Monday, September 15, 2008

The lantern walk

Hi everyone, the gig was great, the best we ever sounded, could have done with a few more people down there to witness the spectacular performance! Where were you all? Even the sun came out and brightened up what had been a sombre week as far as weather goes. We had some fun and games as well because when we got down there to do a sound check a vital piece of equipment wasn't working, so we came home and debated what to do, Gerald ended up driving to the next town down the road to get a lead for the damn temperamental thing. I say that because when we got back to play, it was just working normally again. Typical.
That night my Mum asked me to go on a lantern walk with her and it was the most amazing thing. It was a walk through the forest at night, but in the forest all the local schoolchildren had made displays and hung them in the trees etc, then they were all lit up with various lights and this turned it into the magic forest. There were ghosts and butterflies, bees and insects, an old pirate's treasure chest, illuminated dinosaur bones, and even a band dressed up as witches and wizards. Of course everyone was carrying an old-fashioned lantern and the way was lit by hundreds of candles in jars. It was the most exhilarating walk I've had in a long time, and believe me if I hadn't been with my Mum I would have thought I was tripping or something. Got back home and I tried to give Gerald a fright, I crept up to the studio window in the darkness, held the lantern up to my face and tried to look as sinister and macabre as possible. He was disappointed that he had not come with us.


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