Saturday, January 20, 2007


Have just leaped out of the shower, it's the best way to wake up, especially if you are brave enough to switch it onto cold right at the end. My star sign is a water sign and I don't know if this is why I love to be near or in water. I learnt how to swim before I could walk properly, we were lucky enough to have a pool and that is where I spent most of my time during the long summers. I would just play for hours, I used to pretend I was a dolphin or something, and just escape into my own underwater world.
Not so long ago we watched a programme about free diving, I can't remember the woman's name but there was some amazing footage of her swimming with seals, whales and dolphins, it is like another planet down there in the deep blue.
A few years ago I was lucky enough to learn how to scuba dive, I was in the Maldives and was completely entranced by all the things I was seeing snorkeling , so I decided to take it one step further and I went on a couple of dives, I will never forget the sheer beauty of the coral reefs, and the deeper we went , the more stunning it became, I even wrote a song about it.
One of my dreams is to swim with dolphins, I think I would cry with happiness, I know a couple of people who have done it, it sounds like an amazing experience, definitely high on my list of things to do, well my birthday is coming up in July, hint, hint.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, bye for now.


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