Sunday, January 07, 2007

Beautiful Earth

Lazy Sunday, I have the sleeping bug and feel I could laze around all day, but we have loads of things on the agenda. I have to do some singing today , our new track is almost finished, all I can tell you is that it's different to our other tracks, but it still sounds like Cling. I noticed yesterday that some of the trees have buds on them already, they must be confused because it is so unusually warm, even the birds are starting to sing really early in the morning. Yet someone who lives in Dubai was telling me that is is extremely cold there, which is also uncharacteristic. There are so many signs that something is not right in this world. In the latest edition of National Geographic there is another article about deforestation in the Amazon, and there were many articles in the news this week about the polar ice cap melting. Every year there seems to be more and more natural disasters in addition to all the man made conflicts. Everything we do seems to be affecting the environment, from turning on a light bulb to flying in a plane. I think that people are more aware of what is happening now, that's one advantage of the media, there is lots of attention being drawn to the plight of certain animals becoming extinct for example, but my own personal feeling, may I add it's just a personal feeling not meant to cause offence to anyone, is that it's too little too late. People will continue to plunder the earth's natural
resources in a effort to survive, they won't think about the long term implications. Try telling a starving person not to kill an animal or chop down a tree for some money. When you are poor and have nothing you are not exactly going to ponder about the effects of what your actions have on the environment. I don't know if there is a solution, all I can say is that I really admire those people who dedicate themselves to saving what natural resources we do have left. Just think , your grandchildren might grow up in a world where there are no rhino's or orangutans. We shouldn't take it all for granted.


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