Monday, October 20, 2008

Someone tried to impersonate me

Hello everyone, it's a blustery day here in the forest. I have been a bit edgy over the last few days as I have been the victim of fraud impersonation. Someone living at our old address applied for an account in my name, but thankfully they don't know all my personal details, so they were stopped before they could do any damage. Apparently the person living there is a single mum with three kids, so she will be very surprised tonight when I turn up on her doorstep and ask her if she knows anything about it. What a cheek and heaven alone knows what else she's tried to do using my name. She must be very thick to think she can get away with it. At first I was really worried that my details had fallen into the hands of some professional gang, but now that I know where it's coming from I'm more peeved than anything else. Anyway, I've got more important things to think about, like our gig for example, I've got butterflies already. Gerald is working flat out as usual to get everything ready on time and I'm doing my usual preparations and paying more attention to what goes on in my mind. Like at the moment my mind keeps projecting stuff about that unsavoury person who tried to impersonate me and I have to keep telling myself to let go as I can't do anything about it right now.
The other day I bought a skipping rope and I skipped for half an hour, it is really strenuous and my calves were quite sore for days afterwards. When I got tired, I kept losing my co-ordination and tripping over it, amazing how something so simple can be so difficult for an adult!


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