Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hi folks, I don't know if I'll have much chance to write over the next few days as the gig looms ever closer. Gerald has now got even thinner from even more late nights as he is preparing the music. The clocks went back last night, so we got an extra hour's sleep and now it officially coming up for winter. It is also a year to the day that we moved into our house and there's still a picture that needs to be hung on the kitchen wall! I still don't have any regrets about moving here, it was definitely one of the best things we've ever done. As I was running the other day, I realised that I have watched the seasons change during my runs and it reminded me of how everything in life goes in cycles. I've watched the fields go through their cycle of planting, growing and harvesting, an I've seen the forest wear all her glorious costumes and now I've come the full cycle! It's even the time for seeing deer again in the early hours of the morning,as I did a few nights ago. Life just seems so magical at times and I never want the magic to end, why should it?
We were offered another gig today, it's great, it's exciting as well. Gerald says my nerves should even come into my performance as we are there to entertain the audience!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chilling in the chilliness

I've almost forgotten about that rancid person, because I got it all out of my system.We did go round to the flat last night , but the woman wouldn't open the door to us. Might have had something to do with the fact that I had been unable to contain my anger earlier, and I had phoned her up and given her a piece of my mind. Anyway, I found out her name from the landlord so I just wrote to her and told her what I intended to do, so hopefully that will put an end to it.
Today I went to the best yoga class ever, taught by an Italian guy. It was very dynamic and by far the most intense and demanding yoga I have ever done. I found it quite tough and I have been doing yoga for a long time, I'm glad that it wasn't my first time, it was rather demanding and precise. So I am more than pleased that at last I have found a yoga class again, one that is challenging.
It grew quite nippy this afternoon so we lit the fire and I have been in charge of keeping it going, so I just chucked two more huge logs onto it. It's lovely when you go outside and the air is so cold and biting, then you smell the smoke coming out of the chimneys and there's something so lovely and English and comforting about the whole thing. So I don't really mind anymore that it's going to be cold.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Someone tried to impersonate me

Hello everyone, it's a blustery day here in the forest. I have been a bit edgy over the last few days as I have been the victim of fraud impersonation. Someone living at our old address applied for an account in my name, but thankfully they don't know all my personal details, so they were stopped before they could do any damage. Apparently the person living there is a single mum with three kids, so she will be very surprised tonight when I turn up on her doorstep and ask her if she knows anything about it. What a cheek and heaven alone knows what else she's tried to do using my name. She must be very thick to think she can get away with it. At first I was really worried that my details had fallen into the hands of some professional gang, but now that I know where it's coming from I'm more peeved than anything else. Anyway, I've got more important things to think about, like our gig for example, I've got butterflies already. Gerald is working flat out as usual to get everything ready on time and I'm doing my usual preparations and paying more attention to what goes on in my mind. Like at the moment my mind keeps projecting stuff about that unsavoury person who tried to impersonate me and I have to keep telling myself to let go as I can't do anything about it right now.
The other day I bought a skipping rope and I skipped for half an hour, it is really strenuous and my calves were quite sore for days afterwards. When I got tired, I kept losing my co-ordination and tripping over it, amazing how something so simple can be so difficult for an adult!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The heat is on

Bet you all wondered what on earth had happened to me. Whilst out the other day, I decided to hire a carpet cleaning machine, we have cream carpets in two rooms of the house and they were looking a bit grubby. I thought to myself that I could just go over them really quickly and that would be it. I should have known better, they turned out to be a real mission just like those wretched conifers. Two whole days later and they still weren't properly finished and everyone's lives were disrupted as they had to go out the front door and walk all the way round the house just to get to the kitchen. And because the house was in turmoil, it felt like we were moving again, it was all very unsettling and time consuming, I couldn't get my head round anything else , let alone do anything else or go anywhere. Then when all the furniture was back in it's place and everything looked spotless and tidy, I suddenly became myself again and realised the enormity of what we have to accomplish for this up coming gig. It's wonderful to have such opportunities and that's what I keep reminding myself when things get a bit pressurised!Writing is therapeutic though, it helps to get rid of all that unnecessary clutter in your mind.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Focus on the good things

Hello everyone, it's been another hectic day. First of all we caught two intruders prowling around the vacant property next door. We are rubbish detectives as we failed to get photographs of them, I had just got out of the bath and was reluctant to pursue them down the road so inadequately dressed, bathrobe trailing in the wind and my clumsy, fluffy slippers. We have a plan for if we see them again. They were only a couple of silly youths, but there have been some break-ins in our street and it might even be the same ones that robbed us. It brought back all those horrible feelings.
Then, I got into my car to go to London and when I stopped to get petrol, was horrified to discover I had a puncture, drove over a nail. My mum thinks it has something to do with the youths, is it too much of a coincidence? My tyre wasn't like that earlier, I moved my car this afternoon and surely would have noticed. I'm sure I felt something popping as I drove off from the house. Maybe I wasn't meant to go out on those dangerous roads tonight.
We have just been offered another gig and we also have another radio thing- I was going to say appearance, but how can you appear on the radio? All Gerald's hard work is starting to pay off, but it hasn't ended, as now we have to prepare like crazy. All my mundane and tedious complaints have paled into insignificance

Morning, or is it goodnight?

Did I mention that a friend of ours on MySpace called Liquid transformed those photos that Gerald took of me lying in the bath and made me look like a mermaid! I can't wait to release Bodiless and Free so that we can show off the song and the photo to everyone. It's 6am and here I sit like a weirdo writing my blog. Gerald made me go gallivanting with him today so I didn't have time to complete everything, then he gave me a filthy look when I said I hadn't been online at all. So here I am!
Yesterday morning my phone rang whilst I was in the middle of a deep sleep. I couldn't believe I had left it on, so I staggered over to terminate the call, falling back into bed, full of expletives. All of a sudden I heard a voice in the distance "Hello , hello?" and realised with a sense of doom, that I had answered the call instead . How embarrassing, then to make matters worse I just turned my phone off altogether, so then the person started calling on the landline eeeuh! No rest for the naughty ones. It was no-one important anyway.
My deadline is up, I must get some sleep now. this is quite a refreshing time to write actually, quite often I sit and write little things down just before I go to bed, I find that I can be very creative at this time, providing I am not too tired!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Changing rooms

Hi everyone, it's been non-stop for me theses last couple of days, I have done so many things, yet there are still some outstanding. I have, however, been taking good care of my soul. I went to meditation class again today with my friend and then afterwards we went to try out a pilates class, which is something I've never tried before and completely different to what I thought it would be like. I really enjoyed it and will go down there on a regular basis, because they also teach inyegar yoga, which is a type of yoga I've never tried before either. It was so funny because when we got to the pilates class, my friend had to change, luckily I was already in my gear, and when we got to the changing room we discovered it was unisex, all these guys and girls happily stripping off in front of each other. I was shocked , this is something I've never come across, it's all very European! My poor friend was even more mortified, she said that she couldn't do the class if she had to change in front of all those blokes. I must say, I would have felt exactly the same, so I ran off and found a spare therapy room for her to use and I had to stand guard at the door. Morale of the story is one should always dress for the occasion!
I feel mega- chilled I didn't even get annoyed when I tried to use the self service checkout at Tesco, I couldn't get anything to scan and had to call the assistant over several times, by which time an irate queue had built up, still I refused to get flustered, but wished I'd gone to the normal queue in the end. It's hard not to feel all those impatient eyes glaring at you!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Hello winter

Hi everyone, it's turned very nippy in the country. Heating on!! Someone I know said that they weren't going to turn their heating on till December, to avoid a huge gas bill. They probably live in the depths of London and won't really need it. They probably live in a double glazed flat. l don't think I could live in this country without central heating, but loads of people do, they just rely on electric fires or something. I remember my cousin's house in York, it was right by the river, quite a big stone house, with stone floors, it was freezing. The only heating they had was an electric fire in the living room. We used to sit and watch t.v and have condensation coming out our noses! Going to bed was the worst, it was like sliding between two sheets of ice and it always used to take ages to warm up. I don't know how she lived there, through all those winters. I suppose you just toughen up in the end. Even yesterday I saw people wandering around in jeans and t-shirts and you think to yourself, no way!
Must tell you of my terrible experience running. About half an hour before going out on my run, Gerald and I were in the coffee shop. For some reason I decided to have hot chocolate, only it came with so much cream on it, more cream than anything else. Well, when I started running it must have started to curdle in my stomach and I ended up with severe pains, wondering if I was going to make it home. Definitely not one to recommend!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Love and happiness

Had such a great time yesterday, I think i mentioned before that I was going to meet my friend and we were going to go to a meditation class. I'm so glad I did go because it was a grand experience and it was lovely to sit in such a powerful and peaceful atmosphere. So it is definitely something I will be doing again. Not only that, there is a yoga centre next door where I could quite easily tie in a couple of classes after meditating. So I am very excited at the prospect of enhancing my spiritual awareness once again. I'd forgotten how far I'd strayed...
So I came home eventually, and then I recorded some vocals which I think turned out very well owing to my positive state of mind. Th proof of the pudding will be when Gerald listens to them tonight. I should have lots of lyrics to write soon as Gerald has a new toy, a piece of software that does even more amazing things. Lots to look forward to then!
October, October, the seasons are changing before our eyes, wouldn't it be lovely if we could hibernate in the winter?