Tuesday, October 31, 2006

More tales from the Dales

Wish I was a mushroom connoisseur, we saw so many growing whilst we were out and about on our walks, especially up on the fells, all shapes and colours and sizes. If I had known anything about them I would have picked some and tried them out.

On our third day, we started off from a little village called Muker. To get there we had to drive on this narrow road across the moors, well that all sounds simple enough, but you should have seen it, sheer drops, treacherous corners, terrifying hills to get up, I needed a 4X4 really. Fortunately there was another way to get back on a slightly wider road, I was sweating at the thought of it. Anyway, we followed the path of another river as it twisted and turned through the landscape. We stopped at an old deserted farm house, sat down on the grass outside and had some lunch. I decided to be curious and go and have a peek inside, imagine my horror to discover a dead sheep, I'm just glad that it hadn't been raining and that we hadn't run in there for some shelter. We moved on and came to the most stunning waterfall, I wished we'd had more patience and had our lunch there, it was slightly more pleasant than the smell of putrefying flesh, but that's the country for you. By the way, I've never seen so many pheasants either, I was fascinated by them, but every time I pointed one out, Gerald looked at me disdainfully as if they were some kind of vermin. Well, I will continue tomorrow, Happy Halloween to all you pagans.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Walking in the Dales

Hi everyone, this is a photo of me just outside a little village called West Burton. It was at the start of our first major walk. Little did I know in the days to come I would see more waterfalls than I've ever done in my life. We hadn't been walking for a while before this trip,and as a result of this we kept getting lost and having to retrace our steps. There was also a sheer climb up an enormous hill, a narrow path with nothing much to hold onto. Of course I am terrified of heights and I got vertigo, I was a trembling wreck, but I had to continue as there was no other way, it was a case of feel the fear and do it anyway. Then we walked for ages, looking for a concrete track, I was convinced that we were going the wrong way, eventually we retraced our steps and went in another direction. Suddenly Gerald recognised something and realised that he had done this walk before, and guess what, we had been going the right way all along. Of course this caused a bit of an argument, but we managed to get where we were supposed to be in the end. The countryside was just magical though,partly because the weather was really lovely and dappled all the fields in glorious light, and there's just something about being there that soothes your soul, you can actually feel yourself unwind. Something inside me just wanted to stay there forever with the only sounds being the wind and the tumbling streams mixed with the songs of the birds, and the energy out there is so powerful, the ancient trees benevolently watch over the landscape, sentinels of serenity. It just seemed so far away from the hustle and bustle of London, really made me realise just how fast life in the city is and how different it is. I much prefer the simplicity of nature.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

We're back

Hi Clingers, we arrived back yesterday after having a fabulous time, felt like we were away for ages. Where we stayed was really remote, it was just a tiny hamlet at the end of a road. there were only a few farm buildings and that was it. From the doorstep of our cottage there were just loads of places to walk and walk we did. It felt like I got a lot of things out of my system, at times it was very tough and challenging and not without facing some fears, so I've come back a lot stronger.
Day one we took it easy, we decided to visit White Scar Caves, you go on a guided tour deep into the bowels of the earth. I was a bit apprehensive at first, claustrophobia was never one of my favourite things. I thought we would just go a little way in and there would be a huge cave there, I didn't realise we would have to trek for about half a mile down narrow tunnels that were so low in some places you have to crouch, and there was just water everywhere, underground waterfalls and fast flowing streams. The way the rocks had been carved out by the water was amazing, they were so smooth and shiny, they looked like porcelain, didn't even look real, there were colours I'd never even seen before, then there were all the stalagmites and stalactites to look at and that was something I'd only ever seen in books before. By the time we reached our destination, a huge cave deep in the earth, I was just so stunned and exhilarated by everything that I actually felt quite comfortable down there, apart from the fact that it was very, very cold. Then there was the grand finale in the cave, the guide switched off the lights and put an ultra-violet light on and all the stalactites growing down from the roof became illuminated and it was like being in an enormous winter wonderland. My only regret is that we didn't stay down there longer. I would highly recommend that trip to anyone, it's well worth it, like a different universe down there. Didn't quite convince me to go potholing in my spare time though.
Well, that's all from me today, log on for tomorrow for the next exciting episode.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

See you in a week

Bye everyone, we are just about to embark on our journey, we have got up at an ungodly hour to do so. We just have to pack the car now and that's it. We will be back next week with lots of stories to tell you all about Yorkshire. Will be glad to get away now, especially after doing some last minute shopping yesterday, I didn't know where all the people came from and it astounded me, I would rather look at the country fields and the sheep. Keep on Clinging, lots of love xxx

Friday, October 20, 2006

I am officially on holiday from today, even though we are leaving tomorrow. Now don't be disappointed if you don't see my blogs for a week, I am going to take my laptop with me but I don't know if I will have any Internet access where we are going. If our preparations go well, then I will have time to write tomorrow morning before we depart. Really feel like I need to get away as the summer was so stressful. Also I keep having dreams where I am arguing with my mother, could it be that something is unresolved between us?
Today is a very grey day, I hope it's not going to be grim like this up North. The first time I went to York, I found it really difficult to understand what people were saying as the accent is so different. Actually, when you get outside of London it is almost like being in another country.
Nothing eventful happened yesterday, I saw some people I hadn't seen in a while. There is this one lady I know, we have worked together for quite a long time. Just about every year I have sent her a birthday card, on a couple of occasions I have even got her a birthday present. She has never so much as sent me a card in all the time I have known her, never even bothered to ask me when my birthday is, so this year I didn't send her a card and now she is acting all upset , a bit one sided if you ask me. Human nature never ceases to amaze me, people never stop and think. Can't be bothered with all this superficial nonsense anyway, people always show their true colours in the end. Happy Clinging, keep on listening xxxx

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Silly Questions

Wish that I could go back to bed for a couple more hours, sometimes one just feels sick with tiredness. I was speaking to an acquaintance of mine about going away, she asked me if I was taking Nyo with us. I said yes because Nyo likes going in the back of the car, she shrieks at all the other people on the motorway and whenever we stop, we normally get loads of people admiring her. At this point the person started to look perplexed and asked me how people could see the bird, do I drive along with the boot open? I actually couldn't believe what I was hearing, in view of the fact that I have a hatchback and this person has exactly the same car as me. What a plonker! What a question!
When I was walking to my car in the early hours of the morning, near a famous department store, I found a bag that had been dropped on the street, it was full Chanel cosmetics, how lovely. Someone obviously didn't want them anymore. Gerald and I are always finding things, a couple of months ago we found a wallet with loads of money etc, we were good citizens and handed it in to the cops, the owner later gave us a reward and couldn't believe that he'd actually got all his money back. Everyone said we were mad . Anyway, if the owner of the cosmetics is reading this, hurry up and contact me before I use them all! Bye for now!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I think I'm going to move to the middle of nowhere because someone rang our doorbell after I had only had 4 hours sleep and it woke me up completely, it's so infuriating, it was probably for downstairs who never answer their bell.
Someone that I know had a really bad Friday 13. First of all she lost her mobile phone, then she reversed into an electric gate that she thought was closed, this is bad enough , but she was driving someone elses' car. The gate was so badly damaged that it had to be taken down, never mind the car, which looked like a concertina. Eventually she went home in her own car and parked in her garage. Whilst unpacking, she left the door of the car open with her handbag on the seat. Her husband arrived home and was stunned to see the car open, so he quickly locked the door, only to find that he had locked the keys inside by mistake. They didn't have a spare key, so they had to call someone to get into the car for them. I mean you could make a movie out of the whole scenario, talk about bad luck.
My sister and brother-in-law have been offered a farm to buy in Canada. Apparently it is huge and there are quite a few businesses run on the farm itself. I immediately had visions of Gerald and me running some outpost on a reservation and riding over the plains on horseback. I don't know if anything will come of it, but I'm there already.
Two cups of coffee later and I'm feeling mighty fine, the best coffee I ever tasted was in Italy, it was like rocket fuel as well, gave us the strength to climb an enormous mountain with only a bottle of water and a bag of grapes to sustain us. It's hard to beat a good espresso.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dreams and things

Hi everyone, Cling are still doing themselves in. Gerald has found muscles he never knew existed and he groans every time he moves.Did I have a freaky dream or what, I was kidnapped by a Wayne Rooney look alike, but I managed to escape and find my way back to Gerald. We started to get pursued by "wayne" and his cronies, we were hiding in some kind of mental hospital, then escaped onto the underground, but it was all futuristic, instead of having tickets we just touched our hands on the barrier. Then I woke up, don't ask me where all of that came from.
I spent a lot of my life worrying about trivial things that never even ended up happening and I have been trying to overcome this for some time. Now when I don't fret about something small, then I get worried about why I'm not worrying anymore, crazy isn't it? It's like my Grandmother, when her husband died she came into a lot of money, but instead of enjoying it, she spent her whole time worrying about it, scared that someone would take it off her. It's only when you look back that you realise you pick up so much crap off your parents and family, in a way I'm glad that I don't have kids because they would probably end up so mucked up. Well, anyway that's all for today, keep on Clinging.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Exhausted after a whole day of painting, assembling wardrobes, clearing out junk , etc etc. Gerald says it should be called Do-Yourself-In. We only ended up going to bed at about 03.00. and we still haven't finished. C'est la vie. Some plonkers had parked right across our driveway again, for the first time we didn't get furious, just asked them to move in a polite way. It still annoys me, even if I don't need to go anywhere, it's like people have the whole road to park in ,but they always seem to make a beeline for our drive, even the police were parked across it last night. Perhaps we should start charging them. Beds of nails come to mind, as do various other nasty things, now I know why the previous occupants left a traffic cone here. Now Nyo is playing up and flying all over the place, potentially dangerous situation as she is always getting into trouble. If a cat has nine lives, Nyo must have nineteen, it's actually incredible what she has managed to survive. Once she even flew into a burning tea light and got wax all in her wings and everything. It can be worse than having a baby. Do babies shriek all the time? So Cling has another busy day today, this time next week we will be enjoying the lovely British countryside, see you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Retail Therapy

Had a hilarious dream last night,that I was at a huge club with my cousin. There was a Japanese TV crew there and they were filming us dancing. I was doing my stuff on the dance floor and my cousin came up to me and said we should change our clothes so they could film us again, then she said she didn't care what she wore as long as she was on TV. How funny, now what is the meaning of that?
Poor Gerald's face is still swollen, it really does look like he's had a smack in the mouth. Yesterday I was feeling really on edge, I really had to talk to myself and tell myself not to feel that way. It's a bit like policing your thoughts, just replacing all your negative thoughts with positive ones. Then I arrived in Knightsbridge and I was browsing around, guess what, I fell in love- with a pair of shoes, I just had to have them, they are so beautiful. Talk about getting a fix off retail therapy, this was the ultimate.In fact I was so excited about having them I was showing them to everyone. I can just see my yoga teacher saying "now look inside yourself, external things can only bring you temporary happiness, blah, blah, blah." Well, he was right really because now I have the added stress of trying to find outfits to go with the shoes! One day I will get it right. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Call the undertaker

Hi Clingers, commiserations to Gerald as he has an abscess on his tooth and his mouth has swollen to enormous proportions, looks like I've punched him in the mouth. between the two of us, you might need to call the undertaker. I'm in need of some healing myself, I've felt that something is blocked inside of me, not on a physical level, although it does manifest itself in physical ways, but it is like my aura needs to be cleared or something. It's probably because I have neglected myself on a spiritual level for a little while, I don't even meditate as mush as I used to anymore. It all comes down to self-discipline again, so I really have to make the effort and not be lazy. Although I do healing on myself, sometimes you need another person to help. I used to go for reflexology and I used to love it, I would drift off into a deep sleep and then come home feeling really spaced out, it was lovely.
Another bright and sunny day, yesterday I was wondering around in a t-shirt only, very unusual for October. Don't forget you can buy our tunes on iTunes, here is the link http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=189439991&s=143441

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday 13

Gerald has rancid toothache again and hasn't slept all night. The dentist wasn't very helpful yesterday and told him she was leaving today anyway to go back to S.A. So much for trying to sort it out.
So today is Friday 13, I wonder if anything will happen today. I say that because last time it was Fri 13 I had a bizarre experience. I was walking to the tube station and I was stopped by this strange man who out of the blue started to tell me all about my life, really personal things that a stranger couldn't possibly know. He even told me the name of my mother's ex maid in Zimbabwe. I had fallen out with this lady and she wrote and told me that she had put a curse on me. Before we left Zimbabwe, Gerald nearly died, long story , but it became the inspiration for our Slipping Away OTD remix. Well, this guy told me that she had cursed me and I asked him to help me and he actually lifted the curse. There were several other things that convinced me that he was absolutely genuine. The other strange thing was that I felt like I was with him for ages and ages, but when we parted, only 10 minutes had elapsed on my watch. I was so shaken by the whole experience and everyone I told about it had shivers running down their spines. To this day I don't know if this man was real even, perhaps he was an angel sent to help me. I've never seen him again.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


It's Thursday already, time does march on. I saw a lovely dress yesterday, I should have got it as the normal thing will occur if I leave it for too long, they won't have my size. It seems really difficult to get shoes in my size as well, it seems I always have to strike whilst the proverbial iron is hot.
Sometimes my mind just seizes up and I can't think of anything to write whatsoever, not the best position to be in for someone who is meant to be creative. I used to get up and just write whatever came into my head, it is meant to be good for the whole process, again it's purpose was just to free up your mind. When you potentially have loads of people actually reading what you are writing however, you have to think about it a little bit.
Gerald has to go to the dentist today, I must accompany him to give him some support, it is a beautiful day so we can walk through the park. At least we do have a lovely park very close to us, it makes up for not having a garden.
Yesterday I went downstairs to pick up the mail and the lady who who lives downstairs was doing karaoke or something, it made me smile because she is the last person I would expect to hear singing away. She is actually a bit of a recluse, she never comes out of her flat, won't even answer the doorbell to the postman. They have a garden downstairs which they have neglected and it is all overgrown and I just think to myself what a waste, I would just be out there all the time. I think I'd rather live upstairs though rather than have people trampling above me all the time. I used to live in a ground floor flat and all theses Chinese people moved in upstairs, all they used to do was run up and down constantly, it was so noisy, I could never rest properly. At the time I was doing reiki at home as well and I always used to wonder if my clients noticed, they never used to say anything. When I think about it, I have lived in some weird places. Must dash now, see you tomorrow.


It's Thursday already, time does march on. I saw a lovely dress yesterday, I should have got it as the normal thing will occur if I leave it for too long, they won't have my size. It seems really difficult to get shoes in my size as well, it seems I always have to strike whilst the proverbial iron is hot.
Sometimes my mind just seizes up and I can't think of anything to write whatsoever, not the best position to be in for someone who is meant to be creative. I used to get up and just write whatever came into my head, it is meant to be good for the whole process, again it's purpose was just to free up your mind. When you potentially have loads of people actually reading what you are writing however, you have to think about it a little bit.
Gerald has to go to the dentist today, I must accompany him to give him some support, it is a beautiful day so we can walk through the park. At least we do have a lovely park very close to us, it makes up for not having a garden.
Yesterday I went downstairs to pick up the mail and the lady who who lives downstairs was doing karaoke or something, it made me smile because she is the last person I would expect to hear singing away. She is actually a bit of a recluse, she never comes out of her flat, won't even answer the doorbell to the postman. They have a garden downstairs which they have neglected and it is all overgrown and I just think to myself what a waste, I would just be out there all the time. I think I'd rather live upstairs though rather than have people trampling above me all the time. I used to live in a ground floor flat and all theses Chinese people moved in upstairs, all they used to do was run up and down constantly, it was so noisy, I could never rest properly. At the time I was doing reiki at home as well and I always used to wonder if my clients noticed, they never used to say anything. When I think about it, I have lived in some weird places. Must dash now, see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Susi & Gerald 4ever

Must write quickly as I have to dash up the road, I don't know if I will make it before Gerald gets back, otherwise I will have to go later. There has been a thunderstorm today, it is as black as night outside and the rain is really pouring down. Something is definitely up with the climate, it's hardly ever this mild in October, and it's not only in the UK, a friend of mine has just returned from Poland where you would expect it to be cold now and she said that she was walking round in a short sleeved shirt.
Just received some photos from my cousin in Zimbabwe, she is married with two kids now. When we were growing up we were inseparable, we even had our own language that only we could understand and we were unbelievably naughty. Her little boy appears to have the same sense of humour as us already, he is only a few years old, already pulling faces and saying strange words. Anyway, they are in the process of selling up and going to Australia and that means that only the older generation of our family will be left in Zimbabwe. So it really is the end of the road.
To change the subject completely, sometimes I get overwhelmed by such powerful feelings of love for Gerald, he will be fast asleep and I will lie there clinging on to him and bawling my eyes out because I feel he is so precious to me. I can't ever imagine being without him and I seem to love him more now than ever. We have been together four years now, that's a record for me,no pun intended. I've never felt this way about anyone, always knew it was true love. On that sentimental, soppy note, goodbye!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cling on iTunes

Hi Clingers, Tuesday finds us both in pain, Gerald with dental problems and me with a headache, I think I'd rather have a headache, we should just go back to bed. Last night was so funny because we bought this wardrobe from Ikea and managed to squeeze this enormous thing into my little car, that was the easy bit as when we got home we had to negotiate the stairs, it was so hard not to collapse in a fit of giggles. Good job I'm strong and not one of those insipid weaklings.
I dreamt that I was trying on a pair of shoes and although I liked them , I just couldn't get them to fit properly. Is there a hidden meaning, I can't remember enough about dreams? It could be because I actually saw a pair of shoes yesterday that I really liked, but I didn't have time to get them and want to return today, they better have my size.
I did some singing on the new track yesterday. it was most enjoyable, we haven't had a chance to listen to the vocals yet, but Gerald is going to do some work on them tonight. Our Cd is finally available for purchase on iTunes, which is good news for us, we are now on all the major download sites.
We are going to take our own photos when we go away, as we will be around some stunning scenery and we might get something good. There will be lots of interesting subjects as well, apart from natural scenery there are steam trains and huge viaducts, so we won't be short of ideas. It does make it difficult to get a shot of us together though, does that mean we'll have to cart the tripod along? Never mind, one day we will be dodging the paparazzi and will look back on our days of struggling artists with fondness.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday thoughts

Spent the majority of yesterday afternoon in the car, took us ages to drive into London,but we got all the stuff we needed for our latest project. When we got home we went for a walk in the park, we were surprised to see how green everything still is, what's happened to the autumn, it seems to be late this year, there were hardly any leaves on the ground. The grass looked absolutely stunning though, it was like soft, green velvet. Not long now before we go away, I am really looking forward to it.

I saw an orange cloud of butterflies
Drift towards the echoes of the sunshine
They disappeared into the eerie light
Vanishing before my eyes

I got up too early today, I feel that I could have slept on for ages, perhaps I was having energetic dreams, I can't remember what they were about. Yesterday there was a commotion with our neighbours, two very drunk "ladies" were at each other's throats, there was much yelling and screaming in our normally serene street, lots of curtains were twitching as well. Not sure what the fracas was about, no doubt over some man. They caused such a row that the one man was apologising to all the people that had come out on the street to look. Very entertaining, who needs soap operas?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Good for Madge

Here I am, all bleary eyed, had a lovely sleep actually, could have laid there for hours. Yesterday we went out with the intention of buying a wardrobe, every single one we saw and measured appeared to be too small, it was like mission impossible. We came home with a lampshade and various other items instead, then Gerald decided to take the measurements again and we discovered that there had been a blunder and we could have bought any one of the wardrobes, typical.
So I read this week that Madge is going to help the Aids orphans in Malawi, good for her, if more people can draw the world's attention to places like that the better. I don't think many people realise exactly how bad the situation is. I know when my uncle had his business in Zimbabwe, he lost 75% of his workers to Aids, it is so bad there that the average life expectancy is only about 35. So many people die that there is nowhere to bury them, they don't even have proper coffins to put them in. A lot of the orphans just end up the streets scavenging a living. If you ever want your heart broken go to Africa and open your eyes, have a really good look around.
I didn't mean to be all serious and morose, but these were just my thoughts today. Most people don't appreciate what they have, so next time you feel like moaning about your lot in life, just remember, your life is probably a bed of roses compared to some.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Nyo has woken up full of beans today and is demanding to play games already. Last night it was really funny, we were watching a programme about the Galapogos Islands and Nyo was really shrieking at the sound of the birds on the tv, like she was answering them, it was so loud and shrill that we couldn't concentrate in the end. Just seeing that film made me realise that there are so many places left in the world that I would love to go to, what are we doing sitting around here? Makes you wonder.
We now have nearly 15000 friends on MySpace, it seems incredible because we have only been on there just under a year. I will be doing some singing this weekend for the other version of Haunt You, I am looking forward to it, it will be good to get another tune wrapped up so we can start on the next one.
I had a funny dream last night that I had a little puppy again, that would be so lovely. I had to leave my little dog in Zimbabwe with my Mum, I love him so much but I can't bring him over here because I couldn't bear to put him in quarantine for 6 months, it would be too cruel, so now I only get to see him once a year. He is such a gentle, lovely little thing. Unfortunately we don't have a garden so more pets are out of the question, the only solution is to move. Does anyone have a small house with a garden close to London for Cling?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Don't be cruel to animals

Still traumatised from the dentist, they were very nice to me, but I'm just such a baby. What an ordeal. Well, I only have to go back next month to continue treatment, so I will put it out of my mind till then. What a blustery day outside, cold and raining, basically just grey. When I woke up today I thought it was Saturday already and I was looking forward to just sleeping in bed for a little longer, no chance.
Saw some awful pictures in the paper of these circus bears in China, they were being made to do all these "tricks", I can't stand cruelty to animals, I can't believe that all this rubbish goes on and why do these people get away with it? They are known as a nation that is notoriously cruel to animals, the rest of the world should stand up and do something. I think if someone abuses an animal then whatever they do to the animal should be done to them. They try and break the spirit of these magnificent creatures, yet I would like to see all of them face to face with a bear in the wild. I shouldn't get upset, I should know by the law of karma that what goes around comes around, I just wish more could be done to stop all this suffering. When I am rich ,I will have a sanctuary for abused creatures. Look how the animals in Africa suffer as well, by the time my niece and nephew have children,things like rhinos might not even exist anymore. It's a sobering thought. Must sign off now, would have loved to continue, but I've got to go. Bye for now everyone.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

dreading the dentist

Oh no, today i have to go to the dentist, I have been dreading this for weeks, lying there in a most undignified fashion, mouth agape, whilst everyone is peering and prodding inside. I am so nervous that I have acquired one of Gerald's sleeping pills because they are so strong they are like horse tranquilizers, imagine if I become so relaxed that I fall asleep!
What else has happened? We turned our central heating back on, so it seems that winter is fast approaching now, it gets really cold at night and I must admit that it is so lovely to come in from the cold and feel lovely heat emanating from the radiators. I don't mind winter that much really, it's fun to dress up in layers of clothes and as long as you can keep yourself warm, it's OK.
By the way I like my new hairdresser, he was very good and easy to chat to, I think men are always better at cutting women's hair because they actually want you to look good.
Time is marching and I must make a move now because I have to get there on time. I keep asking myself what's the worst thing that can happen, needles and pain are just not my thing really. Let you know how it all goes tomorrow, bye from Cling xxx

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Going to the hairdresser today to get a couple of inches trimmed off, I'm not in the mood for anything drastic like shaving my head, the girl I normally see is away, so unless I strike an instant rapport with the new one, I will just play it safe. I wonder if hairdressers get a thrill out of being in a position of such power. At the chop of their hand, they transform the way you look, your hair can either make or break you. I think it's worth it to pay loads of money for a really good cut, you can't beat it. Of course if you pay loads of money and end up looking like a dog that's another story. And if we do end up with a cut we don't like how many of us actually have the courage to say that we are not happy? I think I did it once and I felt so proud of myself. We shouldn't feel shy to complain about a service that we are not happy with, but we all seem to be brought up with the philosophy that we shouldn't cause any trouble, especially if you are from an English background. Grin and bear it, hard habit to break.
Nyo is being naughty today, her latest trick is to fly down onto my laptop, making it very hard for me to write and then there is the added risk of her doing a big poo on the keyboard, the perils of having a lovebird. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, I have to get ready, see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Don't get brainwashed

Hi everyone , Cling is alive and kicking. I keep thinking of this ridiculous conversation I had with this lady I know. She was suffering from manic depression and then became born again and seemed to replace all her addictions with religion. She certainly has some hypocritical views on life and is completely brainwashed, but she doesn't see it herself and you can't talk logically to her about anything. She was going on about how God sent a tornado to Brighton because it is the gay capital of the UK and they must all be punished, not very christian. Then in the next breath, she was idolising Cliff Richard and saying how he was her ideal man etc etc, I mean hello is he not in the closet, not to mention all the plastic surgery, are these people all blind or what? This is the problem I have with religion, It is all just a way of controlling people. I believe in God , but I don't believe you need any third party in order to have a relationship with him, and for that matter I don't believe that God needs 10% of anyone's salary either, it's all a load of crap. All religions say the same thing anyway, if you're not one of us, you won't go to heaven, let's really play on some fear. Disgraceful, no wonder there are so many wars .
A similar thing happened to me, I joined an organisation, supposedly to learn meditation. Next thing I was getting up at 03.30 every day to meditate, I studied their philosophies, I became celibate, I became vegan and every spare moment I spent at the meditation centre doing "service". I truly believed that I had found a way to God and inner peace. It wasn't till I ended up in India at this organisation's headquarters that I finally twigged on that I was indeed following some sort of religion, and I felt very peed off because all the time we had been told that it wasn't a religion at all, it was just a meditation lifestyle. How did I escape from this cult? I met up with Gerald again and decided I didn't want to be celibate anymore, ha ha. Be careful Clingers, that's all I can say.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Waiting for my car

I've written this whilst waiting for some minor repair to be done on my car, I've been dreading coming down here ever since I booked it in, but the time seems to be passing quickly so far. If I'd been thinking straight when I made the appointment, I would have got a courtesy car, but then by the time I would have got home , it wouldn't be very long before I had to return here. What mundane thoughts, is this what I've been reduced to? Anyway, I wonder how long it will be, I'm not very impressed.
Not used to getting up so early either, it would be strange to work 9-5. It was a sunny, glorious morning and it was a bit like driving in the countryside, all green fields etc. October chill was stretching it's icy fingers into the air. This kind of weather reminds me of Zimbabwean winters,speaking of which, I must call my mum to find out all the latest goings on there. She must be wondering what on earth I am up to as well.
I would like to think that one day I will return to Africa, every now and then something will tug at my heart and remind me of where I come from. I can just imagine waking up in the African bush to the sound of all the creatures, as they go about their business before the heat of the day. You can almost taste the freshness of the earth and the air feels like a caress upon your skin. The whole world comes alive before your eyes. Nature is very complex, but at the same time it is so simple and that is the beauty of it. Even the tiniest creature is fascinating.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Still raining , it doesn't seem to want to stop,there is even the occasional rumble of thunder. I suppose everyone will be recovering after their nights out, I feel like I've been out, we were listening to the tune that Gerald has been working on and I could just imagine performing it in front of a crowd of jumping, screaming people, it's a good example of Cling gone up-tempo. Don't worry fans, we are still sticking to our original style, but we need to get more exposure in clubs etc, to get our music to a wider range of people. I've noticed that whenever I've been to a live concert , people just love to dance, I know I do, so sometimes you have to cater for that. I can't wait to do a live performance, it will be the most amazing experience.
So we are just getting ready now to drive into London, shouldn't take too long today, but you never know because when it rains everyone seems to get into their cars. I'll never forget the first time I drove in London, it was so scary and I looked in the rear view mirror at Hyde Park Corner and all I could see was a mass of headlights behind me. I did get used to it after a while though.
So I will leave you with a quote form Carlos Castanada: "It takes just as much energy to feel good as it does to feel bad, " or words to that effect.
Have a wonderful day.