Sunday, January 14, 2007


Hi everyone, it's a gorgeous day here in London, one of those crisp, bright days where the sun pours through the windows and lets you know that spring isn't that far away after all. We were trying to watch a DVD last night and all of a sudden, right in the middle of the film, our player went on the blink, there we were, half asleep and trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then this morning the guitar kept falling down of it's own accord, I wasn't even anywhere near it, now one of the strings has snapped and my plectrum has fallen inside. I haven't even been up half an hour, it's all go around here.
Saw a bit of Kylie's concert on the telly last night, she had some wild outfits and whilst it might not necessarily be the kind of stuff I would listen to all the time, at least she can sing and she has done a few songs that I really like. Her stage sets and lighting were pretty amazing as well.
Don't know what was wrong with me yesterday, I was like a locust and couldn't stop eating everything I laid my eyes on, it's strange how one can become so hungry at times, yet no matter how much I eat, I can't seem to put on weight,my metabolism must be going round at a supersonic speed. I never used to be scrawny like I am now, in fact I have been trying to put weight on for several years, I even used to drink Build Up and stuff like that. Everyone is so obsessed with losing weight, most people don't understand that skinny people have weight issues as well. My sister has suffered with anorexia for years, sometimes she looks as if she is going to snap, it's very scary. Now she eats very healthily, but I don't think she will ever be a normal weight, and it has affected her in so many ways, she even has osteoporosis at a very young age. Be careful of ridiculous diets, that's all I can say.


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