Thursday, November 30, 2006

I don't want flu

Hi Everyone, the good news is that my sister was very understanding about the situation with my Mum so I'm glad I made her an ally, good move, I don't feel so bad about it knowing she is on my side, they are probably praying for us, well I don't mind, the more positive thoughts coming our way the better.
Don't tell Gerald, but my chest is really sore, I hope I'm not getting what he had , this would be bad news for our tunes, especially because as soon as the new lyrics are ready we want to record them. Gerald suggested that I write sexy lyrics whey hey, what do you all think about that?
I had my hair cut yesterday and sitting next to me in the salon was this young guy with short spiky hair, I got the fright of my life when he started speaking because it was actually a girl, appearances can be so deceiving. I love the energy of the hairdresser's actually, it is very vibrant and the staff are always flamboyant. Gone are the days when your neck got really strained whilst having your hair washed, now you have massage chairs and neck braces, it's like the ultra pampering experience.
Nyo has taken to shredding whole newspapers in one setting, it keeps her occupied, but there is a tremendous mess to clear up afterwards. I'm surprised she hasn't got lead poisoning after all these years. I should really post a photo of Nyo on here so you can all see what she looks like.
Just waiting for Gerald to come back, I might go and meet him at the shops.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Can I be a lotus?

Don't families just drive you mad sometimes? Mine does and I just end up so annoyed half the time. It's hard to ignore when they make plans all around you and then just expect you to say oh lovely and fit in with it all , it makes me carry around a lot of resentment sometimes. Maybe it is because I am the youngest and everyone still thinks that they can order me around. Well if I don't make them understand soon , I will just blow up and then there really will be some problems. I have to get my point across tactfully somehow.
So anyway I mustn't get caught up in the negative thinking cycle , I must rather look at ways to resolve things, the best thing to do is to get my sister on my side because she is very good at handling difficult situations.
The words of my meditation teacher come into my mind, he always used to say think of yourself as a lotus flower, they grow in the mud, yet they are full of beauty and are detached and free. I think I must go and ponder on the deeper aspects of this.
Very exciting news, within the next few days the two versions of Haunt You will be available for download on It's About Music. Of course we will keep you posted.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


For anyone who is feeling really stressed out, force yourself to do some form of exercise.Yoga is the one for me as it seems to work on another level as well. The experience that I had yesterday was that I became a victim of my own negativity, and no matter how I tried to talk myself out of it, nothing was happening, even the short term fix of shopping didn't make me feel any better. I thought about doing some yoga, but kept putting it off, this is how the ego works against you, it wants you to dwell on your problems that haven't even happened yet. Eventually, I did start practicing the asanas and by the time I'd worked through all of them, my mind was clear and detached from everything and I just felt so relaxed and peaceful. I've always found yoga to be a moving meditation which is why it works for me, but there are different horses for different courses.
Cling is pleased to announce that you can download our tunes from many sites now, including Sony and HMV. Check out our MySpace page for details
Gerald is still ill, we think it is flu, he is still managing to drag himself to the computer to do some promotion, and as for me, I am working on some lyrics. Have a good day, Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Mothers and Madonna

Morning everyone, it's nice to be inside because it is quite cold and wintry outside. I was proud of myself yesterday because I encountered the ugly one from next door twice and I managed to restrain myself from saying anything at all to her, I just gave her a disdainful look, and that's fine with me, as long as they leave us alone I will just ignore them. And if they start any more crap, no pun intended, we will just call the police.
Watched Madonna's Confessions concert on TV last night, she still puts on one hell of a show, she is a true professional, and no matter what people think of her voice, you can't fault her performance, she always has such amazing dancers and sets, I thought it was really good. I would have thought that studying Kabbalah for so long would have sorted out her issues with the Catholic Church by now re: crucifix scene. It's always good to be a bit controversial though. Once Gerald and I made a video of one of our songs, which no-one has ever seen by the way, and I was doing a dance routine, I have to giggle because compared to what I saw last night it is hilarious.
My mother is stressing me out, I really need to get some things straight with her before she comes back here, it's like her and my sister make all these plans and then Gerald and I are supposed to just fit in with everyone, well hello this is our home and they should respect that, she is not going to come here and expect us to live how she wants, she should be the one who adapts to the way we live. I couldn't even sleep last night because she stresses me out so much. It's not that I don't want to help her, but she has a very domineering and stubborn personality and it seems that our feelings about the subject haven't been taken into consideration at all. So the subject has to be brought up next time I speak to her. Poor Gerald is still to ill to go and teach, he will stay at home and I will cuddle him all day.xxxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Hi everyone, at last I have a day off to chill out and write some lyrics for our new tune. This is a photo of my little dog that lives with my Mum in Zimbabwe. He is just the cutest thing, with the loveliest temperament I have ever encountered in a dog. Sometimes I really miss him, I did make enquiries as to whether I could bring him to the UK, but I couldn't be so cruel as to put him into quarantine for 6 months, it would break my heart. I got him from the animal shelter in the first place because my Mum wanted a dog, but he became so attached to me that he wouldn't leave my side and that's the way he still is whenever I go home. I don't know why I am missing him so much today.

Gerald still has this mysterious illness, guys are stubborn when they're ill, they never want to lie in bed, but for the first time since we have been together, he has returned there, he seems to be getting worse, at least he is not dripping with fever. He should really go to the doctor.

We are in the middle of a gigantic storm with hailstones and everything, I love the energy of storms, I find them very exciting. I always used to freak my dad out when I was young because I would never get out of the swimming pool when there were these huge electric storms, I didn't understand that I could die, the water used to feel so lovely and warm compared to the air outside. After the storms, our pool would be full of all manner of creatures, then I would freak him out even more because I would just pick up poisonous snakes and toss them nonchalantly into the garden, it's amazing when you are a kid, you don't have a fear of anything, just curiosity, that's probably why I was never bitten. I can't even see a snake now and I will run a mile. I think the worst thing that ever happened to me whilst swimming was when I got out the pool one day and sat on a wasp, it was so sore and my bum was black and blue for days!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Feverish Saturday

Morning Clingers, not feeling so annoyed anymore with the neighbours, managed to restrain myself and not retaliate or anything. My poor love is still hot with fever, I can't imagine what he has contracted, but he bravely carries on with his promotion etc. Actually, I was listening to Haunt You on the underground and I could see it all happening on stage, with dancers and everything. Next year we will definitely go out and perform , we are just going to work on some new material so that we have enough songs.
This week has been really strange because I haven't paid any attention to the things I normally do, but I feel as if I've been traumatised, who wouldn't with all the visits to the dentist and all the hassles from next door. I haven't even phoned my Mum, she must be worried about me, I did try once, but the phone lines aren't what they used to be and I couldn't get through.
Gale force winds are supposed to rip through London today, I can hear it outside already, apparently it's because we have had the warmest autumn for ages and it has caused hurricane conditions.
Can anyone tell me why people eat on the underground? For a start it is so dirty, why would you want all that filth near your food, secondly it's very annoying to smell and thirdly people don't exactly look attractive when they eat, why would you want everyone to see your appalling table manners, I think it should be banned like smoking was. eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life, so it should be done in pleasant surroundings and enjoyed properly.
See you tomorrow everyone, have a great day!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Guess what the filthy neighbours have done now?

Had rather an unpleasant evening because when I was leaving to go into London the obnoxious savages who live next door had kindly left us a nice package of one of their babies diapers full of shit. When I returned it to them, their daughter came home and threw it back into our drive again, I wasn't here, but Gerald confronted them again, told them what filth they were, can you imagine bringing up your children to be so malicious and vile, if I wasn't so angry, I would probably be so upset that people could behave like this. It's not even as if we have had anything to do with them, they just keep trying to provoke us and then insult us when we react. I know what I feel like doing, but I can't stoop to their level as much as I would like to retaliate. It just makes me so angry that scum could do such a thing. Just goes to show that even if people drive beamers, it doesn't make them educated, these neighbours should just go back to the uncivilised, wretched hovels where they originated from. And now I am sick of them living in my head rent free , but what goes around comes around, so they will get their just deserts, we don't even have to do anything. I suppose I feel a bit better for getting some of it off my chest, I think I'll go and listen to Haunt You to cheer myself up.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Call the undertaker

Call the undertaker, Gerald is burning up with a fever and was screaming in his sleep when i came home last night. there seems to be a nasty thing going around at the moment. Last night I lost my Tiger's eye pendant, I am gutted because it was my favourite piece of jewellery and it belonged to my mother, I think it fell off my chain when I got out of my car, but when I went back to look for it, the streets were so dark and it was raining, so I couldn't find it. I suppose that I should look at it philosophically and say that if I am meant to find it again I will. I had a crystal once that I kept losing, but it always used to turn up in strange places. I should just surrender to the universe.
Never mind that, I have to go back to the dentist and surrender to the trauma. my mouth has just recovered from the bruising of two days ago. Better fly, I have to get ready, xxx.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Viva la Cling

Apologies to all those who missed my blog yesterday, I was being traumatised by the dentist and came home a shivering wreck, I had to get into bed with Gerald,who was recovering from his sedation too, and we slept for most of the day. The best thing is that I have to return tomorrow afternoon to have it all done again, I'll just scream for more painkillers if it gets too unbearable.
Nyo is giving me a headache, I think she is in a bad mood because I woke up late and she has been in her cage all morning. Then Gerald came home with cuts and bruises, he said he fell over, well I thought Minotaur was meant to be looking after him, that creature is useless sometimes. As for Yasmi, well he just twirls all day.
Have had some good feedback from our new tune, the majority of people really love it, of course you get the normal critics who give their opinion on what they would have done better, that just goes with the territory, but it does amuse me sometimes, I feel like writing back and saying go on, let's have a listen to what you can do then. Some unknown critic even told us that one of our songs might be a "minor hit", it did make me giggle. Enough from me now, I have to get on with all my chores and try to wake up a little bit. Viva la CLING.

Monday, November 20, 2006

If looks could kill

Hi everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. I ended up with a migraine yesterday, but I managed to stop it in time and it didn't debilitate me like they used to so ,I was able to carry on as normal.
I saw someone that I have been having a stupid feud with for nearly a year now. As soon as she saw me, she gave me the most evil look ever, her hard face was almost choked with hatred and she immediately started gossiping about me with another person who I get the impression doesn't exactly like me either. So this is the kind of atmosphere I had to deal with all day. It makes me laugh, because when the incident happened that caused the feud, she was actually in the wrong but got really annoyed with me for pointing it out to her. I don't feel the need to apologise to her because she shouldn't have put me in that position in the first place and what's more, she tried to drop me in the shit and complained about me, but it all backfired on her and I ended up in a better position, that's why she's hurting. The problem with me is that I am too easygoing and people think they can walk all over me, also I am a bit of a coward because I should just confront her face to face and sort it out once and for all, we actually used to be quite friendly. Maybe I'll send her a Christmas card, as Gerald says I should feel sorry for her because if she has nothing better to do after all this time, she obviously has some issues, or else she is very insecure and unhappy, go on Susi, feel sorry for her. Have to take my lovely Gerald to the dentist today, he is going to be sedated, lucky, that's what I needed yesterday. Catch you later...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday finds Gerald busy promoting the new track, people seem to really like it so far and indeed it is a fine song. Yesterday I saw someone who bought our Sonic Spells cd and she said that she listens to it every day, which I thought was fab, it is a great compliment to know that people keep listening again and again.
Feeling lazy today, I wouldn't mind going back to bed actually and just chilling out , but duty calls and I can't relax until tomorrow. In a minute I will jump in the shower and wake myself up and get ready for the drive into London. It is very difficult to find parking in central London on a Sunday because now all the shops seem to be open, but I am reluctant to go on the tube. I was coming home last night at about 9pm and the trains were packed like it was rush hour and I just can't stand being squashed like a sardine in those smelly carriages, being the weekend as well there are loads of drunk people out partying and throwing up all over the place, it's not a pleasant experience at all. It's far more pleasant to listen to some nice tunes, so here is our link again, and I'll catch up with you tomorrow,

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Haunt You Trance Remix

Hi everyone, it's a very exciting day as you can now listen to Haunt You Trance Remix, just visit our page on myspace and let us know what you think. Someone wants to use it already to open a radio show , so have a listen and enjoy. get your dancing boots on.
Does anyone know about dreams, I had a funny one this time, I was with my sister and Gerald, we were driving in a car, trying to reach the other side of a mountain. We came to a bridge that was flooded with brown rainwater, impossible to cross. My sister didn't want to go any further and I became really annoyed and returned on foot to try and find a way over, but the sides of the river bank on the other side were just too steep. Eventually, I did see a possibility, but then the alarm woke me up.
Yesterday afternoon it rained and rained like there was no tomorrow, I thought the tube station was going to be flooded, it all of a sudden turned really cold as well and it was a very brisk walk home, it's always lovely to come inside when the heating is on and it's all comforting and cosy. I don't know how anyone could live without central heating, I wouldn't survive, I would go back to Africa.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Say humbug to the PCs

Yes it's Friday already, still trying to wake up after a few hour's sleep.Gerald and I are looking for something to do over New Year's Eve, we asked a couple of people on My Space but nothing has been forthcoming so far, if anyone has any ideas, then let us know, we are quite happy to entertain you as well, a specially select Cling gig to see in the New Year could be arranged.
I love this time of year, the way there is so much excitement building up and the shops are just full of beautiful things, never mind the lovely food. It's good to know that we haven't been stopped from celebrating Christmas by all these politically correct imbeciles, heaven forbid we should offend anyone , we'll just let everyone offend us and lose our culture, where do these fools get off? They should go somewhere where people are really suppressed and intimidated then they would have something to moan about.
The wind is blowing a gale, nothing like in Yorkshire when it was whistling down the Dales and it was like being in a tornado. talking about storms, my mum said there was a massive thunderstorm in Bulawayo the other night, there were hailstones the size of golf balls and she said that it was so terrifying she felt like screaming. Well at least they can't say that they haven't had any rain. Unfortunately my time is up and I must get ready to go out now, have a good day everyone.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Disaster zone

What a day yesterday, I think I was very ungrounded to say the least, I just had one mishap after the other. First of all I had excruciating pains, I 'm sure it is my sciatic nerve, the only thing that helped me was doing yoga and even then I was screaming whilst doing the postures. In the afternoon I felt a bit tired and thought I would have a siesta, somehow I managed to slam my finger in the door and now my thumb is all black, well I was screaming in pain then too let me tell you, I had to do emergency healing and all, it was so painful, in fact it still is. After that it was just minor disasters, it took me about an hour to iron something that should only have taken 10 mins and then I showed up somewhere an hour late, I was meant to be there at 9.30, but thought I had to be there at 10.30, it was so embarrassing because I was even late for the 10.30. I just had to calm down after that, and try and sort my mind out, I truly believe that we attract all these things toward us with our thoughts, so I just had to do something about it. I made it home anyway, tired as anything. Now this morning it is wet and grey, but still not really that cold, but Nyo is in a rancid mood with her persistent shrieking. I'm trying to do this typing course on line and since I started doing it my typing has become very inaccurate, I spend more time than ever correcting my mistakes, I'm sure it will get better over time. When I left school I refused to do a secretarial course, lots of people did, just to learn how to type and stuff, I just thought it sounded so boring I never bothered, not that I ever needed it anyway. It's funny, you grow up and everything in your life seems so normal and then you look back in a few years and you think to yourself that indeed you had a very strange upbringing . One of the strangest things about my mother is that she never used to like my friends coming over to stay, it was awful because I used to go and stay at their houses all the time and I could never return the favour. Once I invited my friend over and we decided to have a midnight feast and my mum went mad and called my friend's parents the next day to take her home, I was mortified and couldn't for the life of me work out what it was all about. That's why I'm glad in a way that I don't have any babies, because you just end up passing all your crap onto them. I'm sure lots of people would disagree, but that's the way I feel .

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Do you believe in ghosts?

Hi there, woke up to glorious sunshine today after a restless sleep with many disturbing dreams, the kind of confusing dreams where you are being chased by people , but you don't really know who or why. I guess only the subconscious knows what's up.
The other night a bizarre incident occurred, I had some shells from East Africa and I had displayed them on a shelf above the bath, out of the blue, one fell off and chipped a huge piece out of the bath, we tried to repair it yesterday, now the bath has a big white patch on it, I was very suspicious when it happened, but Gerald says it was the vibration of other things going on in the flat that caused it to fall down, but I wasn't even doing anything at the time. I don't think this flat is haunted, but sometimes when I am alone I get the distinct feeling that something is here as well, I always expect to see something.
The flat I lived in before was haunted, of that I am quite sure. Certain rooms were very cold and on more than one occasion my flatmate woke up in the middle of the night to find something sitting by his bed, a person with an old face. Then there was the incident where I was alone in the flat, apart from Nyo. I went to bed and in the middle of the night there was this huge crash and I went to investigate, the bathroom mirror had been flung to the floor and smashed into pieces. No one could ever provide me with a logical explanation for that.
Actually my Mum saw a ghost as well, many years ago, the ghost of my dad's first wife who died suddenly in hospital. My mum was cleaning the house early one morning and looked up to see Eileen smiling at her. So yes I do believe in ghosts.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Morning fans, had a lovely sleep and didn't want to wake up this morning but I had to. Shopping was quite successful yesterday, I did actually buy some key pieces that I needed, I thought that I wasn't going to have much fortune, the thing about really big shopping centres is that the energy can be quite stressful and when you've never been somewhere before and you're roaming around aimlessly, it makes it hard to look without clouding your judgement. But once we'd had a coffee and a sandwich we felt strengthened enough to continue. I think if I had an unlimited budget it would be a lot easier because I would just buy loads of things without having to think about it. All in all , I was pleased with my purchases. Ladies, don't believe anyone that tells you shopping can't make you feel better because it does.
Grey is the word that I will use to describe today, it's just one of those grey days. I have to go out to buy some groceries, we have a little sugar ant in our flat, it loves sweet things and devours lots of cakes, biscuits and chocolates, no matter how many things we buy, the sugar ant finds a way to get to them. But aren't the shops just full of Christmas delicacies, all those lovely mince pies and yuletide cakes, it's a good job we are skinny and can afford to pile on the pounds!

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's Monday, I am going shopping today, hip hip hooray, I am going to flip a coin and either go to Lakeside or Bluewater. I don't know what's happened to all my winter clothes, I'm not sure if I gave loads away to the charity shops, but anyway I need some new clothes as a matter of urgency. It's good because Gerald can come with me and he has such good taste, unless he starts getting bored, then he gets all fidgety. I think a couple of days ago , I mentioned that the TV always sends me to sleep, last night I didn't even bother trying to watch a film, I just curled up on the sofa and went to sleep. Actually, we had a very nice day yesterday, we went for a walk in Epping Forest, it's always lovely to go there because it is one of those magical forests, if you keep looking at all the leaves on the ground it makes your head go funny, and there are so many interesting, ancient trees, they all seem to have faces when you look at them. We saw prolific amounts of mushrooms as well, seems to be the season, they were just everywhere.
No disturbances from our lovely neighbours, although the daughter gave us a withering look when we arrived home, she was standing outside dressed like a Cossack, then she called her mother who came out in these pink pyjamas, for God's sake what is wrong with everyone in this road, stop scaring us, what a dreadful sight. Maybe I should take to roaming around outside in my sleepwear, that would be my birthday suit, ha ha. Our postman is such a pervert, he always tries to flirt with each and every female he can lay his eyes on, he is always quite chatty, so the other day I was walking with Gerald and when I said hello to the postman he just ignored me, what a cad! It was almost as if he was annoyed with me for being with someone, anyway, must dash, have to get ready for the splurge, see you tomorrow.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Everybody needs good neighbours

Morning, it's another lovely day in London, I must admit I don't really mind the winter if it's like this. Can't believe Christmas is just around the corner and we have made no plans about what we are going to do over the festive season, especially for New Year's Eve, cutting it a bit fine I suppose, as usual. Now a mystery pair of shoes has appeared in our garden, they are kids shoes, so naturally one assumed that they belonged to the little egg- throwing filthy vandals next door, so I chucked them over the fence and then they were chucked back into our garden, so who the hell do they belong to? Has our front garden become a recycling ground? Does anyone in this area know how to behave decently? The urban hermit downstairs has taken to suddenly appearing in the doorway when her partner arrives home. She wears nothing but a short, grubby t-shirt that barely covers her thighs. All very well, but she is a very, very ,very, very very large lady if you catch my drift. Poor Gerald got such a fright when he saw her one day that he scampered up the stairs trembling. Then there is the added worry that she might start appearing in the doorway completely naked, I think that would be the final straw and would definitely prompt us to move out. I think we should take advantage of the good weather and go somewhere nice today, get away from all this intimidation. The trance remix of Haunt You is nearly ready, so get your dancing boots on.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Memories of Velidhu

I saw an advert for Velidhu island and I can't stop thinking about it. I have been there, it is in the Maldives and it was one of the most beautiful places where I have ever been, an Indian Ocean paradise. It's where I learnt how to scuba dive and it was the inspiration for one of our songs, Bodiless and Free. I would snorkel for ages, there was a huge coral reef around the island, and I would just be transfixed by all the colourful fishes and the abundance of them. It makes me sad to think of how the coral gets bleached by global warming, if only more people could realise what is being destroyed. Anyway, I stayed on that little island for two weeks and got to know it really well, actually it is so tiny you can walk round the whole thing in about an hour. I used to get up very early every morning, before the Germans got up to claim their sun loungers, and I got to know some creatures very well. There were 3 little reef sharks that used to swim in a small bay at the same time every morning and the stingrays were quite habitual as well, I learnt how to recognise different ones. I remember when the Tsunami struck, I always wondered what had happened to Velidhu, so I was pleased to see that it hadn't been affected. Do you know, I would really love to go back there and I mean it, not just saying it, I will escape there in my mind all day.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What did I see?

Hi fans, is anyone out there? I've just remembered a surreal experience I had as a kid, where someone literally vanished before my eyes and it's always stayed with me, just like I can remember certain dreams. Anyway, I was with my sister and we were playing outside our house, there was a storm drain running along by the side of our garden and we were hiding in there, spying on all the people that walked past, as one does. All of a sudden we looked up and saw this most beautiful lady, she had long blonde hair, and I remember being kind of transfixed because it was unusual to see someone like that in the first place and when you live in a small place you tend to know everyone . She had the kindest smile, but she didn't say anything to us, it was just that one second she was there in front of us and then she just disappeared. If I had been on my own then I might have had doubts about what I'd seen, but it was the fact that my sister was there as well, I knew it wasn't a figment of my imagination. Like I said this experience has stayed with me, perhaps she was an angel or perhaps we were being taught that there are many unusual things going on in this world that defy logical explanation. Just thought I would share this with you. I'm waiting for Gerald, hope he doesn't want sausages again !

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Have to write quickly today because I've overslept and Gerald has arrived home already and he is waiting for his sausages, it is national sausage week after all. It was so funny, whilst we were away, he bought a pack of sausages and devoured them all during the course of the week and when we got back and went shopping, I said that he had had enough and refused to buy any more, then the whole of last week he was sneaking off to the cafe for a sneaky sausage sandwich or something containing sausages, so now the humble sausage has become the butt of our jokes. I guess you had to be there.
Winter looks as if it is definitely on it's way, I noticed an abundance of leaves on the driveway, dampen and forlorn they gather in misty puddles underneath the streetlights.I noticed also that it gets quite misty in the early mornings and evenings, sort of transports you in your mind to Victorian times when London, I believe , used to get covered in pea-soup fogs. You can almost imagine Scrooge leaping out from the darkness.
Have to go, sorry it was so short today, lots of love xxx

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

State of the world

Hi everyone, yesterday was great, I did some singing for our track and really enjoyed it, it will be a wicked tune, people will be unable to stop dancing I think. Spoke to my Mum yesterday, she says the lastest thing is that there is a severe shortage of water for the city, despite there being adequate rains last year. Don't ask me how a city can run out of water, you could make a film about that as well, turn it into a Mad Max scenario. Fortunately lots of people have boreholes so they will be OK, but it sounds like another dire situation. How that place keeps going is just unbelievable, talk about resilient, but I suppose if you have nowhere else to go then you just have to adapt and be strong. It's a pity that no-one's interested in helping in Zimbabwe, far worse human rights abuses have been committed there than in Iraq, yet the rest of the world turns a blind eye, is it because we have no oil, nothing anyone is interested in? Only money talks in this world, doesn't matter where you are. Go into any casino in London and listen to the staff being abused and you will know what I mean. The world is full of hypocrisy and ugliness. When I was doing a lot of meditation we were told we should be like lotus flowers growing in the mud, beauty in all the ugliness, just be an observer and don't get drawn into it all. Every day the world becomes more dangerous and you have to ask yourself where it's all heading and more importantly, where you stand. See you tomorrow everyone.

Monday, November 06, 2006

It's Monday, I'm so grateful that I am not a commuter, packed like a sardine, on a train going to work every morning. I have started reading another self-help book, I love them, this one is by Anthony Robbins, I only just started reading it, so it will be something to get my teeth into.
I should be doing some more singing today , more tunes on the way to satisfy our ever growing number of fans. Nyo is very quiet today, she woke up in a good mood, she is a real rock and roll bird, only goes to bed way after midnight, then she gets up when we do. Sometimes I wish that she did like to be handled more, without biting, but then she is tame in her own little ways.
I was driving back from London last night and the traffic was so bad it was like New Year's Eve, there must have been lots of fireworks going on.
Well, I have so much to do today, I have no time to sit and ponder about all theses arbitrary things, let alone the time to sit and procrastinate the whole day. According to Mr Robbins, if you want to improve your life you should raise your standards and make a list of all the things you do not want to tolerate anymore, hmm where do I start? Does give you something to think about. I find that people think I am a soft touch and they really try to take advantage of that, but when I stand up for myself they don't like it and they get upset, perhaps I am just not very good at expressing myself face to face, unless I know the person really well. I would like to improve my communication skills, that's a good place to start.Anyway, have a good day, au revoir for now.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Morning everyone, hope you all enjoyed your Saturday nights, we watched several firework displays from our window, I'm sure there will be more tonight. Ladies, take my advice and don't ever wear brand new skyscraper shoes if you have any sort of distance to walk, it's a killer as I reminded myself yesterday and also it doesn't look very sexy if you are hobbling along grimacing with pain. The best way to break in new shoes is to go clubbing in them, no one will hear you screaming and by the end of the night you'll be so out of it you won't even notice your blistered, bleeding feet.
I wonder if anyone is celebrating in Zimbabwe tonight because when I was growing up, fireworks were banned, I never saw a firework display before I came to the UK. Perhaps that's why I find them so intriguing.
Had a Chinese take away last night, got fed up with having Indian, not because of the food, but last time we ordered from this particular place, it took them nearly two hours to deliver our meal, by which time we were absolutely starving and not in a very good mood at all. I am conducting an experiment at the moment, I have a stinking headache, but I keep telling myself that my head is free of pain, just to see if this mind over matter thing can work, will let you know how it turned out. Enough of my ramblings, Happy Bonfire Night.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Who's watching?

Morning everyone, feeling a bit bleary today, someone started ringing us at around 8.30 this morning, very annoying when you are the type of people who don't really get up that early. It certainly is chilly, but there is no lack of sunshine so it makes it very pleasant .The foxes have been at our rubbish and strewn it all over the road, I don't exactly relish the thought of going to pick it all up, but then again I can't leave it there, it's a bit vile. I had an altercation with some interfering old bat yesterday, she thought she knew best and started bossing me around and then got offended when I said that it wasn't necessary, maybe it's just me, but people always seem to think that I'm a soft touch and then when I defend myself they seem surprised.
Can't wait to get home tonight because the neighbours are having a fireworks display and we will be able to watch it from our window. There's no shortage of a good firework in this area , I can assure you.
Lots has been written in the papers about Britain becoming a CCTV society, I am not a criminal and I have nothing to hide, yet I do find it offensive that the government wants to pry into every aspect of our lives. I wouldn't be surprised if they were subliminally brainwashing people through the telly or some other media, it's quite possible. We'll know we're in trouble when they start trying to make us get microchips, you could actually make a good movie about the rebels that refuse to conform and become renegade outcasts.
Have a good weekend...

Friday, November 03, 2006

We're onto the egg thrower

Nyo has woken up in another boisterous mood today, she is now more demanding and cheekier than ever. I wonder what a pet psychologist would make of her. There is this woman I know, she is supposed to be an animal lover amongst other things. She had two budgies and only ever used to clean their cage once every blue moon, also when she thought they wanted to have a shower she would chase them around the room, catch hold of them and spray them with a sprayer. I wasn't surprised when she told me that the one had got sick and perished. I mean really!
After the dentist yesterday, I was feeling so out of it , I was a wreck, in a state of shock. I came home and my mind couldn't focus on anything, mind you I was so tired as well. I patched things up with one of our neighbours, I had cross words with her in the summer because of all the people parking across our drive. Anyway, I'm glad we are on good terms again because I would rather have an ally than an enemy, it's bad enough with those lunatics on the other side. Did I mention that someone threw an egg over my lovely clean car. I know who it was as well, what is the world coming to, can you not even leave your car in your own driveway without it getting vandalised? Gerald and I are going to set up CCTV to catch the egg thrower, we are also stock piling up our own selection of eggs for retaliation. I think all the injections yesterday went to my head, must dash, see you later!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Feel the fear...

Hi everyone, this photo isn't that clear, but it's actually me facing another one of my fears. This bridge had a 30ft drop into a gorge and it did make me a bit queasy. This was at Ingleton Waterfalls where you go on a walk and just see one after the other, so stunning, we went when it was raining quite a bit and so the water was even more powerful. There's nothing like discharging your negative energy into a swirling mass of water like that, it was very invigorating to say the least.
Today I have to face another of my fears and go and have the dentist poke around in my mouth, the treatment I am having is nasty, but I'm told is necessary. I feel knackered so hopefully I will just pass out.
London has got really cold over the last few days, I suppose we had it so good for so long, the prophets of doom are predicting an arctic winter, well I hope that we see some snow down here for a change. Remind me I said that when we get snowed under. Must dash, yours tremblingly, Susi

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Who watched the film Halloween last night, we did and I fell asleep after the first 10 min, I bet that in it's time it was really scary, the thing I liked about it was the music, it was excellent! Turned really cold last night and this morning, don't know how people live without central heating, I think it's one of the best inventions ever.
This time last week we were still doing our mammoth walks . We were meant to go out for a stroll before lunch and it turned into a 6 mile assault course. We had previously found a little path that followed a river and on the map it was shown as a footpath, so we decided to investigate. We got to a point where the track had ended and we just had to make it up on our own. I wasn't convinced that we were going the right way, this led to problems, plus we saw another dead sheep, this one had been waterlogged and it was just lying in the river. After trekking through marshes and over mountains we eventually got to the highest point. it was a very difficult climb physically, you really have to force yourself to go on sometimes, it's just sheer determination, your body and mind keeps telling you it's enough, but something makes you continue. Still, the views were rewarding enough. On the way back we saw another track on the other side of the river, like the gallant explorers we are we decided to cross the river, that was an experience as well, I'm not afraid of water at all, but I really didn't fancy getting wet, eventually we made it over. After about 5 minutes of walking the track disappeared again and all we could do was meander, exhausted in the general direction from which we came. Needn't have worried though because eventually we came out on a footpath that ran just behind our cottage. It was actually too late to do anything else, but it was lovely to have a good old English cup of tea! See you tomorrow everyone.