Hi everyone, this is a photo of me just outside a little village called West Burton. It was at the start of our first major walk. Little did I know in the days to come I would see more waterfalls than I've ever done in my life. We hadn't been walking for a while before this trip,and as a result of this we kept getting lost and having to retrace our steps. There was also a sheer climb up an enormous hill, a narrow path with nothing much to hold onto. Of course I am terrified of heights and I got vertigo, I was a trembling wreck, but I had to continue as there was no other way, it was a case of feel the fear and do it anyway. Then we walked for ages, looking for a concrete track, I was convinced that we were going the wrong way, eventually we retraced our steps and went in another direction. Suddenly Gerald recognised something and realised that he had done this walk before, and guess what, we had been going the right way all along. Of course this caused a bit of an argument, but we managed to get where we were supposed to be in the end. The countryside was just magical though,partly because the weather was really lovely and dappled all the fields in glorious light, and there's just something about being there that soothes your soul, you can actually feel yourself unwind. Something inside me just wanted to stay there forever with the only sounds being the wind and the tumbling streams mixed with the songs of the birds, and the energy out there is so powerful, the ancient trees benevolently watch over the landscape, sentinels of serenity. It just seemed so far away from the hustle and bustle of London, really made me realise just how fast life in the city is and how different it is. I much prefer the simplicity of nature.
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