October heat

Will I ever go to Zimbabwe again? Little things remind me of my childhood, I can almost smell the October heat and feel the bright sunshine. October is Jacaranda time, the roads are covered in a carpet of purple blossom as the jacaranda trees come into bloom, like lilac sentinels they line the sleepy avenues and bring colour into the dry landscape.
I close my eyes and I am sitting in the garden, the sun beats down, but I have refuge under the shady trees. Giant insects buzz about their business and the "Go-Away" bird is chanting on a leafy branch. The sky is a perfect, endless blue, not a sign of a cloud. Life moves lazily and slowly, I can hear the signs of suburbia, gardens being watered and bicycle bells ringing, people singing out to each other on the street. Everything and everyone is waiting for the cool evening to come...
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