Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I spend too much time on Facebook!

Packing a little bit everyday now and the flat is gradually seeming less like home, it is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate. At the end of the week I will be on "holiday", till 7 November. Gerald and I have to go up in the loft to do a major clear out. He has a whole cupboard of t-shirts by the way that he has never worn in the entire 5 years that we've been together and there is a whole load of other stuff that we need to decide what to do with. Looks like we'll be going down the dump again.
Yesterday I was in a state of shock, I had 3 hours sleep and then I had to wake up at around 0800, to be somewhere for 0930. When I eventually arrived back home, I ended up going back to bed in the middle of the day, it was quite surreal really. I then spent the whole afternoon online as Gerald complained that I go on Facebook too much and spend my time doing ridiculous things, when I could be on Myspace promoting Cling. Last night we were offered another gig and someone wants to do an interview with us, sounds interesting.
I have an appointment with my orthodontist today, he will check to see if my wretched teeth are lining up in the right place! I hope so, otherwise I might end up with train tracks!


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