Saturday, January 30, 2010

Don't believe it, snow again

Just looking out at the garden , which is covered in hard frost , the remnants of snowfall that we had in the early hours of the morning. As chance would have it, I was driving home through the forest, quite a trippy experience because the roads hadn't been gritted and they were just white, you couldn't even see the markings, then the snow was coming at the windscreen , as it does, which can be quite transfixing.
Coco (our cat), decided that I it was time for me to get up today, she came and stuck her face in my eyes and just purred and purred till I arose. I kept telling her that Gerald was up already , but she wasn't having it. The last couple of days she has allowed me to do nuzzling belly rubs on her plump tummy, she is such a cutie, it's impossible to get annoyed with her. She is the prettiest, most spoilt cat in the world!
I'm starting a course next week, I need to learn some new skills, I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it or dreading it, at least it's not home study or else I would never get anything done.
I must be a glutton for punishment, as if I'm not doing enough already!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hats off!

Had a very disruptive few days, I don't know whether I'm Arthur or Martha? I had to help Gerald get around a bit as his car had to have some work done on it! There's a saying from somewhere, "God laughs whilst we make plans. Well the car thing was a bit unexpected. Not to mention on Monday there was more messing around by the dentist, who changed Gerald's treatment plan at the last minute. I was all ready to play Florence Nightingale and I even cancelled lunch with a friend I haven't seen for years so I could go with him. Plus he had felt nervous all day for nothing!
We did manage to record vocals for a couple of tracks, however, so I was pleased about that, I love recording vocals.
Today I went running and this bloke bellowed "Best Exercise! Hats Off!" I don't know why, but this made me giggle so much that I felt weak and I wanted to collapse, it was so funny. It was also very cold, like now, can't wait for spring!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We're in Computer Music

Hi everyone , Computer Music issue 148 is out now and we are in it, Beyond Your Dreams was reviewed by top producer John Reynolds, who has worked with some top Irish artists including U2 and Sinead O'Connor. We were more than chuffed with what he had to say, he actually paid us some compliments. Also the track is featured on the front cover CD, so hopefully it will bring us some good exposure.
Have a great day .....

Monday, January 18, 2010

We were awoken early this morning as we were having some repairs done to our roof. It's very disruptive having people thudding around all above your head, don't talk about the junk that they found up there, it wasn't even ours so they took it all away for us. After they left I decided to go running, which felt good at the time, I always feel so free when I run, sometimes it's an incredible feeling of strength, plus it gets rid of all my angst. So that's what I shall tell all those negative souls who cannot understand why I do it. There is also the aspect that like most exercise fanatics, I am a total control freak, ha ha. I'm not used to getting up so early and now I feel ever so sleepy, but I have to take Gerald to the dentist, tremble, tremble.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The thaw

Ok folks, we've had the big freeze, now we're in for the big thaw, it's the big everything in this place, still it's good to see the lawn again and I won't miss all the skidding around.
The media attention is now on Haiti and the earthquake. I have read so much about Haiti in the past, from books like Serpent and the Rainbow, and Mr Clarinet, so when I hear the names of places they are not unfamiliar to me, even though I have never been there. Still, I would rather not see it on the news under such circumstances. Nature shows no mercy.
Early this morning, the rain was pounding down on the roof and it was bitterly cold and blowing a gale and I was so grateful to be inside and all snuggled up and cosy. It's so easy to forget the little things that we take for granted. xx

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where is my peace?

Hi everyone, I have been busy over the last couple of days,trying to sort out some aspects of my life, decisions, decisions, I shall have to consult the I-Ching.
I feel like bitching and moaning but what's the point? I get angry with people when they treat me badly, but really I am angry with myself for allowing them to get away with it in the first place. I think I've become too materialistic again, things were so much simpler when I was all spiritual, sitting on a mountain top in India, dressed all in white, with my foot in my ear, chanting. I seemed to have so much more discipline.
Anyway, best to just get on with things. I am working on a new song, it's coming on well, I have some words and a melody, so really I just have to think of some more words. I'd like to sing of my anguish, but let's face it, who wants to listen to a load of sanctimonious self-pity? Rather write about things that make people feel good, innit?

Friday, January 08, 2010

Not so freezing today, it appears the really vicious weather is over for the time being, it's still cold and the snow is still lying thickly over the ground, but doesn't seem quite so treacherous, so I guess it's back to normal until the next onslaught. I'm not very good in the cold, like yesterday, I just couldn't get warm and in the end it makes you so sleepy that you can't be bothered to do anything! I was trudging around in the snow for a little bit, feeding the wild birds and scraping the car windscreens, I even started to make a snowman but couldn't get the snow to stick together and my hands ended up so cold that I left it in the end. Even going up the road became an ordeal as it was so icy, we were sliding around all over the place, fortunately didn't have to drive anywhere or else it would have been with a bit of trepidation! It seems that today however, the whole country has got a grip and it's business as usual - well I say that, but I suppose it's still a bit grim up north and in Scotland.
I'm sure you've noticed we have some new Cling photos, taken by Jon Lilley, we are more than chuffed with them , so have a look if you haven't already. Jon can be contacted at
Have a great weekend xx

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

And the snow came down ..

Today the snow fell continuously in a thick blanket all day, we were unable to go anywhere except by foot. Just made it to the supermarket in time at 2.30pm as they were closing and sending all their staff home, imagine being stuck out here with no milk or food, not a joke. The rest of the day I spent in a kind of shocked stupor, watching endless news bulletins etc about traffic , blah blah blah. Up until about 6pm , I thought I might have to travel into London, so I couldn't really relax as I kept thinking I might never get home again with all the treacherous ice etc. Fortunately I was saved from making my journey and cooked a lovely hearty pie for Gerald and my mum instead!
Felt so sorry for Coco as she had to go out to do her business, she was so upset as she darted across the lawn,snowflakes catching in her thick black fur. She looked almost like some exotic snow leopard as she ran back to the door, mewing loudly in protest.
Tomorrow I am going to enjoy the weather and I will be making a snowman. The forest is bound to look amazing with all the trees heavy with their icy burdens, a real winter wonderland. What are my two favourite things about snow? How it is ultra-violet, luminous in the moonlight, and how it muffles out sound and everything seems so quiet.
Stay safe and warm in the UK tonight x

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ice, Ice baby

The cold weather continues, it is absolutely the finest example of winter I have ever experienced. with more snow and ice forecast to come this week, it should be interesting to see what happens. I have just come inside from the garden, i went out to put some food down for the wild birds, it must be tough for them in this weather, but they are hardy little creatures who are designed to survive, which is more than we humans can do at such temperatures.
Recorded some vocals yesterday, they came out well and I have been working on some new material as well. Dare I say that the Live Versions CD is almost finished now? I maintain that you can't rush a genius, meaning Gerald of course, and that I'm sure you will agree that it has been worth waiting for.
I have also had a sneak preview of the photos and they are everything we wanted and more , so I am pleased about that, two things to look forward to from Cling !!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, let's hope the new decade brings us all lots of good fortune. The winter sunshine is streaming in through the window as I write, as soon as you step outside it is freezing cold however, like yesterday. When I went running, my face was so cold that it went all stiff, I could imagine that's what it's like to have botox!
So anyway, it looks like we are going to have to work harder and be stronger than ever before, this is what I expected, the world is changing so quickly every day and you can only survive if you are a step ahead. So you can definitely expect some killer tunes on the way from us!
Be happy, be kind, believe in yourself and never give up- this is the advice I will be following!