Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Feel the fear

It's almost a year since I started blogging, it seems to have gone quickly like everything else. It's been an eventful week, not only with all the waiting to see if we can move, but also with our music. Our old distributor in the States is being very awkward and sarcastic whenever we ask him for info, maybe he doesn't like the fact that we moved to someone better, but we can do without it. Also confessed to our landlord that we were thinking of moving, funny enough, he was OK about it, he is normally quite difficult , but when I explained about my Mum and everything he was actually quite friendly. Clingmusic is now an official record label, how about that? At the moment we exist for the purpose of releasing music from Cling , but who knows , we might be able to expand in the future!
What have I learned this week? I am not in control of my emotions, my stomach churns every day and I have been unable to sleep, despite the fact that I know very well that there is nothing that is going to change the outcome now. Then I realised, it is just fear that is making me feel this way, I need to learn how to deal with it better.


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