed weak and half dead. It was worth it in the end though.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Woke up this morning and it was really frosty outside, just like winter is supposed to be. My shopping was relatively successful yesterday, so I don't have to get in a big panic, but I can't tell you what I bought for obvious reasons. I had a migraine yesterday, so I was incapacitated for a while, it is a horrible thing, I wish I didn't suffer with them, I have tried everything from reflexology to acupuncture, I don't get severe attacks now like I used to, but it still isn't pleasant. Any suggestions would be more than welcome.
Anyway yesterday I went to the phone store to get an upgrade for my phone, now I am not really one for phones, I don't really do much with them except talk and text, so I just chose a normal looking one which didn't cost me anything. Turns out to be like gadget of the year, there is everything on this phone and hours and hours of fun for me trying to find out how everything works. I'm really pleased with it, I even got a whole load of accessories to go with it, can't complain.
Gerald got me in to trouble in the health store, we were trying to choose some essential oils and wanted to smell various ones, he told me that one was a tester, so I opened it up and started sniffing, all of a sudden I heard a bellowing coming from the shop assistant, who was most disgruntled. Apparently they just leave bottles lying around but they are for sale only, well sorry next time I'll consult my crystal ball before touching anything, really some people are weird, how do you know if you like something if you can't even smell it? Those oils are quite expensive, are you just supposed to buy them and take a chance?
Today I will finish off my shopping and get it out the way, Gerald is going to help me tidy up the flat, are you jealous all you ladies out there, he really is a sweetheart.

Monday, December 18, 2006

A week to go

Hi everyone, a week to go before Christmas, am I in a panic yet, ask me after today when I have hit the shops, I hope there are some goodies left. Have just received some correspondence from various members of my family, everyone seems to be moving house, I think it's about time that the bug caught on. My cousin is going to Australia, lucky fish, it is supposed to be quite similar to Zimbabwe in climate and vegetation, I suppose it would be. It will be strange to go back to Bulawayo if she is not there, soon there won't be anyone left, but I suppose if my Mum comes back here there won't be any reason for me to go anyway, or will there? Perhaps I will miss it so much, I will return.
It's lovely in the evenings now with the tree and all the twinkling lights, we have candles burning everywhere and there is a lovely soft glow all around the flat. Makes you want to snuggle up on the sofa for hours. Managed to watch one film last night, but then I just passed out. Isn't it difficult to get up in the mornings in the winter? I just want to stay in bed where it's cosy. I bet you it's really cold up north where we stayed. Where is the snow, I want to know, we haven't seen any here in London for a few years now. By the way I didn't go carol singing after all, Gerald gave me a strange look when I mentioned it, as if it was very uncool and old fashioned, instead I worked on some songs. We also went for a lovely walk which I enjoyed, it was good to get out and clear the cobwebs. We stopped off at a shop on the way back and I ended up coming home with a broom of all things, ha ha, now I can go flying off to the moon.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


This is where Gerald and I went in Italy, the hill that you can see in the distance is the one that gave me the inspiration to write Abandoned. We actually climbed up to the top of it one day,there was an old church at the top called the Sanctuary of the Advocate. It was pretty much a last minute decision, we were having a strong espresso in the village below, Maori, and we were reading about the Sanctuary in a guide book. It was a Sunday and the beaches were packed with hundreds of people coming in from Naples so we decided to escape the crowds and set off with only a bunch of grapes and a bottle of water. Up and up we climbed in the searing heat, it was very tough going, we stopped at a few lovely little places. There was an ancient olive tree that we rested under and also a lovely little spring under some shady trees. As in so many places in Italy, there was a little altar by the water with a picture of the Virgin Mary and some candles, it was as if she was wishing us good fortune on our journey. We even got chased up a steep path by a man on his mule, he seemed to find it very amusing, although we couldn't understand what he was saying. Anyway, several hours later we reached the summit, totally exhausted. Our reward was the stunning views, and the lovely feeling of peace and tranquillity. So basically that's where all the lyrics from Abandoned came from, the day we went in search of the Sanctuary.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

What does Christmas mean now?

Can't wait for this evening, then I will be free for a few days just to do my thing and get ready for the celebrations. I'm secretly thinking of going carol singing, just to get in the mood. I think most people, myself included, have lost track of the true meaning of Christmas, I'm not even sure I know what it is. I think I will just make a conscious effort to be kind and considerate towards everyone, even those I have not particularly got on with. Might not be as easy as it sounds.
Sometimes I have such strange dreams, I wake up feeling confused and unable to even describe what they were about. Is this supposed to be a sign of my inner turmoil? When I was younger I used to go on astral dreams, I can still remember those vividly. I was always flying off somewhere, the places I went to were beautiful and there was always water around in some shape or form.
Nyo has woken up in a very bad mood today, she has shrieked constantly from the minute she opened her eyes, it's because I uncovered her and then left her in her cage and went back to bed to snooze, she wanted to come out straight away and now we are all paying the price!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Morning everyone, can you believe that it's Friday already? I've had some inspiration for some more lyrics for another new tune, so that's two on the horizon now, we love it! Sometimes when you don't get enough sleep you end up feeling queasy when you wake up. Nothing much happened yesterday anyway, except I had to take Gerald to the dentist, it seems that it is always one or the other that's there, we should take out shares. Apart from that, I saw that woman that I had problems with last week, I don't trust her at all now, I just want to keep away from her actually, I think if someone can be that paranoid and vindictive when they don't really know you, then they must have real problems somewhere along the line. I should let it go really, but every time I see her I just think to myself how ridiculous. Sometimes I have a long way to go spiritually, I will try to think better thoughts about her. I know I should be full of forgiveness and turning the other cheek and all that, it's very hard. This week I have eaten so many mince pies I'm beginning to feel like one, I can't wait to start having more festive fare, such as Xmas cake. It is the season of the office party, swarms of very loud , drunk , cheery people staggering around all over the place, you have to be very vigilant when you drive because they just fall out onto the road. Any old excuse to get run over I suppose!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lizard man

Someone asked me what Zimbabwe was like, this is a photo of a place called World's View in the Matopos National Park, it is where Cecil John Rhodes is buried. There was once an old park ranger who had an affinity with lizards, every afternoon at about 4.30 he would come to these rocks and start calling the lizards. They would literally pour out of the rocks and gather round him, before long there would be hundreds and hundreds, like a sea of lizards. This old man was very well known and tourists used to come from all over to see the spectacle, but when I took Gerald there, they told me the old man had died, perhaps he has been reincarnated as a lizard. So anyway, the view from up here is amazing, you really do feel that you are on top of the world and the panorama of the hills stretches before you as far as the eye can see. When I was growing up lots of people used to drive out here on New Year's Eve and stay until the sun rose, what a way to start the year!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Xmas Blues

If I could sleep for two days I would, I don't know if it's the time of year, but I just feel so worn out, still it could be worse, I could have loads of people coming round to my house on Christmas Day, that would be stress. Anyway, I'm sure I will get over it, everything will pass and I will be back to my usual self. The problem when you are a strong person is that everyone just expects you to be OK all the time, no-one ever stops to think if you can cope with a million things, they just all assume that you can. It's like my Mum, the other day on the phone she was singing the praises of my sister and how hard she works, I'm not saying that my sister doesn't work hard, it's just that I do everything that she does plus 10 times more, but my Mum never recognises that. It's like everything I do doesn't count, I might as well be invisible. Oh my God, I'm feeling sorry for myself now, how awful. Stop this immediately! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised and it's a good thing that others see me as being strong, all I'm saying is that I'm human too, am I not allowed to be vulnerable?
A clever fish always swims against the tide.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hello fans, I had an unexpected and very long trip into London yesterday which kind of threw out my plans for the day, but it had to be done, it was unavoidable. By the time I got home it was already 3.30pm. What else can I tell you? Our tree went up at last and now we are looking pretty festive in our little nest, red and gold is the theme this year, very traditional. Also stocked up on some lovely food, I bought a giant pannetone which I love, can't wait to get stuck into that, and some other goodies. So it will be just the two of us again, then on Boxing Day it will be four years since we got together, bring out the trumpets!
So today hopefully I can catch up on some singing, Dreamlab is waiting, well he's waited so long I'm sure he won't mind another day, at least over the festive season I have quite a bit of time off to relax and catch up with lots of things, but we still haven't decided what on earth to do on NYE, apart from go and watch the fireworks, what do we do after that. Whenever anyone asks me, I always say that we are going to Nude Year's Eve and you should see their faces, sideways glances as if they're not really sure if I'm telling the truth, it does sound like quite an event though. Time marches on and so must I.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Spare some kind thoughts

What a wet and dark day we have woken up to, I had a difficult day yesterday, in a pit full of snakes, but I survived and it made me stronger. Today, I have to try and get organised and go and do some shopping for the festive season, I have only bought one present so far and no idea of what else to get. I just hope that it's not too hectic out there, I'll have to protect myself from all the frantic energy. My cousin has her birthday a few days before Christmas, so she gets double presents, or if people are stingy, one present to cover both. I never really used to , but these days I am thinking of all the poor folks who will have a meagre Christmas, like the poor old pensioners in Zimbabwe, their plight is terrible. They have no money to keep up with an inflation rate of 2000%, many have to rely on church donations for food and now many are starting to commit suicide by drinking rat poison, or hanging themselves. My mother is one of the fortunate ones who can at least come over here, but many don't have that option. Imagine living to such an age and ending it all so tragically. So please spare a thought for the poor old grannies and grandpas in Zimbabwe, there is no such thing as state welfare over there.
Anyway, on a more cheerful note, Cling are doing a collaboration with Dreamlab, it is a song called Silver Skies, will keep you posted once it is finished, it will be available to listen to on their site and it will also be played on Internet radio.
Can you all spare a thought for my little lovebird Nyo, she had another seizure yesterday and we thought that we would lose her, I don't know how much longer the little creature will be with us, she recovered quickly and bit me on my nose, but it seems to be happening quite frequently now, I suppose she is just getting old, 12 years is a long time to have a little bird. She is shrieking now , as if to enforce what I am saying. OK, see you tomorrow everyone.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hi everyone, we woke up to our first real frost of the winter this morning, everything was crispy white. It is a lovely sunny day, very fresh. Our new tune is coming along, very catchy, it sort of stays in your head. I resolved those issues I was having with that person and I'm pleased to say that I learnt a lot from it. All of a sudden I realised how pathetic the whole thing was and I apologised for my part in it, it doesn't hurt to have a bit of humility sometimes, then she apologised and we shook hands like a couple of blokes and it's over. I don't know if we'll ever be best friends, but it sure makes life easier when there are no hard feelings. Life is too short. I suppose I do come across as being a bit arrogant sometimes, because I am quite well spoken and I have a long nose which everyone says I look down from, but I don't mean to be. If I think about it, I could have handled the situation a lot better, so I hope that if the situation ever arises again I can avoid all the nastiness. Life is a learning curve. Yesterday I bought some new crystals, I found another tiger's eye and a couple of other anti- negativity stones. I'm still hurting about that other tiger's eye pendant that I lost, I don't think I can ever replace it.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Save the animals

Flying in the face of adversity, that's what I'm doing at the moment. Someone is spreading malicious gossip about me and I'm not even there to defend myself, it probably wouldn't happen if I was there, the old saying that empty vessels make the most noise certainly rings true, still bad publicity is better than no publicity I suppose. It will be interesting to see what the outcome is. Doesn't stop my stomach from churning though, I could really do without all of this, my only consolation is that this person is deluded and making an absolute fool of themselves.
I was thinking of Zimbabwe today, how it has changed so much in some ways, yet the countryside is still as beautiful as ever. About 20 minutes from where my Mum lives is a national park, full of game and stunning scenery. I remember driving out there in the middle of the night once, it was a full moon and all the animals were going crazy, we even saw a black sable,which is very rare, galloping by the side of the road. I wonder what will happen to all the animals, whether they will all be wiped out by poachers or whether they will survive, it is very sad really. I remember once there was a severe drought and so many animals died, even really big animals like giraffes couldn't make it and my heart was so sore. Nature is tough enough without a load of humans interfering. Don't ask me what I think about Madonna's chinchilla coat either!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Careful what you ask for...

Someone up there is really having a laugh with me, I have a clash of the titans on my hands, dear oh dear. Some psychopathic elephant has got it into her head that I deliberately go round trying to wind people up, as if I have nothing better to do. If only people knew that half the time I am in another world anyway, thinking about tunes or something. Is she really so paranoid that she thinks I sit there and deliberately find ways to provoke her? Sometimes I wish I'd never decided to be more assertive, I think I've said this before, I'm being rewarded with all these difficult situations. I suppose it's how you react to them that is important, that is where the lesson lies, so bring it on. They say that God never gives you more than you can handle, so make me stronger.
Sorry this is short today, I need to get ready to go out and I haven't had much sleep, I'm surprised I had any at all. The icing on the cake last night was when I was driving home, I realised that I'd left my phone behind and I had to go all the way back and get it before someone ran off with it. It will be interesting to find out what happens today ....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

This was me and Gerald in front of that funny mirror thing in Chicago, near the millennium gardens, I can't remember what it's called. I love Chicago, it has such an exciting vibe, we went and saw some real blues music when we were there, it was such a stimulating place, even the buildings are interesting. I've had another traumatic day at the dentist, I had to come home and sleep. Gerald came with me today and was waiting for me when I came out, I didn't feel particularly attractive, the students thought it was very sweet that he came with me. I only have to return now after the festive season, something to look forward to. How do you associate all of that with pleasure? There has been a tornado in London, nowhere near us thankfully, loads of people are homeless, whatever next, I thought it was a bit windy and rainy, I must watch the news tonight. To think such havoc occured only a few miles away. I wish I didn't have to go out, I was so warm and snuggly underneath the duvet, sleeping away. Not very pleasant to be driving out there either. Must get our Christmas Tree up tomorrow, catch you later xx

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Persistence outweighs resistance, there is a problem with this site, but I was determined to get on it, especially now that my computer is running OK. I was really tired last night and I went to bed whilst Gerald was still in the middle of watching a film, which is very unusual for me.We will start recording the lyrics of our new tune today, I have finished most of them and I can start working on the next one. One of my favourite things is recording, you know when you have got it right because you go into another space and you are not really thinking about what you are doing, also you get a lovely glow in your solar plexus, let's hope I experience some of that today. Songs always used to take me so long to write, but generally I am getting quicker at it. Sometimes you have to force the creative process and not get stuck in the same patterns, try something different like singing in a way you don't normally sing. I always used to sing really low and then one day we were fooling around and I discovered I could sing really high notes. I find the time when I am most creative is when I am just about to go to bed, when I am going through everything that's happened during the day. I sometimes have to keep a pen and paper by the bed because words come to me in the middle of the night and other unusual times, like when I am doing yoga. I suppose any time when your mind is relaxed and open to the process. Creativity is life so it must come from the life force.
Before I end, I heard such a profound quotation the other day, which I must share with you, it has nothing to do with creativity, but I thought it was so good. "There is no such thing as an ugly woman , there are only happy women or unhappy women."

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Hi everyone, well my laptop is so fast today it is like another computer, I am stunned, why can't it work like this all the time? Is it just the winter that makes it so hard to get out of bed, or is it just because I'm tired? I could have slept on for at least another couple of hours.
Gerald has roused up so many subscribers to my blog now, I feel honoured. I was just thinking about Christmas and how it catches me unawares every year, I still haven't even bought one present yet, but everyone else seems to be in a frenzy. I was in the supermarket yesterday and already the queues are enormous, don't ask me why I always leave everything till the last minute.
In Africa you always know that it is December because the cicadas come out in the rainy season, we always used to call them Christmas beetles. It is still a magical time of year, despite being boiling hot, all the traditions are followed. After Christmas lunch though, we always used to go and jump in the pool and have a good swim, dreaming of what it would be like to have snow.
I don't know how much longer I will continue to eat chicken, I keep reading everywhere about the physiological impact of eating meat and it reminds me of why I stopped in the first place. All the pain and fear that the animal experiences is left in the meat and that's what we eat, that's why it supposedly makes you aggressive. Every time I look at Nyo, I feel guilty, not that there is much meat on her, only a mouthful, she is shrieking now, as if she knows what I am talking about.
Today I will be working on tunes, get my creative juices flowing. Bye for now.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Laptop out the window

Dear fans, this was nearly the end of my blogs, more computer problems and I was so fed up I just wanted to throw it out the window and go on strike. But we actually managed to fix the problem so it cheered me up and now all is forgotten. There's nothing worse than waking up, still tired, and getting all wound up by a piece of machinery. Give me a Valium!
I think we must put up our Christmas Tree and start getting all festive.By the way Cling are stuck for something to do on New Year's Eve does anyone know anything good going on in London, we like good music and dancing, we need to make a plan now.
The other day I decided I was going to be more assertive it's like the universe is having a laugh because over the last two days I have been presented with all theses awkward and difficult situations, where I've really had to be strong and stand up for myself, but you know what? the more you do it, the easier it gets, I knew I had it in me somewhere. I'm still reading that self help book and trying to apply what I learn.
Gerald finished that tune, so it is wicked, it is uptempo, but not your normal sort of dance track, I can't wait to find some lyrics from the depths of my brain. See, I have my work cut out for me after all. Bye for now xxx

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Hi everyone, it was very windy in the early hours of this morning, in fact it was blowing a gale and there are all sorts of things lying around on the road. Gerald wrote another tune last night, so that is something else for me to work on,whenever things get me down or someone is rotten to me, I try and remind myself that at least I can come home and sing and do music,at least I have a life.
I bought Nyo a new nest yesterday, she has become very terrirtorial over it already, although it has to be modified to her specifications, perhaps it will keep her quiet.
I have to go into London today, I have to toss a coin because I can't make up my mind whether to drive or go on the tube, mixed feelings, at least on the tube I know roughly when I am going to get there, traffic is more unpredictable.
I can't imagine what it would be like not to be able to drive, it must be quite strange, I suppose if you don't need a car then it's OK, I just think that driving gives you a lot of freedom and independence,I suppose because I grew up in a place where public transport doesn't exist, so it's a necessity to have a car.
My computer behaves more strangely every day, sometimes I wish I'd never bought it.Only three weeks till Christmas xxx

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Snow memories

Hi everyone, very quiet down our way today, I'm normally not here on a Saturday,you know what they say, variety is the spice of life. My sister sent me photos of a huge snowstorm that they had in Chicago, wow it looked unbelievable, I wonder if they went out and played in it. I actually quite like the snow, I find it very calming. I only ever went skiing once in my life, a miracle really because I am terrified of heights and can't balance on anything like rollerblades or rollerskates.Anyway, I got dumped in the beginner's class and was pretty much ok the first day, apart from overshooting the run and ending up buried in the forest.It was humiliating to see how quickly all the little toddlers picked it up. The next day our instructor decided we were ready to progress to a proper slope, this involved going on a ski lift, which had very little to hold onto, I felt sick with fear by the time we got to the top, then we were supposed to jump off at the end. Of course I lost my balance and went flying into the orderly queue, knocking everything over. The best part was getting down, I turned a corner and it was so steep that I lost my nerve completely and collapsed in the snow, I was crawling down on my hands and knees, much to the amusement of everyone who could see me from the ski lift. Eventually my instructor took pity on me and came back to give me a hand.Strangely enough, this experience didn't put me off at all and I actually did continue for a couple of days.
When I first met Gerald, we had quite a bit of snow here that winter and when he used to walk me home in the early hours of the morning, it used to be so beautiful because the snow would glisten in the moonlight, it was very romantic, my heart always used to wrench when we said goodnight and he had to return on his own.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Grr computers

I'm supposed to be on strike because my laptop is driving me mad, it takes so long to start up, it's worse than being on dial up and very, very irritating. Now Gerald says he will come and ring the helpline because he knows the jargon. Couldn't sleep because I was too hot so it makes me restless. As I speak we are waiting for technical support and Gerald is doing flamboyant dancing around the living room, making me giggle. Why do companies play such terrible music when they put you on hold?
Can you believe it is December already? We will be able to put our Christmas tree up soon, I love the festive season, all the food and the atmosphere. If I had a garden,I would fill it with the gaudiest display of lights ever, just to annoy the neighbours.
Gerald is speaking to the helpline now and it sounds a bit ominous to me, I'm glad I don't have to try and fix this, it sounds too complicated. I don't think I should be around when he does it.
Otherwise, it looks a bit wintry today, it is dark already. Thanks to all of you who are subscribing to my blog, I hope you find it entertaining, keep sending me lots of feedback. have a great day!