Friday, October 10, 2008

Focus on the good things

Hello everyone, it's been another hectic day. First of all we caught two intruders prowling around the vacant property next door. We are rubbish detectives as we failed to get photographs of them, I had just got out of the bath and was reluctant to pursue them down the road so inadequately dressed, bathrobe trailing in the wind and my clumsy, fluffy slippers. We have a plan for if we see them again. They were only a couple of silly youths, but there have been some break-ins in our street and it might even be the same ones that robbed us. It brought back all those horrible feelings.
Then, I got into my car to go to London and when I stopped to get petrol, was horrified to discover I had a puncture, drove over a nail. My mum thinks it has something to do with the youths, is it too much of a coincidence? My tyre wasn't like that earlier, I moved my car this afternoon and surely would have noticed. I'm sure I felt something popping as I drove off from the house. Maybe I wasn't meant to go out on those dangerous roads tonight.
We have just been offered another gig and we also have another radio thing- I was going to say appearance, but how can you appear on the radio? All Gerald's hard work is starting to pay off, but it hasn't ended, as now we have to prepare like crazy. All my mundane and tedious complaints have paled into insignificance


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