It's nearly ready

Hi Everyone, just had a listen to Silver Skies and it is sounding good, I think Gerald is going to put some finishing touches on and then we will let you know where you can listen to it.
I have just returned from the dentist, I walked through the park on the way back, my mouth still feeling weird from the injections. The grass was so green it looked like velvet, very pretty in the sunlight. Have just been chilling out , trying to recover from the shock of it all. I got up at 0700 this morning, it was still dark and so very quiet. It reminded me of when I used to get up at the crack of dawn for meditation, there is a certain purity in the air and it is very soothing to sit and encourage positive thoughts. I must do this more often, I have become very lazy in the spiritual department, although when I'm driving I listen to chilled beats and meditate, it stops me from becoming enraged with other drivers. I don't close my eyes either, if that's what you are thinking. Anyway, that's all for today.
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