Monday, October 16, 2006


Exhausted after a whole day of painting, assembling wardrobes, clearing out junk , etc etc. Gerald says it should be called Do-Yourself-In. We only ended up going to bed at about 03.00. and we still haven't finished. C'est la vie. Some plonkers had parked right across our driveway again, for the first time we didn't get furious, just asked them to move in a polite way. It still annoys me, even if I don't need to go anywhere, it's like people have the whole road to park in ,but they always seem to make a beeline for our drive, even the police were parked across it last night. Perhaps we should start charging them. Beds of nails come to mind, as do various other nasty things, now I know why the previous occupants left a traffic cone here. Now Nyo is playing up and flying all over the place, potentially dangerous situation as she is always getting into trouble. If a cat has nine lives, Nyo must have nineteen, it's actually incredible what she has managed to survive. Once she even flew into a burning tea light and got wax all in her wings and everything. It can be worse than having a baby. Do babies shriek all the time? So Cling has another busy day today, this time next week we will be enjoying the lovely British countryside, see you tomorrow.


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