Saturday, February 17, 2007

Old Flames

Hi everyone, it's another beautiful day here in London, I almost thought that I was somewhere else.
I got a phone call yesterday from my Mum's old boyfriend, he got fed up and came to live in the UK several years ago, but actually it is the first time he has contacted me. It was really quite strange because he sounded so old and frail, still as amusing as ever though. He was reminiscing about the days gone by and really made me laugh. He said one of his earliest memories of me was when I went round to his house with my cousin to pick something up for my Mum. We were only about 17, going through that phase where we giggled at absolutely everything. He asked us if we wanted something to drink and we said yes, we would like some whiskey please! He said he was mortified because he had never come across young girls drinking whiskey before, if only he knew what we really got up to. It did make me chortle though, that something like that would stick in someones mind, it's almost like it was yesterday.
I should have reminded him of my early memories of him too, like the time he had a duel with another man over my Mum, they were throwing blows at each other in our front garden, even blood was drawn, I was horrified that two old men could behave in such a fashion. Well, at least I will have some news for my Mum when I speak to her again.


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