Monday, April 30, 2007


I must admit that it's very difficult to use a laptop whilst a lovebird is sitting on your knee. Nyo has decided to be affectionate and I am reluctant to chase her off. It does mean that I have to type at a funny angle though, I hope I don't end up with a sore neck like Gerald. Every evening for the last couple of weeks he has been complaining of a sore neck and then I have to massage tiger balm into it. Often I am so tired myself, I barely have the energy. I suggested that he gets on of those patches to see if it helps. So today is the day that we go back into the rehearsal studio, I like going there because we can make a hell of a noise. All of our preparations are going well now, Gerald has nearly finished the music for the whole set, so then it will be just a matter of practicing and polishing. I must figure out what I'm going to wear as well, I don't want to be in one of those situations where I am rushing around without a clue at the last minute.
Back to my fitness regime today as well, it is going to be hot today, I can feel it already, it's supposed to break all records for April. What about that earthquake in Kent the other day? Gerald's always telling me that they have extreme weather in Kent, but that's going a bit too far.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Monkey business

Hi everyone, I never expected our newspaper interview to cause such a stir, but it has in certain quarters and has already attracted some more interest for some live performances. Had a lovely, long lazy lie in today, even though I woke up quite early, I was just dozing in bed for a couple more hours, rewarding myself for running nearly every day this week.
My thoughts are drawn back to Mombasa today, we had a lovely room that had a balcony overlooking the sea, and I remember the sound of the wind as it blew in off the ocean, it kind of rattled the palms trees and they always made a soft, clattering sound, a bit like wooden chimes. From time to time the hotel was visited by a colony of very cheeky monkeys. They got up to all sorts of things because they were used to getting fed by all the tourists, big mistake. As they weren't really afraid of humans, they used to go on the rampage, stealing food and things. I even saw one going through a lady's handbag by the pool! Once a little baby monkey leaped onto our balcony whilst we were sitting there, he looked so cute that I foolishly gave him a biscuit and he had the audacity to actually follow me back inside the room itself, then when he left he decided to do a big poo on the balcony! I wasn't so keen on them after that!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Beautiful sunshine lights up the day. If I were a bird , I would fly so high, my heart would know no boundaries, my soul would be so pure and free. I would circle over the mountains, valleys and seas, content to just be me. I would watch life from way up high, see the giant clouds go rolling by as I head towards the rainbow. Closer and closer, I would go to my creator.

Friday, April 27, 2007

On the way to fame!

We made it into the paper, how funny, I managed to secure a copy this morning, and there we are in all our glory, ha ha! I wonder if any of our neighbours will twig on that it's us! The reporters didn't distort the truth either, I suppose you have to be mega famous for that to happen. I hope that we generate some more interest now, that will be great.
As I look out the window, the sky is grey with rain, we have been spoilt now with all the beautiful sunshine that we have been having. If it didn't rain so much, then England wouldn't be so green. That's the first thing I always notice when I return from somewhere. As the plane is on it's final approach, if I happen to glance out the window I am always struck by how green the countryside looks and how neat it is, it seems that it's all divided into tidy squares.
A sharp contrast to Bulawayo, where I come from. The bush always looks quite brown and dry, except if it's been raining. There is only one landing strip and it feels like you are going to come down in the bush itself. After that, it's like being transported back in time as the aircraft taxis towards the old colonial style buildings. It's a bit like Yin and Yang!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Where is the paper?

Now we are waiting for the paper again, we are on high alert to grab it before anyone else. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life was when my cousin and I were at the funfair. We were on this ride and we were fooling around, pretending to be scared and pulling the most awful faces, quite grotesque. Little did we know that we'd been snapped by the local paper and the next day there we were, front page, our faces contorted in the most awful expressions. The reporter wrote something like " the terror and excitement of the funfair is shown in these two girl's faces.." I remember feeling absolutely mortified that the whole town had seen us exposed with such hideous grimaces, but our families thought it was great. Well, I suppose any publicity is better than none at all.
So it's about a month now since I started my fitness regime and the benefits are that I am stronger and have more stamina, physically as well as mentally. I think there's a lot to be said for the old saying, a healthy body is a healthy mind. I do feel a lot better within myself, it doesn't take that long to build up your fitness and at least running is free!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What next?

Hi everyone, if you missed my blog over the last couple of days it's because MySpace was playing up, better luck today. Nyo has developed the naughty habit of flying onto the new sofas because she knows it will get her loads of attention.
Spent a long time talking to my mum yesterday, I felt she was lonely and missing her sister. It seems the older I get, the more family secrets come out the closet. Apparently when my aunt was still at school she used to get very upset on the way home because they had to walk past a graveyard. It transpires that she could see spirits and things which understandably used to freak her out. She used to see them everywhere and always said that you should never look in a mirror at night because you would not be alone in the reflection. As she became older she used to see things less and less, but my mum said that underneath the surface she was always troubled by it. When my aunt first got ill, she went into a deep depression and now I'm wondering whether she started seeing things again that she didn't want to. Who knows? I must admit that I was surprised to hear all of this, I have always been very attuned to that sort of thing and when I was a child I was very psychic, my Mum was always asking me to predict things, but I always thought that it came from my Dad's side of the family as my paternal grandmother was a spiritualist. She also used to have a bird, a parrot, one day I stuck a pen through his cage and he grabbed it out my hand and ate it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don't waste water

What an exhilerating day we had yesterday, by the end of it we just collapsed in the living room and eventually crawled into bed. This morning I couldn't manage to get up early again , I just turned off the alarm and went back to sleep, how lazy! I will go for a little run though when Gerald goes out, I'm begining to find it addictive now, I've got to the stage where I feel guilty if I don't do it.
We went grocery shopping whilst we were hungry and boy did we end up with loads of stuff, I hope we can get through it all. I hate to waste food because I think of all those poor people in Africa that can't even afford more than one meal a day and it doesn't seem right. I'm always trying to conserve water as well, I can't stand it when people waste water, like when they clean their teeth and leave the tap running for the entire time. It must be because when I was small there was always water rationing if there wasn't enough rainfall. I remember one year there was such a bad drought that all the animals were dying in the bush, it was so sad, and when we had a bath, the water couldn't be more than a couple of inches deep. Everyone had big drums in their garden to catch the rainwater if it did rain, for if you didn't have a borehole there was no way that you could water your garden. At school we were always taught how to conserve water and treat it like a precious commodity.
Saw a bit of an interesting programme the other night, this guy had to survive out in the wild on his own and he was eating raw scorpions and the like, he said they were full of protein, but tasted quite bitter, honestly the things people do for a bit of publicity!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Two left feet

I got up early this morning and went running. I was surprised at how disciplined I could be considering all I wanted to do was stay in our lovely bed and rest. Now I feel like it's time for a siesta. Wasn't it great when you were a kid, there were even mid-morning naps. And there was nothing like an afternoon thunderstorm to get you all snuggled up inside, especially when the sky turned black and you could smell the rain coming!
Speaking of rain, I can hear evidence of it outside now, it's making me dozy. I have to get ready now to go to the rehearsal studio, I'm looking forward to it actually, I like practicing, it reminds me of when I used to dance and we had to go through our routines for hours and hours.
Once my cousin and I were on stage, we were performing at a small club, everything was going fine until we looked at each other, started giggling, and both forgot what we were meant to be doing. We made such a hash out of the whole affair, it was so embarrassing, but at the same time hilarious, we must have looked like a couple of clumsy buffoons. At the end of the show, we asked the club's owner if he wanted us to return the following week and he said no, he didn't think so. Fortunately,not all our appearances were so disastrous.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pressure creates diamonds

I missed doing my blog yesterday because I overslept and by the time I did wake up, we had to rush over to North London on the road from hell, if you live in London I am talking about the North Circular, you will know what I mean! Today is the London Marathon, maybe one day I will be fit enough to get out there and do it. I went outside a little while ago and it is baking hot, guess there's going to be a lot of sweaty people around. 26 miles is a long way, I do admire people who can accomplish such things, no easy feat.
Good news is that you can now purchase our tracks directly from our MySpace page, that was a pleasant discovery when we got up. As for the saga with the paper, we have deduced that the people who live downstairs must have taken it. They have never been interested in it in the whole time that we have lived here, now all of a sudden , just because we are going to be in it, they seem to have developed a penchant for all the free papers. This is a potential disaster, we will have to lie in wait for it, or leave a note on our door requesting a few copies. Gerald got hold of a current issue when he saw someone delivering them in another part of town. There was no music section in it this week which means we will be in next week's. The worst thing is that I was under the misconception that you could buy it in the shops, you can't.
Pressure creates diamonds, I think it is an expression that we heard in a film recently, I remind myself of it now when things appear tough. Success doesn't come easy. I find it more a mental thing than anything else. Like when I'm running, I have to keep telling myself that I can do it, I have to see myself completing it.
Have a wonderful day.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Lady Luck

I can't believe it, that paper still hasn't arrived yet, on the one week that we really want to see it, I don't understand because it's always delivered as regular as clockwork. Is it just because we might be in it?
The strangest people I have ever come across are gamblers, when they're winning they're all smiles, but as soon as their luck changes, they blame everyone and everything except themselves. They must be angry with themselves for throwing their money down the drain, but they don't see it. They seem to go into casinos with the misconception that they can actually win, hello!!! Greed is an ugly thing and gambling is one of the worst addictions I have ever seen, so destructive. I think I'll just stick to buying a lottery ticket every now and again.
Some people say that life is a gamble, I suppose it is in a way, but I am more inclined to think that we create our own destiny and it's all down to the choices that we make. Does gambling have anything to do with luck, or is it all timing and decisions?
This week has flown by, sometimes I feel like I'm in a time warp where life just keeps moving faster and faster! In the early hours of this morning, I happened to glance out the window and I was struck by how beautiful the spring blossom looked on all the trees.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Still thinking of a storyline for our video, I'm starting to get an inkling of what it should be about. Apart from that, it is business as usual. We might be in the local paper today, it is a free paper that normally comes through the door by now, but today just because we want it to, it's not here yet. I might have to go and actually buy a copy from down the road if my patience doesn't hold out. It will be interesting to see what they've said about us. It will be the first time I've been in the paper in England. If our story isn't in it today, then we have to wait until it comes out next week.
I have the overwhelming urge to swim with dolphins, it has somehow been on my mind. I must make a connection with these beautiful creatures. I want to know what it's like to touch them and play in the water with them, I think it would be deeply healing and spiritual. I know someone who has done it in Cuba and someone else in the Bahamas. Speaking of the sea and of fish, I was interested to read in National Geo that the world's seas have been plundered so much that even fish like tuna are in danger of becoming extinct. For all our intelligence, human beings have done a terrific job of completely messing up the earth and everything in it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Be happy

Could have slept on for ages today, we had an interesting meeting last night with our video man, but I sort of have to start again with my ideas because my original ones would be impossible to do without loads of special effects and a huge budget. Oh well, at least I can never say that I'm bored or that I have nothing to do, that is one complaint that will never pass my lips. I think that we spend so much time moaning about everything, that it blocks us from doing positive things for ourselves. Over the last week or so I've realised how important it is to have good health and for that I am grateful. I wouldn't be able to do half the things I do now if I was ill in any way and I do take a lot for granted in my life, I should appreciate things more. As the old saying goes, once you've had something and lost it, it's worse than never having it in the first place.
So I won't see Gerald at all today as he is out and about, leaving me to my own devices, well I have plenty to do to keep myself busy and I have to psyche myself up to go running, I'm going a little bit further each time.....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hey, where is the sun today, come back. Gerald wants to sunbathe in the park again whilst I go running. Yesterday was our first session in the rehearsal studio, it went quite well actually, it's just a matter of getting used to everything, and like the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. At least we haven't left everything till the last minute. What I really need to sort out as well is my stage outfit, where do I start? I would like something a bit flamboyant, but at the same time it has to be practical.
Once I entered a modelling competition and I wanted a dress that was really unusual, so I engaged the services of a dress designer who had her own small business. We came up with the craziest idea for a dress and ended up making it. It was a sheer black concoction with a huge shark fin shape coming out above the one shoulder. It was so hard to design that in the end the material had to be stretched over a metal frame that had been welded around my body. We had a real problem finding a welder and ended up with some guy from the undertaker's! At last the dress was finished, we called it 'Bulanio', I did wear it in the competition, I was runner- up. I do have some old photographs of me wearing it, but I can't show you as they are not digital. Once I had to take 'Bulanio' to South Africa, I couldn't put her in my case and it caused such a rumpus trying to get through the x-ray machine. My mum still has 'Bulanio', the fin is now bent and it is a bit worse for wear!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Free Soul

Today my poor Aunt will be laid to rest. I would like to remember her when she was young and strong, she was such a beautiful woman , absolutely stunning, she reminded many people of a 1950's film star. I suppose some would say that she led an ideal life up until her illness, she never really had to work, but was very much a socialite and indulged herself in floral art and cake making. She was always immaculately dressed in beautiful clothes, even first thing in the morning! She loved to be pampered and every Friday she would get dressed in her smartest clothes and drive off to town to the hairdresser's.
As a mother, my aunt was always very strict with my cousin, it was always my uncle that we would try and wangle things out of. I was always a bit scared of her temper, once she chased my cousin and me down the road, we had been getting on her nerves and I was amazed at how much energy she had! Valerie loved my Mum to pieces and was very kind to our family, we never left her home empty-handed. She also had a soft spot for stray animals, she would pick them up on the side of the road and give them a home, at on stage there was quite a collection of dogs and cats at her house.
Then there are all the little things I remember about her, like her funny laugh and the way her hands were exactly the same shape as mine and my mum's. The taste of the tomato sandwiches she would make for our lunch, the way she used to rev the car in the mornings, how she loved to watch TV, so many things that were unique to her.
I wish that I could be there to pay my respect and say goodbye, but as my cousin said, we lost her a long time ago. It all ended like one of those tragic 1950's dramas .......

Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's happening

Don't think we'll be spending much time indoors today because the weather is gorgeous. Unfortunately we have to head off and do some mundane things as well. Ever since we got back from hols, I haven't been able to bring myself to go to the supermarket, instead we have been doing what French people do and just buying what we need everyday, but now the novelty is wearing off and we keep forgetting vital items, the cupboards are bare and so we must battle, in an undignified way, amongst the hordes of Sunday supermarket shoppers . We are also meant to be meeting someone with a view to making a video. London has a great atmosphere when the weather is hot, there is a lot of greenery and so many beautiful parks where you can go and chill out.
I'm sure I have witnessed global warming myself since I have been living in London. When I first came here the winters used to be so freezing and bitter. I remember my first winter here, I used to cry every night when I got into bed because I was so cold.Even when the heating was on, I would get into bed with layers of clothes. In the end I couldn't bear it and I got on a plane on Xmas Day and went back home to the heat for a few months, those were the days! Now the winters seem milder, we're lucky if you even see snow and the summers are unbelievably hot. I'm sure it's not my imagination either, it could well be that my body has just got used to the cooler climate, but many English people say the same thing. I can't help but feel that every day the world is changing more rapidly, like a catalyst that gains momentum and moves faster and faster towards it's fate. These are interesting times that we are witnessing.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bye Bye Aunty Valerie

Hi again everyone, I missed writing my blog yesterday because my Aunty Valerie passed away after a long and terrible illness and I was caught up in trying to communicate with all my family, scattered all over the world. I was very heart sore as well because we used to be a close family and it feels as if a part of our lives has just gone. Anyway, the body is just a shell, I suppose her soul is flying free now and she doesn't have to suffer anymore, for that I am grateful.
Went for an early morning run today, it is a gorgeous morning, warm and sunny. So many people were out running, it seems to be a good time to go. Still managed to get chased by an Asian man with a bald head and no teeth, he looked like Uncle Fester! I enquired as to why he was chasing me around and he told me not to worry, that I jog quite fast and he wanted to see if he could keep up with me. I have become used to bizarre things happening to me, so I didn't really think much of it, I wonder if he would have done the same if Gerald had been there!
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, it's the Grand National today, I am actually backing a horse, but the odds are 50/1! You never know!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Music Biz

How did I end up with such a strange creature for a pet? Nyo has become so clingy (no pun intended) that she can't let me sit down without coming to settle on my knee. If I try to get her off then she starts biting me and digs her claws in. Makes it difficult to write as I have to turn my head at an angle and it will give me a sore neck!
There was talk on the news the other night about the state of the music biz because so many people are downloading songs illegally, for free. I can understand why people do it, but at the same time it makes it really difficult for the average artist to make a living. If we all stopped making music then what a mundane world it would be, think how much joy and pleasure a song can give. And if the smaller independent bands can't make it, then the market will just be dominated again by the bands that the big labels want you to hear, rather than the bands of your choice. So it's a bit of a vicious circle.
Anyway, to change the subject completely, I have come to the conclusion that the best sleeping aid ever invented was television. Since I am not watching in the evenings at the moment, I am able to stay awake until the early hours. It must just make you completely brain dead!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Snakes & Yours

Hi everyone, my laptop is driving me mad today, why does it always play up when I'm really busy and I have loads of things to do? Maybe it is trying to teach me a lesson in patience. Have just brewed a lovely cup pf Kenya coffee, it was about the only thing we brought back with us, and as I sip it I can imagine the lovely sun and the warmth of Africa.
I overcame my fear of snakes a little bit whilst I was there. Every evening the hotel would throw on some entertainment and the one evening it was a Snake Show. They had all these reptiles that they passed round for the audience to participate in, first of all I was stroking all the little snakes that Gerald was letting slither all over him, and the next thing I knew I had a rock python around my neck! I realised what beautiful creatures they actually are and just touching one got rid of a lot of my fear. I'm not saying that I want to rush out and buy one, but I actually quite like them now, well let's say I've developed a healthy respect for them. I still can't guarantee that I won't run a mile if I see them in the bush again! Let me tell you, I saw a few trembling guys that evening as well, but I'm glad we went because things like that teach people that some creatures aren't so bad after all.
'Yours' is now available for download, here is the link, enjoy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Slideshow of Mombasa

Thought you might like to see our memories of Mombasa, enjoy!
Back to work for a lot of people today, it's always hard to return after a long weekend. Next week we are starting to practice in the rehearsal studio which will be very interesting, having never heard myself sing at such a loud volume. I was running yesterday again in the park, I'm getting more used to it now, once you go through the pain barrier , it actually becomes quite pleasant. Sometimes the most difficult thing is to make the decision and actually get out the door and do it. I guess the same thing could be said about life, the hardest part is deciding exactly what you want to do, after that it becomes easy.
'Yours' will be available for download later on today or tomorrow, so we will keep you posted on that. We have to hang around today as well because these guys from the local paper said they were going to call us and do an interview, I hope that they are reliable because I've told everyone now!
Heard from my cousin at last, she went to live in Australia and says that she loves it.My family is truly scatterd all over the world, I don't think we could live any further from each other now.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Back to reality

Hi everyone, we can't stop falling asleep really early, can't even make it past midnight anymore, I don't think a week is long enough to be on holiday because your body needs time to adjust to relaxing. Let's go back and do it properly.
Yesterday we went for a walk in the country, it was very pleasant indeed, it was a beautiful day. We went to this old disused railway track which isn't too far away from us, it had quite a magical atmosphere, it was like stepping back in time, you could almost imagine the old trains meandering along the tracks. We walked past a sea of bluebells in the forest and everywhere the blossom was out, with the promise of the summer. We sat on an old bridge and looked out over a tiny village that had a church on the hillside, it was very English, could have been written for a guide book. We even took a flask of tea with us and some sandwiches!
Just waiting for our landlord to come over, he is a very strange man, very suspicious of everything, I try to be nice to him, but on a couple of occasions he has really wound me up and I've ended up having such a go at him. He doesn't like Nyo either, so I always have to put her in another room.
Still running and practicing like crazy. Have a great day!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Congratulations Competition Winners

Happy Easter everyone, don't gorge out on too many Easter Eggs!
Our competition is now closed, the correct answer was a traditional Arabic dhow, from my blog written 5/04/07.
Congratulations to the four winners, the link for 'Yours' is in your mailbox as I write, any problems, send us a message:
Robert from London
Robert from Ontario, Canada
Liz from West Virginia USA
Jamie from Louisiana USA
The lady standing with me in the photo is called Stella, she has a fruit stall on the beach. I used to buy coconuts from her and every day when she saw us on the beach, she would come running up to us to say hello. When business was over and twilight was falling, I would watch Stella pulling her heavy cart of fruit across the sands. She told me that she had three children at home to support. There is such a difference between the plastic Africa inside the luxury hotels and the real Africa outside. Yet no matter what their hardships, The African people are always smiling, that's what I love about them. Anyway, the reason why I'm writing about Stella is because when I left, I gave her some stuff that I didn't need anymore, including the famous MySpace pink bikini! How funny that it should end up there and I must admit that Stella looked a bit bewildered when she saw it, as if to say what on earth am I going to do with this!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Competition and more stories

Every morning on the beach , the tide would go right out towards the coral reef, leaving a collection of tide pools that needed to be explored. We set off one morning and these two fellows attached themselves to us, we didn't really want guides, but once again they were so friendly and found us so many interesting creatures to see that by the end of the walk we had warmed to them completely, Gerald even gave them an armful of vests! The creature that you can see in the photo is a sea urchin, they have one eye that moves around in all directions and apparently they are luminous at night. I had the fortune to stand on one of them, it was like standing on a porcupine, I have only removed the last spine from my foot yesterday, it was so sore. I don't know how we would have negotiated our way round the pools without our friends because there was lots of treacherous , sharp coral around too, but they seemed to know the right way to go. They took great delight in finding us loads of other interesting specimens to look at, like sea anemones, living conch shells, sand crabs, sea cucumbers and numerous other little fishes. By the time we had finished , we had ended up spending the whole morning out there, returning all sweaty and limping!!
OK folks, here is our competition question, the first five correct answers win a free download of 'Yours'. We will announce all the winners tomorrow.
What kind of boat did we sail on to Wasini Island?
Good luck xx

Friday, April 06, 2007

Bamburi Beach

This was a very familiar scene on the beach outside our hotel, we never got to ride on the camels, we did ask one guy, but he wanted to charge us some over-inflated tourist price. The camels lived at the end of the very long and colourful beach, every day the vendors would be there, selling their wares. The first time we ventured out on the beach, we were caught unawares, we had just arrived at the hotel, got quickly changed and went down to have a look. We got heavily bombarded from all directions from people selling everything from safaris to bracelets, it was so funny, we didn't know which way to turn, and the thing was that the people are so pleasant and friendly, you couldn't be abrupt to them and they in turn wouldn't take no for an answer. This happened every time we went down on the beach, we very rarely had a romantic walk alone, we used to joke about it with all the vendors. Towards the end of our time there, they got to know us and just used to chat with us. When the tide came in at the end of the afternoon, the water used to come right up and the vendors all packed up and went home, this was the time when I would get into the warm ocean and play around in the waves.
Look out for our competition question tomorrow, you could win a free download of 'Yours'.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Wasini Island

Hi everyone, this is one of my favourite pics from our holiday. We were on an island after a morning of snorkeling at a reef in the middle of the ocean. In the distance you can see the mainland, we had set sail on a traditional Arabic dhow earlier in the morning. It was the first time that Gerald had ever been snorkeling and our friendly crew were fantastic, they really took care of him and showed him everything. Apart from the myriad of tropical fish that is so common in the Indian ocean, I saw a beautiful turtle gently gliding on it's way, it was very shy and wouldn't allow me to get too close before it went down into the deep blue. After our first snorkel, we had a little storm, we all got quite wet and the boat was rocking violently from side to side, I decided the best thing would be to get back in the water again for another look around and by the time we had finished the skies were clear again. Originally we had gone on the trip because it is very common to see wild dolphins and sometimes you can swim with them, but it wasn't to be our fortune on that day, apparently they hadn't been spotted for three days. I wasn't disappointed though because the things that we did see more than made up for it.
So when we arrived at the island, called Wasini, we had a walk through the bush before arriving at our destination, a thatched oasis of calm and tranquility. We were served the most fantastic lunch by singing Swahili ladies, we feasted on fresh, giant crab claws and coconut rice amongst other delicacies, one of the most delicious meals I have ever set eyes on. Afterwards we escaped from the other guests and went and found our own little private bench overlooking the sea and there we sat and let the warm energy of Africa seep through our bones.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

We're back

Hi everyone , I have lots to tell you about Mombasa, we just had the best time ever and I have so many wonderful memories, I can't believe that we are back because it felt like we had been there forever. Nyo is so well, she was happy to see us and not at all subdued, I was happy to see her as well. She hasn't stopped shrieking since we came home!
It was wonderful to be in Africa again, there's just something about the sun and the energy, it's as if nowhere else exists. The warm waters of the Indian Ocean were healing in so many ways, there were a few occasions where it took my breath away with it's beauty, I was ready to wade out beyond the waves and surrender to the ocean, I found it that hypnotic.
On our last night there, the moon was full and low and reflecting off the water, the sea became a sparkly silver and then later on merged with the sky and it was as if the whole world had turned silver, it was an amazing spectacle.
So much more to share with you, I will continue tomorrow ....