Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fog and Aliens

Wow, you should see the fog outside, no wonder planes are grounded at Heathrow, we can't even see to the end of the road, this I have never experienced before, except one night when we were visiting someone in Kent and I could hardly drive. Now this is very exciting, imagine if you were in an old part of the East End, you would almost be able to imagine Scrooge jumping out from the mists. It seems to be getting worse as well because visibility has drastically reduced in the short time that we have been up. Perhaps I won't be able to go into London tonight. Perhaps the Aliens have arrived and we will all be swallowed up into the mist and whisked off to a place called Gliptonia. Someone has just parked outside and is playing loud bangra music, they have wrecked my illusions!
My dad said he saw a UFO once, well this was many years ago when he was driving at night, he was on a business trip and trying to get home to us. Bear in mind this was the middle of Africa where there are no military bases or anything. He said he looked up in the sky and saw a strange flash of light which was suspended in the air then it disappeared. I was too young to remember much else, but he wasn't the kind of person to make something like that up. Actually a few people used to report sightings along that road, Harare to Mutare, it was scary but fascinating.
Once in London I saw something strange in the sky with a friend of mine, but we were just accused of being wasted, that's the problem , no-one ever takes you seriously with stuff like that, they think you have an overactive imagination. The fog is thickening....


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