Friday, October 26, 2007

The day is here at last

Hi everyone, so excited as we are on our way today, thought I would write now as I might not get the chance later. The last few days have been surreal, and all passed in a haze. Like yesterday, I went running around the park for the last time and and said goodbye to all trees that have watched over me and inspired me on my runs, but I didn't feel sad at all. Normally when you leave somewhere you have a twinge of nostalgia, but I don't feel like that at all actually, that's how I know that we're doing the right thing. And today I was delighted that it was the last time I had to go down the heaving high street for any particular reason.
As for the flat, well we achieved a lot here in our spare time, got Cling to flourish, but now we need a shift of energy to help us move forward even more.
Bye the way, we might be offline for a couple of days, whilst our phone gets switched over, but we will be back with you soon, determined, invincible and even more inspired!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

3 days to go

Hi everyone, countdown is progressing, it's all very exciting stuff. We are currently dismantling our old home, and putting back all the landlord's stuff, so although the flat still seems familiar, it doesn't quite feel like ours anymore. Just as well really because a few days ago Gerald was walking through the same park that I run through and he saw some delinquents smoking crack -cocaine, quite openly, in broad daylight. Not the sort of thing one expects to see in the park, especially when there are loads of kids around. How dangerous, and where are the parks police when you need them? What a shame this area has gone downhill so much , it used to be quite pleasant. At least I won't have to look at things like that when I am running through the forest!
Nyo is taking great advantage of the numerous boxes and other paraphernalia lying around, yesterday she flew inside a box containing our books and started trying to shred all of them.
Isn't it great about all our gigs, that we keep getting offered, another one has come up in Brighton, see our listings on our MySpace page for further details and if any are near you, then please come and support us, we would love to see you!
Signing off now folks, it looks warm outside, but it's actually freezing!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Poor England!

We started clearing out the loft yesterday, and believe me there is nothing more therapeutic than chucking out all your unnecessary garbage, we have bags and bags of it. I got rid of things I have held onto for years, even old journals from 1992 and old cassette tapes that have just collected dust. I did feel a twinge about the journals, but at the end of the day I never read them anyway. At least doing blogs online saves paper and doesn't take up any extra space.
Actually watched the rugby last night, the only time I ever watch sport is when the Springboks are playing in a huge final. I don't know why I support the Springboks because I am not even South African, but I guess they seem familiar to me. We have similar accents, although the Zimbabwean accent is softer and more refined of course. Rugby was always a big thing in our part of the world, many a winter weekend was spent attending rugby matches, it became a part of the social scene. My cousin and I always used to go and watch, we normally just ended up in fits of giggles, that's all we ever used to do. In fact people used to get really annoyed with us, which made it seem even funnier of course. We even got thrown in a muddy dam one day and terrorised with freshwater crabs by these guys that we used to hang out with, because we ended up getting on their nerves so much.
Anyway, I better depart as we have to continue with our loft clearance! Several trips to the dump might be in order. Enjoy the rest of your weekend .....

Friday, October 19, 2007

Moving is the catalyst

Hi everyone, the world of Cling has gone a little crazy, in the most wonderful way. Right in the middle of trying to move , we have been offered two very excellent gigs, one in a very famous London nightspot, and another in Sheffield. Will let you know all the details as soon as everything is confirmed. Silver Skies has gone up to no7 in the Audiojelly charts, and we have just done another interview which will be available to view online quite soon. It seems that ever since we made the decision to move, it has been like the catalyst for everything else.
I can't wait to play live again! The next few weeks is going to be surreal, well they say that God never gives you more than you can handle, so let's just hope we don't end up on stage looking all stressed and haggard!
This time next week, we will be in possession of the keys to our new home, it seems strange that this part of our lives will be over.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another bizarre experience!

Had a bizarre experience last night, it is one of the weirdest things that has happened to me. I parked my car where I normally park when I go into London. When I came back to it, everything appeared normal until I unlocked the door. I discovered that the front seat had been put down , as if to let someone in the back, and also all the contents of the cubby-hole were strewn all over the seat. Nothing was missing however and I couldn't see any signs of damage. I definitely did not leave the car that way, so it is obvious someone had been inside it. What a horrible feeling. the only thing I can think of is that I accidentally left the door open and some opportunist decided to have a look around inside. Fortunately I have an immobiliser, but I don't exactly feel happy about it, knowing I have to park there again tonight, really makes you wonder why someone would do such a strange thing?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I spend too much time on Facebook!

Packing a little bit everyday now and the flat is gradually seeming less like home, it is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate. At the end of the week I will be on "holiday", till 7 November. Gerald and I have to go up in the loft to do a major clear out. He has a whole cupboard of t-shirts by the way that he has never worn in the entire 5 years that we've been together and there is a whole load of other stuff that we need to decide what to do with. Looks like we'll be going down the dump again.
Yesterday I was in a state of shock, I had 3 hours sleep and then I had to wake up at around 0800, to be somewhere for 0930. When I eventually arrived back home, I ended up going back to bed in the middle of the day, it was quite surreal really. I then spent the whole afternoon online as Gerald complained that I go on Facebook too much and spend my time doing ridiculous things, when I could be on Myspace promoting Cling. Last night we were offered another gig and someone wants to do an interview with us, sounds interesting.
I have an appointment with my orthodontist today, he will check to see if my wretched teeth are lining up in the right place! I hope so, otherwise I might end up with train tracks!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tasty Food

Hi everyone, it's a gorgeous sunny day today, I hope it's like this all winter, then we will be able to spend all our time in our new garden! Can't say I'll be sorry to leave the area where we are now, it all seems quite jaded around here, still we have some good memories as this is where Cling was formed!
Was quite ill yesterday, on Friday night I made the mistake of greedily eating some cappuccino cake that wasn't quite right, it's put me right off anything like that. Anyway, I felt a bit strange immediately after eating it, so did my friend, and the feeling persisted when I woke up yesterday. I was unable to eat anything and I even had to go back to bed in the afternoon. I was upset because I love my food, it is one of life's greatest pleasures. Even a simple dish can be mouthwatering and delicious. My favourite food is traditional home cooked Greek dishes, especially the vegetarian ones like stuffed peppers and deep fried courgette flowers. When we went to Greece, every lunchtime we went to a little cafe and had a Greek salad , chips and iced -tea, so simple, but out of this world, I can still remember the taste of it today. Anyway, I've made myself hungry now, I better go and have some breakfast!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

October heat

Will I ever go to Zimbabwe again? Little things remind me of my childhood, I can almost smell the October heat and feel the bright sunshine. October is Jacaranda time, the roads are covered in a carpet of purple blossom as the jacaranda trees come into bloom, like lilac sentinels they line the sleepy avenues and bring colour into the dry landscape.
I close my eyes and I am sitting in the garden, the sun beats down, but I have refuge under the shady trees. Giant insects buzz about their business and the "Go-Away" bird is chanting on a leafy branch. The sky is a perfect, endless blue, not a sign of a cloud. Life moves lazily and slowly, I can hear the signs of suburbia, gardens being watered and bicycle bells ringing, people singing out to each other on the street. Everything and everyone is waiting for the cool evening to come...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dreaming of doughnuts

A grey October day is here, yesterday it was raining so much that it even put me off running. We tried to drive somewhere in the morning and a journey that should have taken 10 mins ended up taking half an hour because the traffic was so rancid. We later learned that a major road had been closed off because some poor fool had been dragged under a bus for about a mile. Needless to say he was brown bread.
So anyway, I am packing a little everyday . I have the tedious task of informing everyone that we are moving. At least that strange feeling has gone from my stomach most of the time now, I think I am more excited than anything else.
My poor Mum hasn't eaten bread now for over two months, you cannot even buy the ingredients to make it. There is still nothing in the supermarkets, she said that they are stocking the shelves with firewood because there is nothing else. Of course cakes and biscuits are just a dream ,she says her mouth waters at the thought of all the lovely food that you get here. The only thing that she can get easily is vegetables! Apparently a lot of people just drive over the border now to do their shopping. How can you live in a place where you have to go to another country to do your grocery shopping? The unbelievable just becomes normal in the end! Well, she's only got a few more weeks to go now, I wonder how she feels. Even though I know it is for the best, I also feel sad because I might never go there again.
By the way, we have added a new track to our MySpace page, Luna-c live version, it is also available as a free download , so check it out!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

From town mice to country mice

Hi there everyone, it's been an eventful couple of days and we are so busy with all the various things going on. We still managed to drive out to our new place, we couldn't go inside , but we were lurking around outside, peering through the windows and making plans. We then went for a little wander in the village and it was so lovely, we couldn't have picked a better place to live if we tried. It will be the first time I have ever lived outside of London, we won't even have a London phone number anymore. At the end of our road , there is nothing but fields and countryside, so so different to where we are now. I can't wait to leave now, especially since we are going somewhere that is quiet but stimulating at the same time. Imagine where I'll be going running now, through the forest probably!
On the Cling news front, we are now officially with Kudos Records, and Gerald has been revamping our website, it looks really great, pay us a visit there sometime and take advantage of the free downloads
Have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

One nerve left!

Hi everyone, here I sit, bright and early on a Sunday morning, the world is so quiet outside , it's as if nothing is moving. All you can hear for miles is Nyo's incessant shriek as she breaks my last remaining nerve. I really don't know what gets into this bird sometimes, it certainly isn't lack of attention. Last night she was so disruptive that we had to put her in another room, it's time for the pet psychologist!
Gerald keeps having a go at me he says I am making the whole situation miserable because yesterday I was in tears and I don't know why. I am finding it difficult at the moment to say the least, moving is not like going on holiday where you just throw a few things into a case at the last minute. If there's one thing I have discovered in my life , it's that people have no time for you when you are down, they only seem to like you when you have lots of energy to give them, no-one is interested in a long face. Reality.
One thing I know for sure is that it will all be worth it in the end, it's just getting there!

Friday, October 05, 2007

We got the house

Celebrations all around folks, we got the house after all that torment!! Can't wait to move in now, but we have about another three weeks to get everything ready. I am so relieved that we are going to live somewhere decent at last. Not that there's anything wrong with our flat now , but you can't compare it to a huge house and a garden. It will be the first place that Gerald and I have moved into together from the start. At last we are going to have a proper home and I can get my mum out of Zimbabwe. I did phone and tell her the good news , but I think that she found it a bit hard to take in. Didn't accomplish much yesterday as we were walking around in a daze!
Just goes to show that if your intentions are good and you have a lot of faith, you can accomplish anything. When I think of how it all unfolded as well, it was like we knew we were going to live there before we even went inside to have a look.
There is magic everywhere and so many signs of it all around us in everyday life, if only we would open ourselves more to it. I am so grateful to the Almighty!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Feel the fear

It's almost a year since I started blogging, it seems to have gone quickly like everything else. It's been an eventful week, not only with all the waiting to see if we can move, but also with our music. Our old distributor in the States is being very awkward and sarcastic whenever we ask him for info, maybe he doesn't like the fact that we moved to someone better, but we can do without it. Also confessed to our landlord that we were thinking of moving, funny enough, he was OK about it, he is normally quite difficult , but when I explained about my Mum and everything he was actually quite friendly. Clingmusic is now an official record label, how about that? At the moment we exist for the purpose of releasing music from Cling , but who knows , we might be able to expand in the future!
What have I learned this week? I am not in control of my emotions, my stomach churns every day and I have been unable to sleep, despite the fact that I know very well that there is nothing that is going to change the outcome now. Then I realised, it is just fear that is making me feel this way, I need to learn how to deal with it better.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Still waiting, but I know everything is going through the process and we will know when we are meant to know. It is a very gloomy day outside today, but it will be good for running. Last night I coughed and actually pulled a muscle in my thigh, so I'm hoping that it will be OK to run. Slept soundly last night for the first time in a few days , and that horrible feeling has gone from my stomach. I just try and concentrate on the other things that are important, and mainly we have a big gig coming up next month so we are going to start preparing for that. Gerald has been working so hard on the new track , the music is very intricate , quite amazing, so today I will do some work on the vocals and hopefully we should get it finished soon. It always feels good to have a new tune!
Having problems with our distributor in the USA, but our man in the UK is not messing about at all and is on the case, trying to sort out some problems for us. It actually makes a change that someone knows what they're doing and is not leaving everything up to us!