Monday, December 29, 2008

We'll be dancing

Hi everyone, we've actually sorted out something to do on NYE, actually a DJ invited us to a club and stuck us on the guest list, so we thought it would be a good thing to do, as opposed to being crushed to death at the fireworks. I'm looking forward to a night of dancing, haven't been to a club for ages.
Did I mention that we filmed the video last week, it was such good fun doing it. I had to mime the song and pretend that I was doing this mega performance and everyone was just gawping at me, at the end I felt like asking where the applause was. It was a great afternoon as we were all very relaxed and that made it fun to do, also I didn't feel self- conscious at all, which always helps when you are in front of a camera. I can't wait to see the finished product.
A few people have asked what's happening with the remix contest, we are still waiting to listen to the entries, the problem being that many people submitted more than one entry, so the organiser has had to write to each individual and ask them which version they want to enter. We are looking forward to listening to them all, so hopefully we will be able to soon.
Yesterday I was out running and it was cold but sunny, I realised that it won't be long now before the spring and every day that passes gets a little bit longer.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hi everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, ours was ! We just relaxed which is always a big treat for us. It was a lovely day, lots of delicious food and every present I opened was something that I really liked. I picked up my new mountain bike on Christmas Eve and we immediately went to try it out on some trails in the forest. I found it exhilarating to sat the least, so yesterday we were out again, cycling down the country roads which was great as well, apart from being bitterly cold and our faces nearly being ripped off by the wind. I guess it's all part of the great outdoors and an effective way to clear any cobwebs on the mind!
Still don't know what we're going to do to see in the New Year, as usual we've left everything till the last minute. Hopefully we'll find something!
In the early hours of the morning, everything was covered in a thick frost and the temperature had plunged, it was quite icy and the countryside looked like it had been covered in glass! I forgot to mention that whilst in the forest the other day, we saw two proper country foxes, they were much larger than their urban counterparts, their fur was long and thick, and bright ginger. They ran across the path we were on and were soon well hidden in the camouflage of the trees. It's very true that each season has it's own magic.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I've had a forced relaxation over the last few days, I was overcome by a nasty cold and for once in my life I just let it happen and did all the things one is supposed to do like lie down and stay warm and nothing too energetic. I've watched so much TV that my eyes feel square. It has been lovely to just stay at home and not have to go outside even. I'm looking forward to my recovery because I just ordered a mountain bike and I can go and collect it on Christmas Eve, I can't wait to go riding in the forest with Gerald and of course he is pleased that he doesn't have to go on his own anymore, my Mum said she will ride it as well, ha ha.
My Mum is going on a excursion to London this afternoon, to see the Christmas Lights, it definitely is worth going to see, some streets are quite spectacular. So many people complain that the magic has gone out of Christmas, I don't think it has , I just think you have to look a bit harder for it.
Ventured out yesterday for a little while , but didn't fare too well as we couldn't find anything that we'd originally set out to purchase, I was trying to find some candles for the dining table and instead came home with two exciting books that I can't wait to read.
Bodiless and Free is ready and sounding wicked, don't forget to gain access to the free download just join our mailing on , it should be available tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's the season of cancellations

Hi everyone, it seems everything's ground to a halt this week. On Sunday I had a terribly sore throat and since then I have had various symptoms of colds and zero energy. We even had to cancel our gig, which is not something that we ever like to do. Then today we were meant to film our video and the person we are working with informed us that she has flu, so now that is postponed till next week. Gives me more time to perfect everything and to be honest I'm not at my best because I feel so strange, and I'm also really feeling the cold, partly because it is really cold.
This morning I was sitting in a corpse- like state in the living room, out of the corner of my eye I observed a fox running about in the garden, I was surprised as they are nocturnal creatures, but closer inspection revealed that he had been injured by something as he was holding his back leg up as he ran. I felt sorry for him, I felt like yelling out that he could stay in the garden and rest , that no-one would harm him here, but he was in a panic and soon escaped from our garden, hobbling swiftly up the road. I hope he found refuge somewhere safe. Wouldn't it be amazing to really be able to communicate with animals? what goes on in the mind of a snake for example? I like to think that Nyo and I can understand each other. She certainly recognises different voices and different tones of voice. I can also tell what mood she's in by the way she shrieks. But it would be wonderful to have a deeper understanding, like a telepathic conversation. One thing I would ask her is what our burglar looked like, she's the only one who knows!
I just feeling like dozing in front of the telly and the fire, first I have to venture out again, to get something for dinner. Christmas preps are going well....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting that festive feeling

Yesterday evening we were treated to the sights and sounds of a brass band playing Christmas Carols under the frosty streetlights of our road. It was very atmospheric and for the first time in ages it is beginning to feel like Christmas time.
Of course where I grew up , Christmas is in the height of summer, however this never stopped my Dad from getting a huge tree, which we would decorate with glee, I used to love the smell of the leaves wafting through the house, but best of all would be in the evenings when the twinkling lights would be turned on and mesmerise us for ages. The excitement on Christmas Eve was always unbearable. I always imagined Santa to arrive down our chimney on a sled, even though there was definitely no snow outside. We would always leave a big glass of beer on the mantelpiece as well, just in case he was thirsty.
Never had a problem getting up early, my sister and I would sneak into the living room, sometimes so early that it was still dark outside, and when I used to see all those presents under the tree, it was just the most wonderful, magical feeling ever.
How upset I was to be told one day that Santa wasn't real. I think I cried a river.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Check out our song visuals

Hi there everyone, Gerald and I went to a Christmas party the other night. we only lasted an hour, not because we're unsociable or anything, but the music wasn't all that great and when all the cheesy Christmas songs started, it became too much for our sensitive constitutions, so we made a speedy exit. I think we only managed to dance to one song whilst we were there.
It's been so cold, I'm sure that it wasn't this cold last year, I've been waking up in the middle of the night absolutely freezing and having to hold on really tight to Gerald to try and warm up. I like this house, but it really is a draughty old wreck of a place and in the winter it's like a fridge when the heating goes off. The open fire is a life saver, it is now a necessity, not a luxury. In fact I have just been outside to fill up the coal bucket, we are going to light a fire and it's not even noon yet!! Our Christmas tree is up and looking very pretty indeed, makes us even more drowsy, unable to watch a whole film without falling asleep.
We have been working with visual artist Tony Pinfold, who has created some visuals to go with our songs. You can check out Slipping Away OTD Remix on Myspace and U Tube, here are the links, enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

It's Cold!

Hi everyone, I have had great success with my choreography and have got through a third of the song, I have enjoyed doing it actually, let's hope it ends up looking good on the video. I remember the first video we ever made, with a group of students. It was all very badly planned, most of it made up as we went along, and we had to film outside in the freezing cold as well,which made it worse. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that by not planning we ended up with a video that was only good in parts and we never used it for anything because it just wasn't right. This time though everyone appears to be organised so I hope it goes smoothly.
Yesterday I was outside in the garden ,trying to tidy up, mainly the autumn leaves that ended up like a thick carpet on the lawn and everywhere else. Even though I had gloves on my fingers were still icy cold, I can't believe how cold it actually is, I'm sure it wasn't like this last year. The worst thing seems to be the wind which literally bites straight through you. Well, maybe if we get a proper winter, we'll get a proper summer as well.
I love the winter sky when the sun sets, it seems very fragile and often the earth is bathed in a pale lilac light, try and catch it, it is truly enigmatic and peaceful.

Monday, December 01, 2008

December already

Sorry for not writing for so long, my only excuse is that I have been really tired, it was quite a week.
The gig was great, we put on a good performance for the handful of people that turned up. They all enjoyed it immensely. I really wish more people had showed up, but if this game was easy then everyone would be doing it. We won't be beaten, we'll just carry on getting better and better so that by the time crowds of people flock to see us, we will be blinding!
We did another performance the next night, it was for more of a holistic crowd, and there was quite a few people there. We met a guy that does visual light shows , so he is going to work with us at some gigs, it will be amazing to have some visuals to go with our music.
So I will be busy preparing for the video which we are going to shoot in a couple of weeks. I have to prepare some sort of dance routine. I sort of know what I am doing, but I am not a trained dancer and I don't have the benefit of a choreographer, so I am looking forward to the challenge.
So I will be recharging my batteries today, I'll go running, it is the perfect day, dry and cold, I love running in the winter as I don't overheat. It is very chilly when you first set off though!