Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a day

Hi everyone, does anyone have a problem with their Facebook page at the moment? Mine is driving me crazy as certain things won't work properly, must have a few bugs on there. I noticed it's raining again, how's anyone supposed to go running, not that I mind getting wet, it's just a bit treacherous. We only have limited time now to rehearse for Saturday and Gerald has just called to inform me that he has been delayed owing to someone messing up an appointment that he had. So things will be a bit rushed when he comes home. Got hardly any sleep as the person across the road had a tree surgeon over and they were feeding chopped branches into a shredder which made such a racket and vibrated throughout the neighbourhood, and what can you say when it's during working hours? Anyway, I discovered a wonderful pick-me-up, if you have a juicer, combine apple, carrot and a slice of fresh ginger, it really perks you up. In fact, I'm gonna have one right now!


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