Sunday, October 07, 2007

One nerve left!

Hi everyone, here I sit, bright and early on a Sunday morning, the world is so quiet outside , it's as if nothing is moving. All you can hear for miles is Nyo's incessant shriek as she breaks my last remaining nerve. I really don't know what gets into this bird sometimes, it certainly isn't lack of attention. Last night she was so disruptive that we had to put her in another room, it's time for the pet psychologist!
Gerald keeps having a go at me he says I am making the whole situation miserable because yesterday I was in tears and I don't know why. I am finding it difficult at the moment to say the least, moving is not like going on holiday where you just throw a few things into a case at the last minute. If there's one thing I have discovered in my life , it's that people have no time for you when you are down, they only seem to like you when you have lots of energy to give them, no-one is interested in a long face. Reality.
One thing I know for sure is that it will all be worth it in the end, it's just getting there!


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