More tales from the Dales

Wish I was a mushroom connoisseur, we saw so many growing whilst we were out and about on our walks, especially up on the fells, all shapes and colours and sizes. If I had known anything about them I would have picked some and tried them out.
On our third day, we started off from a little village called Muker. To get there we had to drive on this narrow road across the moors, well that all sounds simple enough, but you should have seen it, sheer drops, treacherous corners, terrifying hills to get up, I needed a 4X4 really. Fortunately there was another way to get back on a slightly wider road, I was sweating at the thought of it. Anyway, we followed the path of another river as it twisted and turned through the landscape. We stopped at an old deserted farm house, sat down on the grass outside and had some lunch. I decided to be curious and go and have a peek inside, imagine my horror to discover a dead sheep, I'm just glad that it hadn't been raining and that we hadn't run in there for some shelter. We moved on and came to the most stunning waterfall, I wished we'd had more patience and had our lunch there, it was slightly more pleasant than the smell of putrefying flesh, but that's the country for you. By the way, I've never seen so many pheasants either, I was fascinated by them, but every time I pointed one out, Gerald looked at me disdainfully as if they were some kind of vermin. Well, I will continue tomorrow, Happy Halloween to all you pagans.
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