Wednesday, January 31, 2007


If you ever want to go and see a good film, watch Blood Diamond, we saw it last night and it was excellent, I was holding onto my seat from the first scenes. I'm not being biased either, just because it is about a Zimbabwean guy in Sierra Leone. it really is a good movie. I like watching things on the big screen, you feel as if you are in the middle of it all, it's half price on a Tuesday where we live as well, better than watching some rubbish on the telly. Anyway if the makers of the film wanted people to think twice before they buy diamonds now, they have certainly achieved what they set out to do.
All over the world , there are so many beautiful places, but there are not many places you can go where there are no conflicts, without putting yourself in some sort of danger. I would still love to go to some parts of South America, the Amazon has always held a certain fascination for me, I think it is the thought of all the amazing creatures that you can find there as well as the vastness of it all. I better get there soon before it is all destroyed. I wonder if there are still tribes deep in the jungle that no-one has ever come across? What other secrets does our majestic planet hold?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Hi everyone, I must train myself to start loving to get out of bed, I just want to lie there for hours and hours, if I don't get up when Gerald gets up, then every five minutes he comes looking for me, peering round the door to see if I'm making any moves towards rising. Nyo gets confused as well and just screams until she sees my bleary eyes staggering into the living room.
Before we had to do so much work on our computers, we always used to sit and have coffee together, I sort of miss that, but computers have a way of just taking over everything. It's the same in my sister's house, the whole family gets up and they all just ignore each other, they just get on their respective computers and don't even talk to each other. It's funny how family life has changed so much, it's all been affected by technology.
My attachment to my mobile phone (cellphone), never ceases to amaze me either. I can't go anywhere without it, it makes me wonder how anyone ever survived before they were invented, what did we used to do, how did people used to contact us? If you think about it, they weren't really necessary at all, but they have become like appendages to our bodies now, they're not just phones anymore either, you can do loads of things with them. I suppose you could have an interesting debate, is advancing technology a gift or a curse? One thing's for sure, it has changed the way we live.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The adventures in the ford galaxy

The gas men is here and he's turned off our heating whilst he checks everything, not that it's that cold or anything, but still. Gerald is annoyed because he doesn't like his routine interrupted and he has to get ready to go out.
I wonder how my cousin is settling down in Australia, I haven't heard anything from her. We used to be really close because we are the same age and we were inseparable when we were teenagers. We were always getting into all sorts of trouble. I'm glad I don't have kids because they would probably turn out just as naughty as we were, I'm surprised our parents didn't send us to boarding school or something.
One of the earliest scrapes I can remember was with my uncle's car, he used to have a huge,gas guzzling Ford Galaxy. He also used to love going on picnics, the whole family had to come along. Well, whilst everyone was busy organising the tea and cakes, my cousin and I were playing inside the car, don't ask me why when there was such beautiful scenery around, anyway we let off the handbrake and all of a sudden the Galaxy started to roll forward and ended up with the front wheels in a ditch. We were not very popular at all, especially with my Aunt. I seem to remember some unfortunate souls were enlisted to help my poor uncle drag his car out, and from that day on it was forbidden to play inside it ever again.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Hi everyone, having fun and games on my computer again, sometimes I just want to throw it out the window. At least I'll appreciate it when I get a new one, if I ever do. This one's enough to put anyone off for life, it's only redeeming feature is that when I do get it to work, it works well. Even Gerald says he doesn't know what's wrong with it. It's like it's got it's own personality.
I was reading something interesting yesterday, that when things go wrong , you should train your mind to ask the right sort of questions, instead of saying, "why is this happening to me?" it is better to say things like " how can I turn this around?". I did try and put this into practice last night and all of a sudden the laptop just fixed itself, must have been some sort of coincidence.
Well, I can't linger around too long , I have to go and try to do my hair, I can never quite get that just stepped out the salon look, it's so infuriating. My aunt used to have her hair done every Friday, a big bouffant with lots of huge curls. One day my cousin and I placed a false nail that we found in a Christmas cracker inside one of the curls and my aunt didn't even notice, we giggled for hours and hours.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend xx

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Hi everyone, it's a beautiful, sunny day here in London, is our cold spell over now, was that the winter? It's hard to tell these days.
I really want to go and see that film, the Last King of Scotland, I love films about Africa, not surprising really.
When I was young, every Friday this old African man used to come to our house, we used to call him Madala (old man). He had known my father for many years and my Mum always made him a steaming mug of tea with lots of sugar and some jam sandwiches. I always used to listen for the sound of his creaking bicycle coming through the gate, he used to ride into town from his home far away in the bush, and our house used to be his last stop before the steep hills leading back over the mountain.
I was always fascinated by Madala, I would sit outside with him and listen to him slurp his tea, he always used to smell of woodsmoke and though he didn't speak much English, he was always very kind to us, and always so grateful for the little things we gave him.
The last time I saw Madala , he was very sad because we were leaving the country, my Mum was getting rid of all the furniture and he said he would like the kitchen table. Lo and behold, he tied the kitchen table onto his bicycle and went riding precariously off, it must have taken him hours to get home. I'll never forget the sight of him, with that huge table balancing on the back.
When my father said goodbye to Madala it was one of the few times that I ever saw tears in his eyes, for Madala was strangely like one of our family. I wonder what happened to him.

Friday, January 26, 2007

This is me doing one of my favourite pastimes, I don't normally do it in the forest, but when we move, it might become a reality.
Woke up really late today, I was having all sorts of strange dreams and could have slept for longer really, but I was so thirsty, I had to drink about two glasses of water when I opened my eyes. Must be the central heating.
Nyo is very cross because she was covered up till Gerald woke up, now she is punishing me with her endless shrieks for attention. If you try and ignore her she gets even louder and more persistent. If I took her to a pet psychologist they would tell me she is terribly spoilt. She definitely rules her roost.
Silver Skies has been well received so far, there are two more new Cling songs in the pipeline. Good things on the way!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Snakes Alive

Hi everyone, I've just remembered a tale that my Mum was telling me on the phone the other day which I thought I would share with you.
For quite a long time now the city council where my Mum lives has been really short of funds, this has led to a decline in the refuse collection which only takes place every few weeks now , instead of once a week. Obviously this has led to an explosion in the rat population who are having a field day. Mother nature has a way with dealing with all of this however, because where you get rats in Africa, you are guaranteed to get snakes and loads of them, not something normally experienced in a city. So there was one lady whose two little dogs were bitten by a puff adder, they died of course, and numerous other incidents.
The most outrageous mishap occurred, when the son of a friend, of a friend, was staying over at someones house, they decided to sleep on the veranda as young boys do. In the middle of the night he felt something on him which stirred him from his sleep. You guessed it, it was a snake. He panicked, as anyone would do, and tried to get the damn thing off him, in the process, he was bitten on the hand, between the thumb and the first finger, and amongst all the confusion, the snake got away, they couldn't identify what type it was.
Needless to say, his parents rushed him to hospital and were horrified to be told that there was no anti-venom, hospitals there are really short of medicines and quite often you have to get hold of your own. In the meantime their son had passed into a coma, doesn't take long with a snake bite. The only thing the doctors could do was put him on a drip. He stayed in a coma for seven days and just woke up, wondering where he was.
For what it's worth, the doctors said he had had a lucky escape from death, maybe only a minute amount of venom had got into his system or maybe the snake was not a really poisonous one, however the flesh around the bite on his hand has gone all rotten, the tissues are destroyed and won't grow back again.
What a thing to happen, I am terrified of snakes and run a mile even if I see one, I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to share a bed with one.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


When I woke up this morning, Gerald told me to look outside and everywhere was covered in a white blanket of snow, not very thick, not even enough to cover the roads, but still, I get so excited when I see it, don't ask me why.
Today I am trying to police my thoughts and not let anything negative in, we really want to move and there are a lot of uncertainties, but if we don't do it soon , when will we do it? I can't let silly fears put me off, instead I should be concentrating my energy into more positive things, and really if it is meant to be, then it will definitely happen.
I am going to get my hair chopped today, I already washed it this morning, I know they will wash it again , but I was embarrassed because it was a bit dirty and I didn't want my hairdresser to silently think how awful it was, even though I'm sure they are used to it. I like the vibe at the hairdressers cos you get all theses creative people crammed together and also they play nice music and music videos. The best part is when you get your hair washed and they have these lovely massaging chairs, makes you feel pampered. It must be quite a difficult job, especially when you get all these people coming in that expect to walk out looking like their favourite celebrity, quite daunting. Well, I look forward to the experience.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


It's cold today, I got up in the middle of the night and it was freezing, couldn't wait to get back into the warmth of our bed. Spent most of the my time yesterday trying to register with estate agents, we are determined to move now, in my mind we've gone already.
Getting a very positive feedback from Silver Skies, we have agreed with Dreamlab to release it and once we have finalised certain things, I will let you know where it can be downloaded.
My mother is messing me around again, now she has changed her mind about us coming in March again, but we have to stick to our own plans now and moving is more important to me at this stage. It just feels like the right time. My family are very naughty sometimes with the way they are towards me, it is because I am the youngest, so they have all been conditioned into bossing me around.
Nyo is busy nest building now, it keeps her occupied all day and stops her from shrieking relentlessly, what a funny little creature. I sometimes wonder what she would have been like if her partner hadn't escaped. I used to look after a pair of lovebirds when their owner went away and they were a nightmare, I could never get them to go back in their cage and they caused so much destruction, I'm glad I don't have to put up with them anymore.
Well, I'm looking forward to some interesting developments today....

Monday, January 22, 2007

We will be country mice

Had such a successful little trip into the countyrside yesterday, we found a delightful little town which we really liked the look of , so anywhere in that area will do. There were loads of interesting properties around as well,, came back feeling really positive about moving now that we know it's going to be relativley easy. So it's all very encouraging and the wheels have been set in motion. On the way back it was so funny because I was in such a daydream, in my mind we were living there already, I ended up on the wrong motorway and we had to take all theses massive detours.
Arrived back in London and an unpleasant incident reinforced in our minds the reason why it is better to get out of here. Some maniac was driving at breakneck speed and nearly ran us over as we were trying to cross the road. I was so angry that I confronted him and said that I was going to take his number down and report him for reckless driving, at which point he demanded to know which was my car. When I told him it was none of his business he got back inside his car and drove off like a lunatic on the wrong side of the road, such a dangerous fool, and really nasty, I hope the police catch up with him, people like that should be locked up with the key thrown away. I can't wait to get away from here.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Poor little animals

Hi everyone, hope you have all had a chance to listen to Silver Skies, let us know what you think. It is the first time we have ever collaborated with anyone on a song, so it would be great to get some feedback.
Was awoken in the early hours by a splitting headache, don't ask me why, I'm sitting here forcing myself to grin, hoping it will go away. Today we are going on a little trip to Surrey and Sussex to check out some little places where we might want to live. It makes it a lot easier if you actually know where you want to go, maybe we should just stick a pin in a map and let fate decide.
I went back to Harrods yesterday to get some cosmetics which are also very cheap on the sale. Outside there were these anti-fur protesters and I picked up a leaflet from them, which had some horrific pictures inside. I didn't know but apparently Harrods is the only store in the UK that still sells real fur. In this day and age, I don't think it's necessary to wear such things, it's not like we live in the North Pole, there are plenty of alternatives. It is awful to think of these poor little animals suffering for the sake of fashion. It never ceases to amaze me just how cruel human beings are to other creatures. Shame. I think that if someone is cruel to an animal they should suffer the same fate as they themselves inflicted on the creature, that would soon put a stop to it. Animals have feelings too.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Have just leaped out of the shower, it's the best way to wake up, especially if you are brave enough to switch it onto cold right at the end. My star sign is a water sign and I don't know if this is why I love to be near or in water. I learnt how to swim before I could walk properly, we were lucky enough to have a pool and that is where I spent most of my time during the long summers. I would just play for hours, I used to pretend I was a dolphin or something, and just escape into my own underwater world.
Not so long ago we watched a programme about free diving, I can't remember the woman's name but there was some amazing footage of her swimming with seals, whales and dolphins, it is like another planet down there in the deep blue.
A few years ago I was lucky enough to learn how to scuba dive, I was in the Maldives and was completely entranced by all the things I was seeing snorkeling , so I decided to take it one step further and I went on a couple of dives, I will never forget the sheer beauty of the coral reefs, and the deeper we went , the more stunning it became, I even wrote a song about it.
One of my dreams is to swim with dolphins, I think I would cry with happiness, I know a couple of people who have done it, it sounds like an amazing experience, definitely high on my list of things to do, well my birthday is coming up in July, hint, hint.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, bye for now.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Was it a mini tornado?

The gales were so bad yesterday that there was a lot of trees blown down in the park. The father of a girl that I know was walking by the supermarket and their big sign fell down on top of him, lacerating the side of his head. He was in a bit of a state of shock and didn't realise that his legs has been cut to shreds as well. Apart from all the casualties, bits of roofs had blown off buildings and damaged cars. Gerald literally missed all the destruction by a couple of minutes, he walked down the road just after it had all occurred. Today everything is sunny and calm, not a breath of wind in the air.
Today we are going to try and go to Harrods if we have time. If you ever want bargain cosmetics or fragrance, it is the best place, only when the sales are on of course, last year we bought loads of fragrances because they were selling them for about £15.
We had some exciting emails today, Gerald has been pushing for us to play at some festivals in the summer and slowly people are coming back to us and expressing some interest. Nothing definite yet though, we are holding our thumbs...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

When will I go home ?

I don't know what's up with these winds, it's howling again outside , has been since the early hours of the morning, it's quite scary to see really big trees bending over under the strain.
Spoke to my Mum yesterday and she doesn't want us to go to Zimbabwe in March because there is strict water rationing, apparently there has been insufficient rain, and there is also a severe shortage of milk, petrol, sugar and bread. I suppose she is right in a way, I would probably be OK because I would be used to it, but I wouldn't want Gerald to have a horrid time, with my Mum having a heart attack every time we had a bath or flushed the loo, so I said we would hang on, just to keep the peace. It was a bit sad though because I could hear my little dog barking and I missed him so much, I'm wondering when I will get to see him again.
I've just looked outside and I have to go and rescue one of my pot plants, it has completely blown over in the gale, it's vicious out there now because the rain is lashing down. According to the weather report we are going to have some freezing weather after this. I wonder if we will get any snow?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Break the pattern

Had a strange experience yesterday, I wrote in my blog that I was a bit stressed because of a certain person and there were other little things on my mind, you see I am addicted to worry and I always catch myself out, worrying about little things that haven't even happened. I was wandering around with my solar plexus churning and feeling horrible. I decided to dig out some old meditation tapes and before long I was sitting there blissed out, it was as if my actions somehow alleviated all my pain and I just felt so different afterwards, it was as if my worries never existed.
When you are stuck in the middle of something, you have to jar yourself out of it in any way you can, go for a run or do something silly. Don't tell Gerald but sometimes when I am on my own, I force myself to do the most ridiculous laughs, even if they are false to begin with, it doesn't take very long before you feel so silly that you are genuinely laughing at yourself, it's so funny, people pay good money for that sort of therapy. Maybe I should start laughing classes.
So anyway, it looks a bit wintry outside, the sky is gun metal grey and it's raining softly. I feel like going back to bed, but there are so many things I have to do. Hope you all have a great day.

Break the pattern

Had a strange experience yesterday, I wrote in my blog that I was a bit stressed because of a certain person and there were other little things on my mind, you see I am addicted to worry and I always catch myself out, worrying about little things that haven't even happened. I was wandering around with my solar plexus churning and feeling horrible. I decided to dig out some old meditation tapes and before long I was sitting there blissed out, it was as if my actions somehow alleviated all my pain and I just felt so different afterwards, it was as if my worries never existed.
When you are stuck in the middle of something, you have to jar yourself out of it in any way you can, go for a run or do something silly. Don't tell Gerald but sometimes when I am on my own, I force myself to do the most ridiculous laughs, even if they are false to begin with, it doesn't take very long before you feel so silly that you are genuinely laughing at yourself, it's so funny, people pay good money for that sort of therapy. Maybe I should start laughing classes.
So anyway, it looks a bit wintry outside, the sky is gun metal grey and it's raining softly. I feel like going back to bed, but there are so many things I have to do. Hope you all have a great day.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Some people

Spent the entire afternoon yesterday trying to sort out my computer, I was installing a simple update and I wish I'd never started now, anyway I did get my phone to work so I can now transfer music, so at least something went right,but really I have better things to do than this, it's just silly. I suppose you have to expect these sort of things to happen. Still, it's a good job that I didn't have to go anywhere in a hurry.
Someone was saying really nasty things about me the other day and unfortunately it has been living in my head ever since. I suppose I should just ignore them because they are obviously so unhappy with themselves that they have to try and pick on other people to make themselves feel better, but really this woman is just a big, bully who doesn't know what she is talking about. She said that small people like me had figures like boys and we were so unattractive that our boyfriends must be gay, what must our boyfriends think because men like to have something to hold onto. She also said that models were only models because most of the media is gay. I was like "what are you talking about woman?". This is coming from someone who is very, very overweight herself so I am not surprised really that she should feel that way, it must be awful to dislike yourself so much. I would never say such things to someone though because it's not called for to be so personal with someone you don't even know. I felt like directing her to our myspace page just to shut her up. Gerald was slightly amused to be called gay as well !!

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's nearly ready

Hi Everyone, just had a listen to Silver Skies and it is sounding good, I think Gerald is going to put some finishing touches on and then we will let you know where you can listen to it.
I have just returned from the dentist, I walked through the park on the way back, my mouth still feeling weird from the injections. The grass was so green it looked like velvet, very pretty in the sunlight. Have just been chilling out , trying to recover from the shock of it all. I got up at 0700 this morning, it was still dark and so very quiet. It reminded me of when I used to get up at the crack of dawn for meditation, there is a certain purity in the air and it is very soothing to sit and encourage positive thoughts. I must do this more often, I have become very lazy in the spiritual department, although when I'm driving I listen to chilled beats and meditate, it stops me from becoming enraged with other drivers. I don't close my eyes either, if that's what you are thinking. Anyway, that's all for today.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Hi everyone, it's a gorgeous day here in London, one of those crisp, bright days where the sun pours through the windows and lets you know that spring isn't that far away after all. We were trying to watch a DVD last night and all of a sudden, right in the middle of the film, our player went on the blink, there we were, half asleep and trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then this morning the guitar kept falling down of it's own accord, I wasn't even anywhere near it, now one of the strings has snapped and my plectrum has fallen inside. I haven't even been up half an hour, it's all go around here.
Saw a bit of Kylie's concert on the telly last night, she had some wild outfits and whilst it might not necessarily be the kind of stuff I would listen to all the time, at least she can sing and she has done a few songs that I really like. Her stage sets and lighting were pretty amazing as well.
Don't know what was wrong with me yesterday, I was like a locust and couldn't stop eating everything I laid my eyes on, it's strange how one can become so hungry at times, yet no matter how much I eat, I can't seem to put on weight,my metabolism must be going round at a supersonic speed. I never used to be scrawny like I am now, in fact I have been trying to put weight on for several years, I even used to drink Build Up and stuff like that. Everyone is so obsessed with losing weight, most people don't understand that skinny people have weight issues as well. My sister has suffered with anorexia for years, sometimes she looks as if she is going to snap, it's very scary. Now she eats very healthily, but I don't think she will ever be a normal weight, and it has affected her in so many ways, she even has osteoporosis at a very young age. Be careful of ridiculous diets, that's all I can say.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The wait is nearly over

Forced myself to get up earlier today , just so I wouldn't have to rush at the last minute, it will be interesting to see what transpires, knowing me I will still be in a panic at the last minute. I need to find another yoga class to go to, even though I still do it on my own several times a week, it is always good to have some sort of teacher because I might be getting into bad habits and not learning anything new. People always ask me why I don't become a yoga teacher, if I did decide to do it I would have to do it properly and go to India and study in an ashram. At the moment I feel that we should be concentrating on and putting all our efforts into music. Poor Gerald has been sorting through the a load of vocals this week for our collaboration with Dreamlab, I did so many, anyway he assures me that it is nearly finished, so I can't wait to hear it and I'm sure Dreamlab can't either. We had some delays because our microphone lead packed up in the middle of the holidays, I'm sure it will have been worth the wait. Watch this space for more details. Just remembered that I have to go to the dentist early on Monday morning, breaking out in a sweat already. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to associate anything pleasurable with it at all, well she is a very nice person , that's one thing!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dreams of the country

It's Friday again, already, the weeks seem to fly by. I was talking to a friend of mine last night, she has lived in London all her life, but decided to move to a little village in the country and she says she has never been happier. It only takes her just over an hour to drive back to London, so she's not even that far away, but she says her quality of life has improved so dramatically . It just sounds like the kind of thing we would like to do actually, so I think moving a bit further out is definitely on the agenda. I love London, but it has changed so much and I want to wake up to fresh air and the sounds of the country, not the endless drones of traffic. I have never lived anywhere but London since I have been in the UK, in fact before I got together with Gerald I only used to go and visit my cousin in York, it was like the rest of the country never existed. I was like a true town mouse. Now I think differently, I think we deserve the best of both worlds. It would just be great to step out of your doorstep and be able to go for lovely walks, to be close to nature. Imagine the wonderful inspiration we could have for our songs!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The wind is howling

Sometimes I wish that I wasn't a human being, it would be much better to be a bird or a tree or something. Speaking of trees, last night I was driving home at about 4am, it is so windy here in London, almost expecting a tornado any second, anyway somehow I drove over this branch that got stuck under my car. Fortunately, I heard that something was not quite right and I stopped and looked underneath, then I had to get down on my hands and knees and try and pull the damn thing out, it took ages, I was cursing much better, " I don't ******* believe this", I can see the funny side of it now, it must have looked so strange. Where are the cops when you need some help?
In the early hours of tomorrow morning a comet will be passing over us, I read in the paper that the best place to see it will be Epping Forest, which is very close to where we live, however the weather is so foul that I doubt anyone will be able to see anything, otherwise I would go and check it out, how exciting.
I think Nyo is frightened by the wind, it really is roaring outside, doesn't exactly look inviting. Perhaps I will go for a walk to clear the cobwebs.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Never too old for love

Nothing like a computer to wind you up first thing in the morning, I am going to scream . All I want to do is transfer music onto my phone, do you think I can get the drivers to work? Grr. I will have to uninstall everything and start again. Ladies, if you live in London there are some fantastic bargains to be found in the sales, I bought a pair of boots yesterday that had been reduced from £110 to £20! So if you have any money left over from Xmas, hit the shops and have a good browse around. The bargains are unbelievable!
I received a letter for my Mum, it was from one of her childhood sweethearts. I phoned her yesterday and she made me open it. Inside he had written her the most beautiful poem, it was definitely a love poem. Bear in mind that my Mum is 69 this year! Apparently she was very much in love with this man when they were still at school, something happened and they both went their separate ways. After many years, he tracked her down, and they started writing to each other again. Now she tells me she would like to follow her dream and go and visit him, he lives in South Africa now. It would be lovely for her if they still felt the same after all this time, who knows what would happen? I wish I could help her, it would be the love story of the century!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Up early

Morning everyone, we managed to get up at quite a normal hour today, only because I set my alarm. Did I have fun on my computer last night, trying to connect it up to my phone so I can transfer files and stuff, well do you think I could get it to work, after following instructions word for word and step by step? No way. I managed to remain remarkably calm and just left it in the end grrr! Spoke to an old friend of mine yesterday, we used to live together whilst I was going to meditation a lot, she used to go to the same centre as me, in fact we went to India together. She also ended up leaving the centre because she became involved with one of the other students, but her story does not have a happy ending like mine, because she has now split up with her boyfriend. It's horrible when your friends have a run of bad fortune, you almost feel guilty that your own life is OK, but I am glad I am in contact with her again, she is a good person. Just wanted to remind you all that if you like our songs , you can have them playing on your page if you wish, and also don't forget that Slipping Away OTD Remix is still available as a free download, so if you like it and don't have it, please download it with our compliments.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I think Gerald and I have sleeping sickness cos we just can't seem to wake up in the mornings now, it must be a New Year thing. We have done another interview which is available to view online, here is the link, please check it out, there are some interesting questions.
We were working on some vocals yesterday as well, for our collaboration with Dreamlab.The problem is that I did so many and it takes absolutely ages to go through them all, but I'm sure it will sound good in the end.
Yesterday it was another grey, cold day so we decided to go out and have a variation on a Sunday Lunch, we went and had some Indian which was very delicious indeed, the spices seemed to heat up our little tummies and gave us a feeling of well-being. If you are ever feeling a bit down or lethargic, eat something that has loads of chillies in in, guaranteed to perk you up, I did read somewhere that it is a natural anti-depressant, don't know if anyone has heard something similar? Anyway, hope you enjoy reading our interview.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Beautiful Earth

Lazy Sunday, I have the sleeping bug and feel I could laze around all day, but we have loads of things on the agenda. I have to do some singing today , our new track is almost finished, all I can tell you is that it's different to our other tracks, but it still sounds like Cling. I noticed yesterday that some of the trees have buds on them already, they must be confused because it is so unusually warm, even the birds are starting to sing really early in the morning. Yet someone who lives in Dubai was telling me that is is extremely cold there, which is also uncharacteristic. There are so many signs that something is not right in this world. In the latest edition of National Geographic there is another article about deforestation in the Amazon, and there were many articles in the news this week about the polar ice cap melting. Every year there seems to be more and more natural disasters in addition to all the man made conflicts. Everything we do seems to be affecting the environment, from turning on a light bulb to flying in a plane. I think that people are more aware of what is happening now, that's one advantage of the media, there is lots of attention being drawn to the plight of certain animals becoming extinct for example, but my own personal feeling, may I add it's just a personal feeling not meant to cause offence to anyone, is that it's too little too late. People will continue to plunder the earth's natural
resources in a effort to survive, they won't think about the long term implications. Try telling a starving person not to kill an animal or chop down a tree for some money. When you are poor and have nothing you are not exactly going to ponder about the effects of what your actions have on the environment. I don't know if there is a solution, all I can say is that I really admire those people who dedicate themselves to saving what natural resources we do have left. Just think , your grandchildren might grow up in a world where there are no rhino's or orangutans. We shouldn't take it all for granted.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Don't forget your roots

There are only two words to describe today, wet and grey. After writing about Nyo yesterday, I had a horrid dream that she was dying, so I was relieved to hear her shrieking this morning. Just got an e mail from my cousin, she is going to live in Australia as life in Zimbabwe has become too much, she and her husband have two small children so I can't blame them really. They are leaving quite soon as well, I won't see them there before I go again. So out of our whole entire family the only ones left are the older generation, my mum and her two sisters. It's sad that things had to turn out this way. It's strange because even though I have lived in England for a long time now, I don't really feel English, then when I go back to Zimbabwe I don't feel Zimbabwean anymore either, so I don't really know what I am or where I belong. My Dad was English, he was 25 years older than my Mum and was 54 when I was born. When he was young he got a job on board a merchant ship and sailed to South Africa. When he landed there, he fell in love with the place and settled there, eventually moving up north to what was then Rhodesia. He never set foot in England again until many,many years later. By the time he died though, he had become disenchanted with the way things were going and he was telling us all to get out of Zimbabwe, I suppose I am quite glad that I listened to him now.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Nyo and other animals

Nyo is having a shrieking attack, she hasn't stopped since the minute she woke up, I don't know what's upsetting her today, it's actually very annoying when you've just woken up, but I shouldn't complain really, because I would miss her if she wasn't here. I'm sure she must be the oldest lovebird around, I got her in 1995. She actually had a partner, but he escaped from the cage when I took them into the garden. It was horrible because I could hear them calling each other, but I just couldn't find him. So that is how I ended up with a single bird. It's funny because now that I have started writing about her, she has gone very quiet indeed,it's as if she knows that all the attention is on her. What would I do without this noisy ball of feathers? I love animals , if I had the choice I would have loads of them, dogs, cats , you name it. I love the way that pets develop their own personalities, and isn't it strange how dogs always end up looking like their owners, or is it the other way round? I don't ever think I've had a really unusual pet, I knew people in Zimbabwe that had little monkeys for pets, but we were never allowed anything like that. My dad always used to buy loads of tortoises, they are a great delicacy in Africa and if he saw someone who had captured one to eat, he would always rescue it. No matter what we tried the tortoises would always manage to escape, even if we put them in a pen they would burrow their way out somehow. Amazing creatures!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dr Cross

Hi everyone, it's a beautiful day here in London, deceptively warm in our living room where the sun is pouring through the windows, I know it is chilly outside though as I always have to sleep with the windows open, no matter how freezing it is outside, I have to have that fresh air blowing on my face. Central heating is the best invention ever, but it tends to make things dry and stuffy, not good for a person who suffers from headaches.
Shortly after Gerald and I got together, I had to go and see a specialist at the neurological hospital because my headaches were so bad that I had convinced myself that I had a brain tumour or something. I had waited ages for the appointment, and Gerald said he would come with me for some support.The consultant was a very stern man, who didn't seem very amused that I had brought someone in with me, I could tell he thought I was making a fuss about nothing, anyway he agreed that I could go for a scan to put my mind at rest. He decided to do a quick examination on me and for some reason I just got the giggles, I just could not stop, but because I was trying to disguise the fact I was laughing, it made me seem really tense. Poor Dr Cross, he was trying to test my reflexes and the more he told me to relax , the more and more I giggled, he must have thought I was a lunatic, and the more I tried to stop myself, the worse it became, I couldn't even look at Gerald, it was so funny. Needless to say, I dreaded all my subsequent appointments, in case the same thing happened again.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Perils of tv

Unintentionally slept very late again, I was having a very involved dream, once again I was lost in a huge airport whilst trying to travel somewhere. I have so many similar dreams where I am either having problems getting to the airport or at the airport itself, I wonder what the meaning of it all is. I used to have a book on dreams, I gave it away, so if anyone knows what this could mean, please drop me a line.
I read in one of the papers that London had the biggest sick day ever yesterday. I'm not surprised really, if I'd had to go into work I would have thought twice about it as well, apparently even the City was really quiet.
Last night we were very disciplined, we actually did some work instead of monging out watching endless rubbish on TV. From now on I'm only going to watch it if there is something decent on , otherwise it just takes over your whole life. We never even used to have a TV before my Mum came to visit us, we must have been the only household in the UK not to have one, people never used to believe us. I got fed up with it about 4 years ago and just thought no more. I didn't even miss it one iota, but I wanted my Mum to have a good time and she is a tele addict so that is the reason we got one. Before long I found myself watching hours and hours of meaningless crud and wondering why nothing else was getting done, a familiar story I'm sure. So it has only taken me a few months to become disenchanted with it again, terrible how it infiltrates into your life!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to reality

Is everyone going back to work today, I wonder how they are feeling after the festivities? We can't stop sleeping, it's wonderful, but then you lose half the day. I got some vouchers for Christmas which I would very much like to go and spend on the sales, after the other night though, the thought of jousting around amongst loads of people isn't very appealing. We went for a lovely walk yesterday, it was good to clear the cobwebs and feel the fresh air on our faces. Gerald kept pointing out to me that the spirit of the festive season seems to have disappeared in London at least. Even at the fireworks, no one was wishing each other happy new year and all the walkers we saw out yesterday just avoided eye contact with us, it's sad that there is no goodwill towards fellow humans. In fact the only person who wished us well was a very drunk Asian man who shouted out "Merry New Year," which I thought was quite funny.
We have just done another interview with The Crack which will be available to view online soon, will let you know all the details. If you are one of those people working today, I hope it goes really quickly for you ! See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007

Hi Everyone, hope you all had a good evening and a very Happy New Year to all of you,hope it brings what you have been wishing for.
Cling is lucky to be alive after getting caught up in the crowds after the fireworks, we thought we would be trampled to death because there were just too many people on the streets and the police were finding it difficult to keep things under control, they even had a line of horses which they used to stop us moving. It didn't help that some idiot kept letting off fireworks amongst the crowd and nearly caused pandemonium. But we managed to stay calm and got out eventually. The actual fireworks were stunning, even better than the Millennium, they all seemed to be flying off the London Eye, at one point the whole sky looked like a big bottle of gold glitter had been poured out all over it, it was the best, no wonder so many people turned up. I think next time we'll view it from somewhere a bit more civilized, anyway I still had a fab time, I love New Year. Hope you all have a nice chilled day to recover xxxx