Friday, December 29, 2006

The Cling theory

Today is the first day that I've felt relatively normal since the excesses of Christmas, just in time to repeat it all for New Year's Eve. It's raining nastily today, so dark we didn't even realise what time it was. The other day we were having this discussion about how the mad the world has become, it was after seeing a programme with David Icke, for those who don't know who he is , he has some very controversial theories about life in this world, about the Illuminati etc, etc. Basically, the things that he was saying 10 years ago have all come true, especially things like the big brother society, where we are constantly watched. I was counting the number of cameras I see driving into London, I pass through no fewer than 16 speed cameras and that doesn't include the normal traffic surveillance cameras, or street cameras. Now the government is talking about having a little black box in your car for insurance purposes or road charging, so they will know exactly where you are going all the time. As we head towards a cashless society, how long will it be before the micro chip is introduced, what about people who don't want the micro chip, will they be outlaws and renegades ? And will we all be brainwashed by subliminal messages sent out on the TV or other mass media? It does make you think, if I have learnt anything in my life it is that things are never what they seem and politicians can't be trusted. We are just little pawns in their game.


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