Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I think I'm going to move to the middle of nowhere because someone rang our doorbell after I had only had 4 hours sleep and it woke me up completely, it's so infuriating, it was probably for downstairs who never answer their bell.
Someone that I know had a really bad Friday 13. First of all she lost her mobile phone, then she reversed into an electric gate that she thought was closed, this is bad enough , but she was driving someone elses' car. The gate was so badly damaged that it had to be taken down, never mind the car, which looked like a concertina. Eventually she went home in her own car and parked in her garage. Whilst unpacking, she left the door of the car open with her handbag on the seat. Her husband arrived home and was stunned to see the car open, so he quickly locked the door, only to find that he had locked the keys inside by mistake. They didn't have a spare key, so they had to call someone to get into the car for them. I mean you could make a movie out of the whole scenario, talk about bad luck.
My sister and brother-in-law have been offered a farm to buy in Canada. Apparently it is huge and there are quite a few businesses run on the farm itself. I immediately had visions of Gerald and me running some outpost on a reservation and riding over the plains on horseback. I don't know if anything will come of it, but I'm there already.
Two cups of coffee later and I'm feeling mighty fine, the best coffee I ever tasted was in Italy, it was like rocket fuel as well, gave us the strength to climb an enormous mountain with only a bottle of water and a bag of grapes to sustain us. It's hard to beat a good espresso.


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