Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Have to write quickly today because I've overslept and Gerald has arrived home already and he is waiting for his sausages, it is national sausage week after all. It was so funny, whilst we were away, he bought a pack of sausages and devoured them all during the course of the week and when we got back and went shopping, I said that he had had enough and refused to buy any more, then the whole of last week he was sneaking off to the cafe for a sneaky sausage sandwich or something containing sausages, so now the humble sausage has become the butt of our jokes. I guess you had to be there.
Winter looks as if it is definitely on it's way, I noticed an abundance of leaves on the driveway, dampen and forlorn they gather in misty puddles underneath the streetlights.I noticed also that it gets quite misty in the early mornings and evenings, sort of transports you in your mind to Victorian times when London, I believe , used to get covered in pea-soup fogs. You can almost imagine Scrooge leaping out from the darkness.
Have to go, sorry it was so short today, lots of love xxx


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