Friday, November 03, 2006

We're onto the egg thrower

Nyo has woken up in another boisterous mood today, she is now more demanding and cheekier than ever. I wonder what a pet psychologist would make of her. There is this woman I know, she is supposed to be an animal lover amongst other things. She had two budgies and only ever used to clean their cage once every blue moon, also when she thought they wanted to have a shower she would chase them around the room, catch hold of them and spray them with a sprayer. I wasn't surprised when she told me that the one had got sick and perished. I mean really!
After the dentist yesterday, I was feeling so out of it , I was a wreck, in a state of shock. I came home and my mind couldn't focus on anything, mind you I was so tired as well. I patched things up with one of our neighbours, I had cross words with her in the summer because of all the people parking across our drive. Anyway, I'm glad we are on good terms again because I would rather have an ally than an enemy, it's bad enough with those lunatics on the other side. Did I mention that someone threw an egg over my lovely clean car. I know who it was as well, what is the world coming to, can you not even leave your car in your own driveway without it getting vandalised? Gerald and I are going to set up CCTV to catch the egg thrower, we are also stock piling up our own selection of eggs for retaliation. I think all the injections yesterday went to my head, must dash, see you later!


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