Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I have finally stopped wearing my braces now and for the first time in my life I have straight teeth.
My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. I would certainly recommend orthodontics as there is minimal pain involved, at it's worse it is uncomfortable.
We have been working on some exciting new material, it has quite a dub step influence, but with a Cling twist. I tried a new style of writing lyrics, I just stood in front of the mic and let it all flow out, I just sang the things that came into my head, and I had such fun, it was kind of liberating to feel such creativity flowing , without the confines of any structure, it appealed to the wildness in me.
Plus I'm always more creative when I'm a little bit on edge, sometimes when life runs smoothly it can make you too complacent.
Was in London yesterday afternoon with Gerald, walking down Oxford Street. Was it my imagination or did it seem less busy than I ever remember it? There seemed to be lots of empty buildings around and lots of shops closing. Evidence of recession?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

One door closes....

Life is full of surprises, never take anything for granted as it can just change overnight. I try to see change as something positive and challenging, even if it is a bit scary. It makes you realise what is precious to you and makes you search deep inside yourself to become stronger. It's easy to become complacent and maybe it's just the universe's way of helping you change direction and lead you out of something stagnant, or something that is no good for your soul. I hope I can remember my own words of advice when things get a bit rocky.!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drummers and bass players wanted

Hi everyone, I got the day off to a healthy start by going for an energising run on the country roads, followed by some tidying up of the garden. Even though I spent a couple of hours bagging up leaves etc, it still doesn't look like I was ever out there. I suppose I should do a little bit everyday. I like to be outside, touching the earth, you soon forget about the cold and I find it helps me relax and sort things out in my head. I bought some lovely wind chimes the other day, they are quite Japanese in design, wooden , with a moving bird on top. Now when we go to sleep at night we can hear them clattering gently by our window. The other night poor Gerald had to go out in the middle of a storm,it was so violent that the wind was howling and I thought that the chimes would snap, so I asked him to go and rescue them for me. He was so sweet, he didn't even complain.
It's been a strange week really, it's like we are in limbo at the moment waiting for everything. We are currently searching for a bass player and a drummer to join us for live performances. If you are reading this and are interested, send us a message. You must be 21+ and live in London area, and preferably have some experience.
Have to go out now and do some shopping! Happy Days!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I've been recording some vocals this week, we've had some equipment hitches so it wasn't as straightforward as it sounds, no pun intended. I'm still waiting for the famous letter, despite going to all the effort of chasing it up and being told that it was on it's way.
We have a sign on our door that says no cold calling, but still people insist on ringing the doorbell when I'm trying to sleep and invariably they are trying to sell something. Can't they read or what?
It's quite annoying.
I happened to be driving through the forest in the early hours, it was all misty and I saw loads of deer grazing by the side of the road. I thought one was going to run out in front of the car, he looked quite young with spindly Bambi type legs, very cute, I had to slow right down which gave me the opportunity to have a good look at him, then he ran off away from the road so I was pleased.
The sky has clouded over, gun metal grey, looks like we're in for a rainy afternoon! I got the gas bill today and I was too scared to look at it, Gerald had to stand next to me to catch me if I fainted.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank you all you talented people!!

Thank you all you talented people!!
Current mood: inspired

Hey everyone, we finally finished judging the remix contest! We have sent the list of winners and runners up to DJ Puzzle and he will announce them soon. Thanks a lot to everyone who entered. It was actually a very difficult task , because apart from getting a lot more entries than we expected, there were so many good ones and you could tell that a lot of people had put loads of time and effort into it. Thanks again to all of you cos you helped make it a great success and something that we would consider doing again in the future!
This week is rather taxing as I'm waiting for an important letter and of course it hasn't arrived yet. I also managed to have a confrontation with someone who was meant to be my friend in the middle of a major power cut! And of course there was the big freeze which didn't help. I am now longing for warm seas and tropical islands. Is there such a thing as the January Blues?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Well, we've been delayed with the video now, there have been some problems which need to be sorted out, so hopefully , fingers crossed, all the issues will be resolved. the problem with being a perfectionist is that you want everything to be perfect and not everyone sees it that way.
It's been a difficult week as Gerald has been really ill and I have been doing my best to look after him! not to mention the weather, I have never experienced such coldness in my life! When I came home in the early hours this morning it was -4 !!
Yesterday a thick, freezing fog descended on the forest and you could barely see a few feet in front of you. I must admit it was quite picturesque and very wintry, not that it helped much with driving because when I tried to clear the windscreen, it all just froze up. Wonderful!
Someone mentioned that tonight is going to be even colder, I haven't been able to get out running all week because the pavements are just frozen over with treacherous black ice, but I might go today, it looks like it's melted a bit now.
One of my friends had the misfortune of a blown gas main in their road and they had no heating or hot water for days, I couldn't imagine a worse nightmare.
Have a safe and warm weekend xxx

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The video is finished!

Today I saw my uncle for the first time in over 7 years. He is my mum's half brother and has a successful business in Cape Town. I was at odds with him a couple of years back because of some family issues and because I was being over protective about my Mum. I learned a very big lesson, never interfere in anything unless someone asks you to. I felt bad when I saw him today and wish I hadn't been so hot headed. My mum was tearful when he left, he is limping from an operation and has aged a little bit. It's quite sad that my family is spread out all over the world, the only advantage is that I can get to visit them in places that I might never have been otherwise.
Tomorrow I am going to see the neurologist about my headaches and migraines. Apparently there are many new treatments available. Gerald says he is going to come with me again. I hope I don't get the giggles like last time. I was being examined by a very stern and serious doctor and started to giggle uncontrollably, I was trying to disguise it and the doctor thought I was distressed and kept telling me to relax!
Bigger news tomorrow and more importantly, the video is finished and we are going to go and view it! I can't wait!!

Friday, January 02, 2009

What a night!

Hi everyone and Happy New Year to you all, Gerald and I had the best time ever, we went to a HedKandi party and danced our way into the New Year. In fact we just danced solidly for a few hours. It's got to be the coldest NYE I've ever spent out, I had to meet Gerald up in London and I was waiting for him in Holborn Station where the icy wind was ripping through the entrance like a Siberian gale. After some time, I spotted Gerald making his way through the throngs of merrymakers,but we still had to continue to our destination. I think I should mention that because it was NYE and we were going to a club , I foolishly decided to dress up in a variation of one of my stage outfits, so I was wearing 6inch heels, not the wisest of choice when one is walking around everywhere, especially down steep subways and the like. Plus we didn't have clue where we were going and it was impossible for me to walk quickly, so we were literally freezing our bums off. All that changed however once we were inside the club and started dancing. It was a funky little venue, quite small and not overcrowded, we found a good place to dance and that was it for the next few hours, until I could no longer ignore the searing pains in my thighs and feet from those killer boots. Gerald also had a big blister on his foot because he had decided to come out in new shoes, so we looked a sorry sight as we staggered out of the club, he was limping and I was teetering, and we had to contend with the awful cold again. Even though it was some obscure hour of the morning, the tube was still packed like rush hour and my next remarkable feat was to jump onto a crowded train, across a huge gap between the train and the platform, as the doors were closing, I remember swaying wildly and Gerald almost pulling me on. The journey went quite smoothly, until we were two stops away from home, the train lurched to a halt and the driver informed us that there were people on the tracks ahead and that all power would be shut down till the idiots were removed, so we had no idea how long we were going to be stuck there, by this time I was bursting for the loo as well, couldn't believe it. Eventually got on our way again, no taxis to take us home from the station, so we had to walk. Unfortunately this entails going up a very steep hill, we must have looked a sorry sight, Gerald was hunched over, shivering and limping, and I was shuffling along in minute steps, very tall and erect like a robot! What should have been a ten minute walk took us half an hour, I was so pleased when we stumbled through the front door of our home, sweet home!