Thursday, October 05, 2006

dreading the dentist

Oh no, today i have to go to the dentist, I have been dreading this for weeks, lying there in a most undignified fashion, mouth agape, whilst everyone is peering and prodding inside. I am so nervous that I have acquired one of Gerald's sleeping pills because they are so strong they are like horse tranquilizers, imagine if I become so relaxed that I fall asleep!
What else has happened? We turned our central heating back on, so it seems that winter is fast approaching now, it gets really cold at night and I must admit that it is so lovely to come in from the cold and feel lovely heat emanating from the radiators. I don't mind winter that much really, it's fun to dress up in layers of clothes and as long as you can keep yourself warm, it's OK.
By the way I like my new hairdresser, he was very good and easy to chat to, I think men are always better at cutting women's hair because they actually want you to look good.
Time is marching and I must make a move now because I have to get there on time. I keep asking myself what's the worst thing that can happen, needles and pain are just not my thing really. Let you know how it all goes tomorrow, bye from Cling xxx


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