Monday, November 06, 2006

It's Monday, I'm so grateful that I am not a commuter, packed like a sardine, on a train going to work every morning. I have started reading another self-help book, I love them, this one is by Anthony Robbins, I only just started reading it, so it will be something to get my teeth into.
I should be doing some more singing today , more tunes on the way to satisfy our ever growing number of fans. Nyo is very quiet today, she woke up in a good mood, she is a real rock and roll bird, only goes to bed way after midnight, then she gets up when we do. Sometimes I wish that she did like to be handled more, without biting, but then she is tame in her own little ways.
I was driving back from London last night and the traffic was so bad it was like New Year's Eve, there must have been lots of fireworks going on.
Well, I have so much to do today, I have no time to sit and ponder about all theses arbitrary things, let alone the time to sit and procrastinate the whole day. According to Mr Robbins, if you want to improve your life you should raise your standards and make a list of all the things you do not want to tolerate anymore, hmm where do I start? Does give you something to think about. I find that people think I am a soft touch and they really try to take advantage of that, but when I stand up for myself they don't like it and they get upset, perhaps I am just not very good at expressing myself face to face, unless I know the person really well. I would like to improve my communication skills, that's a good place to start.Anyway, have a good day, au revoir for now.


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