Sunday, August 24, 2008

Northern Cyprus

Hi everyone, feeling recharged after our break. This was the view we had from our room and every day we would awake to the heat and sunshine, what a pleasure. Some days I would wake myself up by diving into the pool and gliding through the warm water, before going to wake Gerald up for breakfast. Then we would plan what we were going to do for the day which was inevitably nothing! It was the quietest holiday I have ever had and boy did we need it. Mornings were mostly spent on the beach where I took to dining into the azure waters which were also as warm as bathwater, I always find floating around in the sea to be quite healing and I love to feel the energy of the waves. Lunch was normally spent in the shade of the terrace before retiring to the pool area for the afternoon, soaking up the sun and mastering the art of chilling. In the evenings we would sit outside our room for a while before going for dinner, which was also on the terrace overlooking the sea. The moon would rise behind Gerald, always full and bright. All around, the air was infused with the smell of jasmine, thick and sweet. After eating we would go for a walk in the little village, peeping into people's houses to see how they lived. It wasn't difficult as it is so hot that people just keep all their doors open and sit outside. I also used to love sitting on the beach quite late at night and just being by the ocean. One night the moon turned the water silver and it was quite trippy. If you looked at it for a long time,it seemed as if the water was full of millions of shining stars.Then it was sleep, sleep, sleep, with some of the most clear and vivid dreams I have had for a long time. So that was a typical day really, although we did do some other interesting stuff, but alas I have to sign off for today!


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