Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Do you believe in ghosts?

Hi there, woke up to glorious sunshine today after a restless sleep with many disturbing dreams, the kind of confusing dreams where you are being chased by people , but you don't really know who or why. I guess only the subconscious knows what's up.
The other night a bizarre incident occurred, I had some shells from East Africa and I had displayed them on a shelf above the bath, out of the blue, one fell off and chipped a huge piece out of the bath, we tried to repair it yesterday, now the bath has a big white patch on it, I was very suspicious when it happened, but Gerald says it was the vibration of other things going on in the flat that caused it to fall down, but I wasn't even doing anything at the time. I don't think this flat is haunted, but sometimes when I am alone I get the distinct feeling that something is here as well, I always expect to see something.
The flat I lived in before was haunted, of that I am quite sure. Certain rooms were very cold and on more than one occasion my flatmate woke up in the middle of the night to find something sitting by his bed, a person with an old face. Then there was the incident where I was alone in the flat, apart from Nyo. I went to bed and in the middle of the night there was this huge crash and I went to investigate, the bathroom mirror had been flung to the floor and smashed into pieces. No one could ever provide me with a logical explanation for that.
Actually my Mum saw a ghost as well, many years ago, the ghost of my dad's first wife who died suddenly in hospital. My mum was cleaning the house early one morning and looked up to see Eileen smiling at her. So yes I do believe in ghosts.


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