Friday, November 24, 2006

Guess what the filthy neighbours have done now?

Had rather an unpleasant evening because when I was leaving to go into London the obnoxious savages who live next door had kindly left us a nice package of one of their babies diapers full of shit. When I returned it to them, their daughter came home and threw it back into our drive again, I wasn't here, but Gerald confronted them again, told them what filth they were, can you imagine bringing up your children to be so malicious and vile, if I wasn't so angry, I would probably be so upset that people could behave like this. It's not even as if we have had anything to do with them, they just keep trying to provoke us and then insult us when we react. I know what I feel like doing, but I can't stoop to their level as much as I would like to retaliate. It just makes me so angry that scum could do such a thing. Just goes to show that even if people drive beamers, it doesn't make them educated, these neighbours should just go back to the uncivilised, wretched hovels where they originated from. And now I am sick of them living in my head rent free , but what goes around comes around, so they will get their just deserts, we don't even have to do anything. I suppose I feel a bit better for getting some of it off my chest, I think I'll go and listen to Haunt You to cheer myself up.


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