Sunday, February 11, 2007

Meditation on the mountain

I remember one of the best meditation experiences I had was in India, when I went on a retreat for two weeks. Not far away from the centre there was a stunning lake with a mountain along the one side. On certain days of the week, groups of people from the centre would climb up to the top of the mountain, for a sunset meditation.
The whole experience was quite surreal, for a start we all had to wear white clothes whilst we were at the centre, I had a pyjama thing, I can't remember what you call them, it is like a long tunic over some trousers, we were discouraged from any form of vanity, I would not wear make-up and my hair was always scraped back in a pony tail. Anyway, it must have looked so weird to see all these people in white slowly making their way to the top of the mountain, I suppose the idea was that we looked and felt like angels!
When we reached the summit, the view was spectacular, we were so high up that we couldn't see the end of the horizon , everyone settled down, we all found ourselves a seat on the rocks,and then it was time for meditation.
I remember watching an eagle as it flew in the crimson sky, he was a tiny dot , the majesty of his kingdom, effortlessly riding on the currents of the sunset. I began to feel like I was flying myself, I was bodiless, transported somewhere else, like I was soaringthrough eternity, back to my maker. I felt at peace, and in a strange way, I had the feeling of being close to God. It was like a higher entity was reassuring me that everything was as it should be.
I'm not sure how long we stayed there, we watched the sun gloriously lowering itself towards the earth, the air was still and silent. Just before it started to get dark we had to leave and clamber down the mountain, dusk had fallen over the lake and we could see the welcoming lights of the little villages.


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