Sunday, October 21, 2007

Poor England!

We started clearing out the loft yesterday, and believe me there is nothing more therapeutic than chucking out all your unnecessary garbage, we have bags and bags of it. I got rid of things I have held onto for years, even old journals from 1992 and old cassette tapes that have just collected dust. I did feel a twinge about the journals, but at the end of the day I never read them anyway. At least doing blogs online saves paper and doesn't take up any extra space.
Actually watched the rugby last night, the only time I ever watch sport is when the Springboks are playing in a huge final. I don't know why I support the Springboks because I am not even South African, but I guess they seem familiar to me. We have similar accents, although the Zimbabwean accent is softer and more refined of course. Rugby was always a big thing in our part of the world, many a winter weekend was spent attending rugby matches, it became a part of the social scene. My cousin and I always used to go and watch, we normally just ended up in fits of giggles, that's all we ever used to do. In fact people used to get really annoyed with us, which made it seem even funnier of course. We even got thrown in a muddy dam one day and terrorised with freshwater crabs by these guys that we used to hang out with, because we ended up getting on their nerves so much.
Anyway, I better depart as we have to continue with our loft clearance! Several trips to the dump might be in order. Enjoy the rest of your weekend .....


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