Wednesday, January 06, 2010

And the snow came down ..

Today the snow fell continuously in a thick blanket all day, we were unable to go anywhere except by foot. Just made it to the supermarket in time at 2.30pm as they were closing and sending all their staff home, imagine being stuck out here with no milk or food, not a joke. The rest of the day I spent in a kind of shocked stupor, watching endless news bulletins etc about traffic , blah blah blah. Up until about 6pm , I thought I might have to travel into London, so I couldn't really relax as I kept thinking I might never get home again with all the treacherous ice etc. Fortunately I was saved from making my journey and cooked a lovely hearty pie for Gerald and my mum instead!
Felt so sorry for Coco as she had to go out to do her business, she was so upset as she darted across the lawn,snowflakes catching in her thick black fur. She looked almost like some exotic snow leopard as she ran back to the door, mewing loudly in protest.
Tomorrow I am going to enjoy the weather and I will be making a snowman. The forest is bound to look amazing with all the trees heavy with their icy burdens, a real winter wonderland. What are my two favourite things about snow? How it is ultra-violet, luminous in the moonlight, and how it muffles out sound and everything seems so quiet.
Stay safe and warm in the UK tonight x


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