Friday, December 15, 2006


Morning everyone, can you believe that it's Friday already? I've had some inspiration for some more lyrics for another new tune, so that's two on the horizon now, we love it! Sometimes when you don't get enough sleep you end up feeling queasy when you wake up. Nothing much happened yesterday anyway, except I had to take Gerald to the dentist, it seems that it is always one or the other that's there, we should take out shares. Apart from that, I saw that woman that I had problems with last week, I don't trust her at all now, I just want to keep away from her actually, I think if someone can be that paranoid and vindictive when they don't really know you, then they must have real problems somewhere along the line. I should let it go really, but every time I see her I just think to myself how ridiculous. Sometimes I have a long way to go spiritually, I will try to think better thoughts about her. I know I should be full of forgiveness and turning the other cheek and all that, it's very hard. This week I have eaten so many mince pies I'm beginning to feel like one, I can't wait to start having more festive fare, such as Xmas cake. It is the season of the office party, swarms of very loud , drunk , cheery people staggering around all over the place, you have to be very vigilant when you drive because they just fall out onto the road. Any old excuse to get run over I suppose!


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