Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Stop the slaughter of Dolphins

I thought that there was little left in this world that could really shock me, but last night I saw something so vile on the news that I just had to write about it. I don't know if anyone saw it here in the UK but it was about the cruel and barbaric slaughter of dolphins in Japan. This footage was so gruesome , I couldn't even watch it. These b******s were herding hundreds of dolphins into an enclosure where they couldn't escape from, then they selected the fattest, healthiest ones destined for theme parks and they were the lucky ones. The rest of these beautiful , intelligent, adorable creatures, were barbarically hacked to pieces in front of each other, screaming in pain from the sharp hooks that were used to tear them apart,the sea a pool of blood. Do you know, in the end I just wanted to be sick, I found it so heartbreaking. Why are the Japaneses allowed to get away with such atrocities? How can they allow something like that to go on? Is there no end to their disrespect for the creatures of the sea? I feel so strongly about this, surely there will be public outcry, let's boycott everything Japanese, from Sony to Toyota, theses dolphins were being killed so people can eat them, it's unnecessary and sickening. I think all those nasty people should be herded into the water and suffer the same fate as they inflict on the dolphins, harpoons through the eyes and all, that would be fair. I will never visit Japan because of this, I will even go as far as to say I will never eat sushi again, until it stops. And if you are Japaneses and reading this , please implore your government to ban this nauseating, savage behaviour.
If you would like to read more about this and protest I have found a site, here is the link

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Be Strong

The road is hard and the road is long, sometimes you can't see your destination but you know it is there, waiting.
Sometimes you might get lost, sometimes you might stumble, but your angel is always there to help you on your way.
Sometimes the rain may batter you and the wind will howl, but you know the sun will come out again and shine on your face.
Be true to yourself and your dreams xxxxxx

Monday, February 26, 2007


Just thought that I would write quickly before I leave, it is qutie early still, yet I am surprised that Gerald can still sleep with all the racket that Nyo is making!
I was speaking to a girl that I know yesterday, she has a gift of being psychic, but she is afraid to develop it and feels that she is not quite ready to do so. It was very interesting because she said that sometimes she will look at someone and all of a sudden she'll get a kind of intuition, it might be words in her head, or a smell, or a vision, and she says that she has really freaked some people out with her insights. Another thing which I found very interesting was that she was told that her spirit guide was a red Indian, and she and her mother often find strange feathers in the most unusual places, like the bathroom or the bedroom and they refer to the feathers as 'calling cards'.
Then I was telling her about some of my own experiences and how I got into healing, I used to sit in meditation and my hands would become so hot and red , it was like they were burning and I knew that I should develop it.
I believe that everyone has these gifts, especially when you are younger, but the way society is, full of skeptics, it is only the minority of people who actually use what they have to their full potential. We pay too much attention to the logical side of our brains.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Tomorrow I have to get up really early and go to the dentist yet again, I have to go to the depths of Whitechapel, with it's diverse and interesting community. A market runs along the side of the road by the station, there are lots of brightly coloured stalls selling all sorts of things, quite often I'll have a little nose around to see if I can find anything interesting. Once I found a flash leopard print t-shirt!
Well, I have made a remarkable recovery from this cold, one minute I was all bunged up and the next minute I was fine , this is excellent news, I can get back to singing. I have been playing my new keyboard quite a lot in the meantime, whenever I see it sitting there, something just makes me want to go and switch it on!
Although it is grey and overcast today, it looks like a perfect day for a walk. I would love to be in the country right now. Sometimes things don't move along as quickly as we would like them to and our patience is really tested. The wheels are in motion , they just haven't started turning yet, but I refuse to allow myself to become despondent. I keep telling myself everything is as it's meant to be. Negativity is like a weed that chokes you.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I do, I do

Hi everyone, hope that yoiu're all having an excellent weekend. My head is still fuzzy from this terrible cold and I keep having sneezing attacks, not very attractive, the endless tissues pile up in the bin, where does all this stuff come from?
My friend got married two days ago, she really makes me laugh,she is Italian and shunned all the traditional formalities, she didn't bother telling anyone until a couple of days before because she didn't want a big fuss made, but she reluctantly let her mother come over for the event. The night before, she insisted that they all drive up to Scotland to see a football match, she is crazy about football, and on the way back they got stuck on the motorway in horrendous traffic, so she only had about two hours sleep before she had to appear in the registry office. So they tied the knot, but she is keeping her name and they are not wearing rings, this must be the 21st century way to get married, talk about minimalistic! I can understand her point of view though, I would like to marry Gerald on a beach in Tahiti, just the two of us!
Anyway, the sky has gone dark all of a sudden and it is a cue for me to finish writing, I have to go and pick Gerald up from somewhere and for once, I am going to be on time.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Oxford Street

I have a new keyboard, it makes such a difference to have something decent to learn how to play on. I also have a nasty cold which makes me feel like a dying swan, gasping for breath, holding on to whatever life has to offer- how long will it take to go away?
Spent most of the afternoon in London and had to come back with the huge keyboard on the Underground, Gerald had hold of that and I was knocking everyone out the way with the stand. It was pouring with rain as well by the time we got back to where we live, but all's well that ends well, I didn't have the patience to wait for it to be delivered.
Yesterday was the first time I've been to Oxford street for ages, it never ceases to amaze me how many people cram onto that road, it's just constantly swarming with crowds, what is everyone doing down there, same as us I suppose.
Anyway we sat and had some lunch, I had my favourite, vegetarian sushi, and we were just watching people go by, it is a fascinating pastime.
When I first came to London, I often used to go to the Hare Krishna centre. You just used to give a donation of £1, then they would ask you sit in meditation for a while , before someone gave an inspirational talk, then they would serve the most delicious vegetarian lunch. I don't know if they still do it, but it was lovely to escape the chaos of the city and just sit in tranquility for a while. Whenever I see a group of monks going down Oxford Street with their bald head and orange robes, chanting away to the beat of their drums, I think back to those days fondly.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The One Who Took So Much from So Many

Today I am going to pick up my new keyboard, I can't wait, if you saw the old thing I practice on you would think that I picked it up in the museum! Still, it has served it's purpose very well, but it's time for me to move on!
Please all wish Robert Mugabe a Happy Birthday, he is spending thousands of pounds on his own birthday celebrations, whilst his people starve to death. Congratulations Bob, don't choke on your birthday cake, I hope you are proud of what Zimbabwe has become under your rule. You must feel fantastic that your own people think that you don't care about them. Who will you blame it on this time? You should be known as the One Who Took So Much From So Many.
Seriously, my heart breaks when I see things on the news about that beautiful country, I suppose one day they will make a film about him , like they did about Idi Amin. No wonder my poor Mum gets depressed, and she's one of the fortunate ones that can escape!
I wonder what happens to the souls that commit such horrible deeds, it all has to catch up with them some day, perhaps in their next lives they will pay for all the evil they have done.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I suspect that Gerlad has passed his cold onto me, this is always unwelcome news for a singer as it can take a few days for your voice to get back to normal, but I am hoping that it won't develop into something nasty. It seems like I have been in the wars this week. We persevere however, there is no other way. It seems to have affected my brain though as I am finding it difficult to think. So I spoke to my mum yesterday and I told her that I had heard from her ex, she was flabbergasted, but conceded that she might go and visit him when she comes back here. At the moment she has other things on her agenda, she is planning to go and spend some time with my uncle in Cape Town, the last time I was there was when I was a baby, but my Mum manages to get down there quite frequently. Perhaps Gerald and I should go and hook up with her whilst she is there. South Africa is also a very beautiful country, it's a shame that there is so much violent crime there. My sisters used to live in Pretoria so I used to spend quite a few happy holidays visiting them, but I must admit I never wanted to live there. Perhaps if I had gone to Cape Town I would have thought differently, it is supposed to be more cosmopolitan, it certainly seems to appeal to lots of English people. Of course the idea of chilling by the sea on a beautiful beach is always appealing..

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bald heads and migraines

I was completely incapacitated yesterday by a migraine, I have tried just about everything, and I still get them, I can't stand it. Anyway, I am fine today so it doesn't really matter anymore. The thing that made it go away in the end was curry, believe it or not. I don't know if it was the spices in there, eating was the last thing I felt like doing , but after a few mouthfuls, the pain began to subside, so there we go. Of course the healing properties of turmeric and other spices are well known now, an Indian lady taught me that if you have a cold, mix a sprinkling of turmeric in some warm milk and drink it. It tastes absolutely disgusting, but I can assure you that it works.
I think Britney looks stunning now she's shaved her head. If I did that, I would just look hideous, I'm sure. A girl that I used to work with did it as well, and she wasn't allowed to work like that, they made her wear a wig, but I thought she looked beautiful. There's a certain vulnerability about a shaved head, and of course it feels so lovely when the hair starts to grow again and you run your hand over the top of it. I don't know why it freaks people out so much anyway, in lots of African tribes, the women have almost shaved heads and no-one complains about them!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Trying to be brave, but there's pain in my head
I should be resting, tucked up in bed
Here I sit, with my laptop instead
Hoping my blog will be read

Sunday, February 18, 2007


When Gerald and I were in Tobago, we were determined to go to the rainforest, which is why we found ourselves up at 05.00 one morning, rather bleary eyed. We were meant to go with a group of people, but they didn't show up, so we ended up with the guide all to ourselves. He was one of those people who was crazy about birds, the feathered variety I hasten to add, he was so enthusiatic for us to see all these colourful creatures, he could identify them just by their sounds and could spot them in the foliage even when they were so well camouflaged. There are many different species of birds found in Tobago, he took great pains to teach us all the names of the birds that we saw, not that I can remember any of them, and it was so interesting to watch them all. The most unique and fascinating bird we saw was one that literally danced on the branches of the trees, trying to attract a mate, it had a kind of routine that it repeated over and over again. If we'd just gone there on our own we would never have even known about all the birds, and since there weren't that many other animals left in the rainforest, we might have come away a bit disappointed. Apparently before the rainforest became protected, all it's animals were hunted out for food. The only other thing we saw was a very beautiful snake that was lying dead on the side of the road.
I enjoyed being in there though, the foliage was very thick, we needed wellies and big sticks to help us walk around, and there were lots of little streams and waterfalls. There was a certain peacefulness in there, very comfortable. When we fianlly emerged from there a few hours later, I was sorry that the experience was over.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Old Flames

Hi everyone, it's another beautiful day here in London, I almost thought that I was somewhere else.
I got a phone call yesterday from my Mum's old boyfriend, he got fed up and came to live in the UK several years ago, but actually it is the first time he has contacted me. It was really quite strange because he sounded so old and frail, still as amusing as ever though. He was reminiscing about the days gone by and really made me laugh. He said one of his earliest memories of me was when I went round to his house with my cousin to pick something up for my Mum. We were only about 17, going through that phase where we giggled at absolutely everything. He asked us if we wanted something to drink and we said yes, we would like some whiskey please! He said he was mortified because he had never come across young girls drinking whiskey before, if only he knew what we really got up to. It did make me chortle though, that something like that would stick in someones mind, it's almost like it was yesterday.
I should have reminded him of my early memories of him too, like the time he had a duel with another man over my Mum, they were throwing blows at each other in our front garden, even blood was drawn, I was horrified that two old men could behave in such a fashion. Well, at least I will have some news for my Mum when I speak to her again.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Birds and other creatures

Why is it that people always try and sell you something that you specifically haven't asked for? You tell someone your criteria and then they say well sorry, we don't have that , and then offer you something completely unsuitable instead, that bears no resemblance whatsoever to what you actually do want. Why bother?
Nyo woke me up today because apparently she was having an argument with a crow that was hopping around on the roof outside. Birds are funny little creatures. When it was snowing, I looked outside and there was this little robin on the windowsill, he looked so accusingly at me, like he really wanted to come inside in the warmth, it was as if he knew that he would be sheltered inside.
My Mum has always encouraged wild birds to visit the garden, especially in the winter, she used to buy them seed and leave it in theses huge bowls, The little birds used to come in their hordes, every morning without fail. Sometimes in the winter, we used to find tiny mice in the swimming pool, their little bodies would be almost frozen, and we always used to bring them inside to help them thaw out. I also used to have an animal hospital where I would rescue all sorts of insects from the swimming pool and try to give them a new lease of life ! I suppose I was the Zimbabwean, female version of Gerald Durrell!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Imagine what it's like to go into space and look at the earth from a distance, it would resemble a big, blue marble. Sometimes, when I look up at the sky on a clear night and see all the stars, I wonder what it would be like to be out there. The thought of being weightless as well and just floating around like in a dream. If money was no object, I would definitely be on the passenger list for the first civilian flight into space.
For a long time I was very curious about the possibility of aliens and other entities. I would read loads of books and magazines about UFO sightings and alien abductions, there appear to be a lot of things happening out there which have no explanations really. If there are things going on , it is all covered up very well.
Some people believe that a certain government did a deal with the aliens, in exchange for the micro-chip technology, human bodies were given to them for research.
Well, if aliens do exist, they must think that we are very stupid to plunder the earths resources as we do, they must think we are very primitive as well, by the barbaric and senseless things that we do to each other.
So if one day you wake up feeling really strange, like you've been in a weird dream that you can't remember, it might mean that some alien has been looking inside your brain!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday night at the movies

Happy Valentines Day everyone, we exchanged cards and chocolates this morning and Gerald is taking me out for a lovely Italian lunch, I can't wait. I know lots of people say it's become commercialised like everything else, but it is wonderful to show someone that they are special and that you love them, I think it should be Valentine's Day every day!
Went to the movies again last night, Gerald kept dozing off and I kept nudging him to stay awake , in the end I just left him to sleep. Saw the Last King Of Scotland, I am really being spoilt for films about Africa at the moment, it's great!
My favourite thing about going to the movies is the popcorn, we always get a huge bucket to share, along with a giant Coke. The popcorn is very addictive and it normally lasts quite a way into the film, but last night we were early, so we had to get some ice-cream to sustain ourselves, not to mention the bag of liquorice allsorts that I had smuggled inside. It's a wonder that we don't end up feeling really ill.
Going back to the film, it's incredible how many insane people end up in positions of great power. Will human beings ever stop doing terrible things to each other?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Learn from the little creatures

Nyo has just had an early morning shower, then she flew on top of my head and refused to get off, her long claws were digging into my scalp. Yesterday we had a surreal drive on the motorway, it was raining heavily and there was so much spray being chucked up by all the cars and the huge lorries, vivbilty was really bad, it was as if I was driving through a wall of water. It was worth it though, we had an encouraging day and reinforced a few things in our minds.
Sometimes when you decide to make a change, it takes a while for things to start moving in the right direction, but I know that we will get there in the end. Saying that just reminded me of how tenacious little creatures are, look at spiders for example, when they are trying to make a web, they don't give up until they are finished, even if the web gets destroyed by the wind or something, they persevere until the job is done.
Ants are other creatures that are quite fascinating, they never let anything go to waste, even if it is something that is a hundred times bigger than them, they will find a way to carry it off and use it.
So you'd think with our intellect that human beings would find something better to do than destroy each other and the planet. We are a funny species really, we have all the knowledge that we could possibly need, yet we can't find a way to live peacefully with each other or live in harmony with our planet.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Fillings and ganglions

Today we are going on a mission to check out the area that we want to move to. I'm still trying to sort out in my head exactly what we will do, but I'm sure a plan will formulate. It will be great to go down there again and have a little nosy around.
Looks like it's raining softly today, as it was when we went to sleep last night. There is something very comforting about going to sleep to the sound of rain. It is as soothing as a lullaby.
Did I mention that Gerald unceremoniously yanked out one of his fillings the other night, then presented it to me the next day, like it was some sort of trophy? I nearly passed out, it was a huge lump of metal, is that really what they stick in your teeth? When I was young it seemed to be quite acceptable for people to pull their own teeth out as well, you know, the bit of string tied to the door scenario. I must admit I never tried that one.
The strangest thing I ever had was a ganglion, it was like a big lump that appeared in my hand. I had it surgically removed, but apparently the old fashioned way was for the doctor to smash it with a heavy book and disperse it, thank God for advanced medical techniques, that's all I can say.
The rain has eased off now and left the sky all grey. Have a fantastic day.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Meditation on the mountain

I remember one of the best meditation experiences I had was in India, when I went on a retreat for two weeks. Not far away from the centre there was a stunning lake with a mountain along the one side. On certain days of the week, groups of people from the centre would climb up to the top of the mountain, for a sunset meditation.
The whole experience was quite surreal, for a start we all had to wear white clothes whilst we were at the centre, I had a pyjama thing, I can't remember what you call them, it is like a long tunic over some trousers, we were discouraged from any form of vanity, I would not wear make-up and my hair was always scraped back in a pony tail. Anyway, it must have looked so weird to see all these people in white slowly making their way to the top of the mountain, I suppose the idea was that we looked and felt like angels!
When we reached the summit, the view was spectacular, we were so high up that we couldn't see the end of the horizon , everyone settled down, we all found ourselves a seat on the rocks,and then it was time for meditation.
I remember watching an eagle as it flew in the crimson sky, he was a tiny dot , the majesty of his kingdom, effortlessly riding on the currents of the sunset. I began to feel like I was flying myself, I was bodiless, transported somewhere else, like I was soaringthrough eternity, back to my maker. I felt at peace, and in a strange way, I had the feeling of being close to God. It was like a higher entity was reassuring me that everything was as it should be.
I'm not sure how long we stayed there, we watched the sun gloriously lowering itself towards the earth, the air was still and silent. Just before it started to get dark we had to leave and clamber down the mountain, dusk had fallen over the lake and we could see the welcoming lights of the little villages.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I need to create

Well, here we are again, sometimes writing a blog can be a good way to let go of anything that is bothering you in your mind. That's why I write it when I first get up,it takes so long for my laptop to get going though, normally I have done a few other chores by then. Anyway, I used to do a similar thing, just write a couple of pages of whatever was in my head and I used to find it very beneficial and good for creativity, you can't create if your mind constantly is jumping around like a monkey and dwelling on other things.
I have to go and pick Gerald up from somewhere so I can't linger around today, I'm not normally here during the day on Saturday, it makes a pleasant change, I must admit. Yesterday we spent a couple of hours recording some vocals for our new tracks, I need to write some more lyrics as well, then we will have two new tunes.
There is no sign now that it ever snowed, except that the temperatures have plummeted, it really feels like winter now. I thought our boiler was broken this morning, I just couldn't believe the timing, I managed to get it going again, just call me Miss Fix It.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Bye Bye Abbey

I called my Mum yesterday and I felt so bad because she had to have her old faithful dog put to sleep, she is heartbroken and so am I. Even though I was terrified at times of that dog, I was sorry to hear that she is in happy hunting grounds, she was so loyal and faithful to my Mum, probably saved my Mum's life because of her fearsome reputation. She was a good deterrent for burglars and never let anyone near my Mum. If my Mum was in the bath, the dog would lie by the kitchen door and not even let me or Gerald inside, Woe betide anyone who even came to the gate, she used to go ballistic. Anyway, she just got really old and feeble, and at the end my Mum had no choice but to take her to the vet. Bye, bye Abbey. I never thought I'd shed a tear for an old pit bull terrier. That's the problem with pets, you love them so much that your heart just ends up broken in the end. Even a little ball of feathers like Nyo.
The snow has gone, I'm a bit disappointed. We did go to the park yesterday and it looked spectacular. Everyone was just taking advantage of it, making snowmen and having snowball fights, it's not so great when it starts melting though and you have to wade through all the slush. I hope we get some more though!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The snow is here

The snow is here, I drove home in the early hours if the morning right in the middle of it. It's funny when you drive because it looks like it's coming right at you. By the time I got home, it was lying thick on the road, I couldn't even reverse properly onto the drive because my wheels were spinning. By the time we woke up though the roads weren't white and unspoilt anymore, they had turned to slush and now it all looks scruffy. I am determined to go to the park today nevertheless, because it will be lovely and it should look picturesque. This is the first proper snowfall for a few years, I wonder if it will glisten in the moonlight.
The other day I bought some replacement brushes for my toothbrush, they weren't cheap, it said on the pack that they fitted all particular toothbrushes, however when I opened them up, it was quite clear that they didn't. The shop is refusing to give me my money back because they say I have opened the pack, well how the hell am I supposed to tell if they fit or not without opening the pack, it's not like I can use them. I have never in my life heard such a load of ********! What a rip off. So today Gerald is coming back there with me to give them a piece of his mind. This is a picture of my beloved bird, Nyo.
The sky is still grey with snow. I hope it carries on so we can have a winter wonderland. This is a photo of my lovely little bird, Nyo.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A photo of Nyo


I've been making a list of all the things that make me happy and it just grows and grows by the day. I suppose the idea is when you're not feeling 100%, look at the list and cheer yourself up.
This is not much consolation to Gerald who has a face the size of a swollen football, I think he has caught an infection from his tooth extractions, shame, it's probably cos the dentist told him not to smoke for two days, then as soon as we left the surgery, he sparked up a fag. Men can be very stubborn.
Tried to watch a film last night ,but ended up sleeping before the first half hour was even up. Instead of just going to bed, we struggled on till the end of the film. I personally have no aversion to going to bed early, I actually love getting up at the crack of dawn as well, I would be a good farmer.
It's awful to see so many birds being culled because of the bird flu, but when you think of the awful conditions in which they are kept, it really is disgraceful, then perhaps it is kinder in a way. I remember when there was foot and mouth a few years ago and all the cows and sheep had to be culled, it was so sad. The whole world would be better off if we were all vegetarian!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dentists and ghosts

My poor love is feeling strange today after his ordeal. When I was about five years old , the dentist told my Mum that I would have to have all my front teeth taken out, they had gone bad from drinking Ribena. In Zimbabwe they still used to use laughing gas and I'll never forget the absolute terror I felt when I came round from it and my mouth was full of blood. No wonder I don't like the dentist much. Then there was all the psychological damage of having no teeth, I always believed I was really ugly and was afraid to smile. It was only when my other teeth grew that I actually began to get some self confidence, but I continued to think that I was really unattractive till I was about 13. See how things can damage you in your childhood.
Ended up watching a film on my own because Gerald had to go to bed. Whenever I sit on my own, late at night, I always get spooked, there is sometimes a feeling that something is watching, some people would say it is an overactive imagination, I can't say exactly. It's like sometimes I almost expect to see a ghost or something.Weird. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels such things though.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I have to take Gerald to the dentist today, he has to be sedated, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, I think for anything awful I would like to be as well. Sometimes it's the sounds that are more nerve -wrenching than anything else, all those horrible drills and things. My Uncle is in his 60's and he doesn't even have one filling, still has all his teeth as well, I don't think he's been to the dentist very often in his life at all. I think his secret is that he learned how to brush his teeth properly, he should be an advert for Colgate.
How do I conquer my fear of riding horses? Several years ago, I was riding a boisterous young horse in Bahrain (don't ask what I was doing there), we weren't exactly in the desert, but it was an open, sandy area. All of a sudden my horse got spooked and broke into a gallop, I managed to stay on until he came to a dead stop and the momentum carried me over his head in a somersault. I unceremoniously broke my arm and ended up in hospital.
About a year later, I was back in England and my friends suggested riding in Epping Forest. We went out on a hack with the riding school. I was OK whilst walking, but as soon as we started trotting I froze in fear and had to get off. I was so scared that I refused to get back on again, everyone was so annoyed with me. I think I ended up walking the horse back to the stables. It's a pity really, I love horses, I think they are beautiful, intelligent and magnificent creatures. Although I don't feel the urge to go riding very often, it would be a feat to overcome my fear.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


It's a bit nippy today, I must admit I could have stayed snuggled up in bed for ages, but one must persevere and not give in to laziness. Every day brings new challenges.
Gerald is treating himself today and is going to spend the whole day doing music, we have a new song that I did some vocals on last week and we are keen to get it finished as well. I will be out all day, earning a crust.
I love driving home from London in the early hours of the morning, or in the evening, I go along the Embankment and it looks so pretty with the London Eye and all the buildings lit up . When I first came to London, I didn't really know what anything looked like because I used to go everywhere on the Underground. I found it all so exciting, I was from a tiny town in Africa and all of a sudden I found myself in the centre of the world. I still find being here stimulating, but things change, even people who have lived here all their lives are saying how different it is now. I suppose it has just become like any other huge city, so expensive as well, I'm surprised that we can all survive!

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Hi everyone, Cling is having a busy weekend, no rest for the wicked, maybe one day we'll actually get to make some music again. There's so much going on at the moment, but it's a nice buzz.
We were settling down last night having a Chinese takeaway when this feature came on about China, there is a tiger farm where they serve tiger meat and wine made with tiger bones, an undercover reporter went in and got the story. Things like that make me so mad, such magnificent creatures treated in such a way. I think circuses are really cruel as well, they should ban using animals in circuses, it is barbaric and uncivilised. I'd like to see all these perpetrators of evil come face to face with just one of these animals in the wild. Man's cruelty to animals is only surpassed by the terrible things that we do to each other. Seeing that feature was enough to put me of my dinner anyway.
There were anti-Mugabe demonstrations outside the French embassy yesterday. More should be done to draw the world's attention there, maybe if there was oil or diamonds in Zimbabwe, the West would be interested.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Tribute to the man behind Cling

My poor love slaves away incessantly on the Internet, he is always busy promoting Cling, sometimes he doesn't go to bed till 3am. I have never met anyone so hard working and persistent, he is a good example of what it is to be committed to something and determined to get there at all costs.
When people think of Cling, they probably see me in the pink mask, it is actually Gerald who puts the lion's share of work into it, my part is relatively easy, and if it wasn't for him I don't think that so many people would have got to hear our music.
I am proud to share my life with such a talented and unique person, if I died in the next moment, I would die a happy person.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Poor old hound dog

Today is like the first day of spring, I've even gone around and opened all the windows to let some fresh air in. I haven't seen snow for several years now, what's going on? I didn't come all the way to Europe to miss out on snow!
Through my endless supply of self help books, I am currently putting something into practice and seeing some results. The basic concept is that you always get what you ask for, so ask the right questions. It does work, honestly. I tried it out the other day when I was stuck in traffic and thought I was going to be late. Instead of the usual, why does this always happen to me, I tried to ask some more positive questions and I ended up being less stressed out and on time as well. If you think about it, you do condition your mind with the questions you ask.
My Mum was upset yesterday, her faithful old dog is in a bad way, well the dog is about 18 years old and as with humans things don't work properly when you reach a ripe old age. My Mum was meant to take her to the vet yesterday, but couldn't do it, it must be very hard. Now she wants to wait for me to go there so I can be with her. I'm hoping the old hound will pass onto happy hunting grounds in her sleep I don't fancy doing something like that, it will be too upsetting.