Saturday, September 30, 2006


Last night it rained so hard that it woke me up and I was actually quite scared so I closed the window, I've never heard rain like that in England. It was a strange night's sleep really, I had some funny dreams and I kept waking up, I normally just go out like a light and that's it. Perhaps it was because I was lazy before I went to bed, I normally rewind the day's events in my head and I find that this clears the mind.
So the weekend has arrived and we will attempt to do all those things we missed out on last time. I think our landlord is coming over as well, he wants us to renew our lease, but instead of just posting it to us he insists on coming round, like he thinks we are up to something, I don't know what. Maybe he thinks we are living here with 10 other people or something, strange fellow, anyway what can you do?
Humans are funny creatures, there is that link to E Music on our site, you can get 25 free downloads, so I mentioned it to someone and they became so suspicious, like I was trying to con them or something, quite ridiculous, you offer someone something for nothing and they can't believe it, yet they are quite prepared to download music by unscrupulous means themselves, unbelievable.
There is a family of stray cats, they live in someone's front garden down the road and every time I try to report it to the RSPCA I get some recorded message where I can't even speak to anyone, but I feel so sorry for the little creatures, if I had a garden, I would just adopt them all.
Enough of my ramblings hope you all have a great weekend.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday Ramblings

Hi from London, another grey day awaits us, last couple of days of September , I suppose it's going to start getting colder now. I think that my worst fault is procrastination, I'm always putting things off and then they prey on my mind until I do something about them. It would be much wiser to sort things out as they come along. Have to go on the underground today, I quite like it as I take my MP3 player and just chill for the entire journey, no I won't forget to protect myself either. Just looking outside now, these clouds are getting ominous, it's almost completely dark and it 's quite freaky.
One of the strangest things I've ever experienced was an eclipse of the sun, it was in London about 7 years ago and I just thought it was really eerie because for a couple of minutes there was this strange silence, even the birds stopped singing.
I have been doing some research about the place we are going to stay at in Yorkshire and it is where all the James Herriot films were made, it also has a reputation for raining a lot, at least we have all the right gear for it.
So Friday is here again, for all of you going out for a blast tonight, don't forget when you're going for it on the dancefloor, one day very soon, it may very well be a Cling tune that you're dancing to. Have fun, catch you later.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Veggie or not

I can't believe it, I just wrote out a blog and then accidently deleted the whole thing, how is that possible? Anyway, I was saying that it was a bit overcast today and I had to get up early because I have to buy one of my friends a birthday present. She is the sweetest, loveliest woman ever, and I'm never sure what to get her, I go through the same dilemma every year.
My hair has grown really long now and I must decide what to do with it, Gerald says that he prefers it long and I guess I do as well , it gives me something to fiddle with when I am thinking about something. Is there a reason though, why men always prefer long hair?
I was a veggie for about 6 years, very strict and then last year I stared to eat a little bit of fish and now this year it has progressed to chicken as well. I loved being a veggie, I used to cook the most amazing things, but you need the time to cook properly and imaginatively for yourself, in order to get enough protein. I never used to take supplements or anything, which I think is where I went wrong. Maybe soon I will stop eating meat again, I still feel a bit guilty tucking into a bit of chicken with Nyo shrieking away. I love food, it is one of life's greatest pleasures, as I said to my mum, if you can't have decent food, your life isn't worth living.
I have had a sneak preview of what's brewing in the Cling cauldron and I couldn't stop dancing. Definitely something to look forward to. Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The perils of pit bulls

Woke up really late today, must have needed the sleep, I called Gerald to find out how he was and I screamed down the phone in a silly voice, forgetting that he was in the middle of an appointment.
Was just reading about all these attacks on people by vicious dogs. My mum inherited a pit bull terrier from one of her boyfriends, this dog is like an old prehistoric monster, she is fiercely protective of my mum and won't let anyone near her. Once my mum went out and the dog decided to guard the front door, Gerald and I were trapped outside, too scared to walk past her,as every time we approached she growled nastily. In fact she has even gone for me a couple of times when my mum was there. The problem with these kind of dogs is that they are bad tempered and can just turn at any second. Another time there was a power failure and we had to roam around the house with candles. Of course the dog thought something was up, obviously thought we were a couple of burglars, and every time we walked down the passage she came flying out the door, eyes glowing like some horror movie, really scary and I'm not even one to be frightened by dogs. Needless to say, my mum has never had any problem with intruders since she's had the thing, everyone is terrified of it.
I must confess, I was bitten by a dog when I was a kid, I still have the long scar on my thigh, it was a doberman, and to this day I am very wary of those kind of dogs.
Anyway, enough of that, Gerald the sonic wizard was working on some tunes last night, what is bubbling away in Cling's cauldron now, I can't wait to find out. Bye for now xxx

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Coincidence or something else?

Hi everyone, before I forget to mention, we have a new guestbook on our website, if anyone would like to sign it, check it out . I always think of loads of things to write for the blog and then when it actually comes to writing, I always forget. Yesterday two bizarre things occurred, I was thinking about my sister and whether she'd received a present from me and almost immediately she sent me a text to say that she'd got it. The second thing was that I was saying to Gerald how I'd have to get my car checked before our trip and I received a letter from the dealer inviting me to get my car inspected for free. So you see, the cynics will say that it was just coincidences, but I say it was something else. Those kind of things happen to all of us all the time, yet how many of us see the magic?
Another beautiful day in London. At night now it is starting to get a bit nippy, but the days are still gorgeous and warm. Nyo flew into the kitchen to have a shower today, it is the first time she has done so since growing her wing back, she is nearly back to her old self now, poor little bird, she has had a terrible summer.

Monday, September 25, 2006

What a weekend, we didn't end up doing anything that we planned, in fact it was one of those days where I should have just stayed in bed. Fear is a weed that will choke you if you are not careful. It must be the most negative emotion. My reaction to fear is always anger and then I find myself getting locked into it, very difficult to break out of and very de-motivating. One of the perils of being human I suppose. You have to look after yourself mentally as well as physically.
Last week there was this program on the telly about this group of people trekking through the dense jungle in South America, I watched it because one of the participants was a girl I used to work with. Anyway, their whole journey was so treacherous and dangerous, they had to swim through rivers infested with snakes and piranhas, the jungle was full of tarantulas and other awful creatures and it just rained constantly. I just thought it would be amazing to do something like that , because it is the ultimate challenge, you have to face all your fears and conquer them otherwise you just don't survive. And you must feel so euphoric when you complete the journey, you must really grow as a person. So Amber, if you ever read this I take my hat off to you.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sometimes I think I am too sensitive for this world, I think it would be better to be a bird or a tree. Gerald always says creativity is a gift and a curse, the curse is one's sensitivity to others and then how one reacts. Maybe it has something to do with my star sign, cancer, waxing and waning to the influence of the moon.
I am reading another Carlos Castanada book, I find them very interesting, very deep insights and different ways of looking at things. It gives one a perspective on the world of a shaman.
I have always had the feeling that my spirit guide is a native American Indian with very piercing blue eyes, I see him so clearly in my mind.
Gerald has this old tape of shaman drumming which is supposed to put you in a trance so you go on a journey. Anyway, we decided to try it out one day, well, I don't know what was wrong with me, maybe I was trying too hard, but I think I just ended up falling asleep and feeling very disgruntled. It is something I would like to try again and persevere with . Sometimes when I meditate I go off to other places so I do believe it is possible. Enough ramblings for today, to be continued..

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Look after yourself

Hi everyone, woke up today feeling like I'd been out dancing all night. By the time the weekend comes , I end up feeling shattered. I think it is always important to take time out for yourself to make yourself feel special, even if it's just going for a coffee or buying yourself something. It's so important to take care of yourself, especially if you are busy or your life centres around others. If you value yourself and respect yourself, then others will do the same. Even doing something like a blog is very therapeutic as it frees your mind of clutter, especially if you do it when you wake up. Gerald always goes on myspace when he wakes up to answer all the messages etc.
Is it my imagination or is time just going really quickly, it's only a matter of weeks before Xmas and then the year's up. So what is Cling up to this weekend? Lots of mischievous things, will keep you all posted. If you are in the UK , enjoy the fantastic weather, it's like summer all over again.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Interesting Times

Raining at last, after the oppressive heat, there is nothing more comforting than falling asleep to the sound of rain. Poor Gerald got a nasty nip from Nyo when he said good morning to her, not a very pleasant way to wake up, perhaps she was getting revenge for yesterday.
Have you ever looked up at the moon on a clear night, it looks so close, yet so mysterious. It seems incredible that soon there will be the first space tourists. If I had a few million I would definitely be on one of those trips, it seems that everything we used to dream about is now a reality. Which brings me back you what I was waffling on about the other day, the power of thoughts. So will the collective consciousness of man eventually lead the earth into self destruction? Look all around you, doesn't it seem as if all the doomsday prophecies are coming true, and according to the Mayans we only have a few years left. We live in fascinating times.
Cling news- soon the lyrics to our songs will be available to read on our website and don't forget you can still have a free download of Slipping Away OTD remix, available from our myspace page, Bye from Cling, see you tomorrow

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Clinging Bones

Could be forgiven for thinking it's summer again, it is warm today, about 27 degrees. Gerald went out and forgot to open the windows in the living room, so by the time I got up little Nyo was sweltering in her cage, however she didn't seem that bothered and is flying around happily now. We have some time off in October and we are trying to decide where to go. When you get outside of London, the countryside is so beautiful, it wasn't till I met Gerald that I started to explore England and we have been to some pretty amazing places. I think I have a soft spot for Cornwall with it's rugged coastline and stunning beaches. Any recommendations?
Don't forget to vote for us on Music Promotion Train We need your votes,to stay at No 1.
There is a lot of talk in the press about models being too thin, yes it does look unsightly when people are skin and bones. I have been trying to put weight on for ages. I eat healthily, like a horse sometimes, and I do try to take care of myself, but I just seem to stay the same size. I must just have a fast metabolism, it's not that I set out to starve myself or anything. So small people do have weight issues as well. But I definitely think that those celebrities who starve themselves and live on 2 peas for lunch are idiotic. Why hurt yourself like that?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mother Earth

Careful what you write, you never know who is going to read your blog. I washed my car yesterday so it is guaranteed to rain, the winds are getting very blustery now as a hurricane heads towards the UK, this is according to the weather report. I find the force of nature very fascinating, I can understand why people go around chasing tornados, although it must be very scary if you are caught in the middle of it. When Gerald and I went to Tobago last year we arrived a day after the tip of a hurricane had swept the island. The whole of the beach where we were staying had been displaced by the winds and in the forest there were many giant trees that had just been tossed around like twigs. It makes you realise how small and insignificant humans are. When you think of how much destruction and suffering man causes, it is not surprising that the earth wants revenge. Perhaps it will be an intersting topic for a song.
The Cling promotion continues, we are still no.1 on music promo train.We love you,keep on Clinging!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Can you help Cling?

Greetings,another beautiful morning in London. I'm sure when I first came to the UK it used to be a lot colder than it is now, perhaps global warming is unfolding before our eyes. Anyway, I'm not complaining, rather be hot than cold. Can anyone help Cling, we need to make a video for our new track and we are quite interested in animation, also we need some new photos, so if you are in the UK and can help in any way, please let us know. Cling is still leading the way on Music Promotion Train, with 41% of the votes, Thanks for your support and keep voting for us!

Today Cling will be doing normal everyday things like grocery shopping. Gerald is still busy with all his promotions as well. I noticed last week when I went shopping , all the Xmas goodies were on the shelves already, I was tempted to get some mince pies, but then we will be sick of them by the time Xmas comes. It never ceases to amaze me how much excess food people buy just for that one day, once we even saw people fighting over a bag of brussel sprouts, how ridiculous. So what will we be putting in our trolley today? Lots of fruit, veg and little delicacies. See you tomorrow Clingers xxx

Monday, September 18, 2006

Clinging on Monday

Hi everyone, energy is a fascinating thing, the energy of a thought can be very powerful, that's why I wish I could follow my own advice and not get caught up in negative thinking patterns. Have you ever noticed how one negative thought attracts more and more, before you know it, the whole world is your enemy? I feel that tremendous self discipline is the only answer, you have to be strong to turn those thoughts around and not get locked into them. Very easy to say, I am the worst culprit. In fact, the way my mother talks about me sometimes, you would swear I was quite villainous. I can be very moody, but I do snap out of it pretty quickly, I don't like confrontation or bad vibes, what's the point?

On a lighter note, I keep remembering another incident that happened with my cousin when we were traveling around Zimbabwe. We were staying in a chalet in a National Park and when we went out for dinner, we made the mistake of leaving our bedroom light on. Needless to say, by the time we returned the whole room was smothered in moths, they covered every imaginable surface, we stood there mouths aghast. We decided to turn off the light to get rid of them and we were almost suffocated by thousands of beating wings. We managed to find it quite hilarious, but not so my cousin's friend who was visiting from England. It was the final straw in a long series of misadventures and he refused to sleep inside, instead he slept in the car and demanded to be taken back to civilization the very next day!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday thoughts

Before I start, thanks yummi99 for your comment, it's great that people are viewing the blogs. Well today is a beautiful day for getting out and about. I tried to go shopping in London yesterday, but everything I tried on just didn't have that Cling thing. Whenever I'm on the Underground I always make a conscious effort to protect myself- you can pick up so much strange energy in places like that. I just imagine a pyramid of light around myself and always sit with my feet and arms crossed in some way. I also use reiki symbols, I have been a healer for about seven years, I mainly just practice on friends and family. But if you ever wonder why you feel stressed when you have been on public transport or anywhere where there are loads of people, you could be picking up other people's energy.

Cling is No 1 on The Music Promotion Train, thanks to all who voted for us.

I'll never forget the day when we were writing Abandoned, we looked outside and there was the most beautiful rainbow, and the same thing happened when Gerald was mastering it. I like to think that there is so much magic going on around us , if only we could open our eyes more and see it.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

weekend clinging

Woke up with a nasty headache, I hope it is not migraine. Matters are not helped by the incessant shrieking of our littlte darling lovebird whose name is Nyoni. I have had her for 12 years now and she is very tame in her own fashion. In fact,if you listen very closely on all our songs, you can hear Nyo subliminally in the background I'm sure. Now it is the weekend we can do something relaxing like go for a walk in the country. My mum has nearly been gone a week now and it feels like she was never here in the first place. Time is a strange illusion. Deeper meaning is progressing well and I can't wait to sing on it.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Spiders on Friday

Greetings fans, feeling a bit bleary eyed this morning, not even a shower can jolt me from this stupor. Last night just before we went to bed I saw this tiny spider hanging from the ceiling, Gerald says that you see loads in September, I said that it was good luck to see one. I wouldn't say that if I was in Africa and I came across one of those rainspiders. they are bright pink and the size of a tennis ball at least. They have long legs and can move like lighning. The problem is that they are very agressive and will actually go for you. I was camping with my cousin once and we left an outside lantern on by our tent, this attracted so many rainspiders that we were too scared to even approach them, we did what we normally do when confronted with such creatures, we ran like crazy, screaming like a couple of hysterical hyenas. So really, these English spiders aren't scary at all. Friday already, looking forward to the weekend.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Deeper meaning

Gerald has started the music now for Deeper Meaning, this is a song that was written when we first got together, but we decided to do a different version as the lyrics are so mystical and it suits our style. I must admit, what he has done so far sounds very amazing indeed, even if I say so myself. Where does creativity come from, it is impossible for me to say,it is a wonder. On a more practical note I have just got a call from the dental institute to remind me that I have some treatment starting, enough to send shivers down my spine. Whenever I go to the dentist I always want to laugh when they are peering in my mouth,how undignified. It was raining all night, I love to go to sleep to the sound of the rain, however I was awoken by chainsaws and banging again, never mind, it's all character building!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cling on Tuesday

Was awoken today by the noise of screaming machinery coming from next door, perhaps Gerald could sample it for some interesting sounds. After having a cold for three weeks I was finally able to start singing again , I would recommend it to anyone who needs to let go of some tension, very therapeutic. Of course Minotaur says I wasn't singing nice songs, but I was only doing my exercises, silly creature. I watched the sunrise this morning, the sky was a vivid pink as the light stared to shine through. I was really listening closely to the birds as they started their morning chorus, it seemed like they were all talking to each other. I love that time of day, it is so peaceful and the world seems so fresh. My mother is back in Africa, after staying with us for three months.No matter what happens in that place, something in me always wants to go back, it must be the pull of Mother Earth. Who knows where we will end up, the movie of life goes on, without waiting for anyone.