Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The day is mine

Morning, it's a bit chilly, just after we all stopped wearing our winter coats, then Scotland got covered in snow and we are feeling the after- effects. I have a few days to rest and gather my thoughts, put things into perspective and get stronger. Not because of the weather but because we have both been working really hard and sometimes you just need to chill out. It's like diving for pearls in the ocean, sometimes you've just got to surface and breathe.
It's Gerald's birthday over the weekend and it would be lovely to get out of London, but we are scheduled to film our video as well, so we can't go very far. I would love to go to a spa and just have massages and treatments all day, but my birthday is only in July!
I have to write an exam today, I am not looking forward to it, especially since I think I fluffed the last one. I will have to overcome my trepidation, it's no use dwelling on the past after all. Apart from that, the day is mine to make the most of.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cling News

Great news folks, our Live Versions Cd/ Download is now available on iTunes, eMusic and all other major download sites:

We are also scheduled to film the video for Beyond your Dreams this week which will be a perfect accompaniment for the Cd.

Working hard on our live set, this is one thing that we felt needed a lot of improvement. Gerald now has an Akai APC 40 performance controller, which we will use to make our set live, in the true sense of the word. It has opened up endless possibilities for some exciting performances!

We are also working on new material, we have three very unusual songs that we would like to share with you.

Thanks for all your encouragement and support folks!
Best Wishes
Cling xxxx

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Be good to yourself

I am slowly coming to learn the importance of being kind to yourself and looking after yourself and not necessarily from a perspective of vanity. For example you might think that I look after myself as I go running and do yoga etc etc, but quite often I skip meals and then end up with headaches. Gerald once pointed out to me that I wouldn't let anyone I cared about go off to work without eating, so why do it to myself? So yesterday I conducted an experiment. The simple act of going for a coffee and a piece of cake in the middle of my studies set about a snowball of good feelings. So I decided to be kinder to me from now on and attract better things.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The end is nigh

The night before last, Gerald choked in his sleep and it was the scariest thing ever, partly because we were fast asleep and it was pitch black. I was running around in the dark trying to switch the light on, fortunately Gerald started to breathe again otherwise it could have turned nasty, but we were both a bit shocked by the experience, so was Coco who took ages to get back on the bed with us again.
Anyway yesterday I took advantage of the sunny weather and spent the most part of the morning in the garden, there is a hope of spring in the air now. My mum is off to Madeira in a couple of weeks , I hope it is alright thereafter all those landslides.
Someone was talking the other day of those people who used to walk around with sandwich boards that said "The end of the world is nigh", you never see them anymore, is that because we are close now to the end? With all the natural disasters and global unrest it seems that way, the prophecies are coming true.
Gotta go, just burnt my hot cross buns on the toaster!!