Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mental Clutter

Today, I began my ten day mental challenge, which is not to focus on any negative thought or subject for more than five minutes, I must in that time alter my state of thinking and I must be very strict with myself , no matter how many days I have completed. I have done this on a few occasions and the last time I completed seven days. I was gutted when I allowed myself to dwell on something that was so trivial in the end.
I went running today, I just had to get out of the house and do something to get rid of some unnecessary mental clutter. I foolishly went through the fields, the ground was waterlogged, and treacherously muddy. I had to jump across a stream and as I landed on the other side, I slipped and went sliding, only preventing myself from nasty injury by grabbing onto an abandoned supermarket trolley, which I was surprised to see in such a location, but very grateful for. I then continued up a waterlogged hill, my lovely trainers getting totally ruined, I looked like I was on an army obstacle course, splattered in mud. I passed a country lady , walking her dogs, she was sensibly dressed in wellies and other country gear. as I passed her she said "That looks like rather hard work, you ought to wait until the spring". I decided she had a fair point and ran back on the streets where my Mum goes for her daily walk! Nyo is attacking my fingers as I'm trying to type, she is jealous!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Home Alone

Alone in the house again, apart from Nyo of course, but she is sleeping in her nest. I converted a small aeroplane blanket into a dwelling for her and she customised it to her own specifications, by chewing it and weaving shards of newspaper into it. I can hear the wild birds outside, they call to each other and there are many different melodies floating around in the air. I can make out the distant droning of a small plane in the sky and sometimes a car goes by in the distance. I do appreciate the quietness very much and never miss anything about where we lived before.
Tomorrow we are going to take some photos, it's about time we had some new ones. My hair has got so long and unruly, it's becoming long overdue for a cut, maybe next week I will be able to go, this week is a bit hectic. Thursday will be interesting, I am going to the orthodontist to have my invisible braces fitted and I will no doubt be speaking with a lisp until I get used to them again. I was only wearing a contraption on my top teeth to start , but now I will have them on the bottom as well for the next year. I will take them out when I sing, I think Gerald and I will still be able to kiss though!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Take a deep breath..

Well, hi there everyone, hope your weekend was fantastic. I was busy as usual and spent a lot of time in traffic, especially in the evening when I was stuck in a queue to go through a tunnel, I don't think I moved more than a metre in ten minutes, it is quite infuriating as I don't have that much spare time on my hands and there are just so many cars, you end up wondering if you are ever going to get out of it. I did manage to think of some lyrics though, throughout the day little drops of inspiration came to me, so at least I achieved something.
Today has been interesting to say the least. As much as I love my mum , I sometimes think she has been sent to try every single nerve I have , it is almost like I am being tested to see how much tolerance I have. Most people I mention it to say their mothers drive them up the wall, I now know what they mean. I try not to take it too seriously and most of the time I can see the funny side of it, but she says such strange things. Like when someone had been rummaging in my car, she told me to put a toy snake inside it to scare them off and I think but since when did she become so naive about the world ? I don't know whether it's just an age thing or whether it's some kind of trauma from the situation she was living in. Is this what we are all going to experience when we get old? Gerald says his Mum used to do some strange things as well.
Miss Nyo is still poorly ,she has had yet another seizure, they are becoming so frequent now, if she was in the wild she would never have lasted this long, she still manages to give me a nasty nip every now and again though!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No Time

Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. On the Cling front, Gerald's back is getting a little better, I have been doing lots of healing on him and he says that it has helped a lot. It's one of those lovely crisp winter days again, but I haven't been able to take advantage of it and go running as I must go into London, don't want to get the train because it means I get home too late, it takes half an hour longer than if I drive, believe it or not.
Just looked at my watch with horror, time is moving on, I mustn't leave late. I'm trying to think of some new lyrics for a song. All these words keep going round and round in my head like some bubbling concoction that will eventually transform into something I can use. Perhaps today I will get a little further...By the way, we are on Bebo now if you want to add us, you can find us under Susi Lavender.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Healing Hands

Been a strange old day today so far, Gerald woke me up because Nyo wasn't well and now I am just sitting with her whilst she recovers, she is sleeping in front of the big windows. My mum has gone out to her job and I am alone in the house again, feels like when we first moved in, everything is so quiet. Just waiting for Gerald to get back now, he was unable to go where he was going because the trains are all messed up, so he is returning home now. It's quite funny because the last few days have been quite mild and whenever Gerlad goes out, I turn the heating off. He feels the cold more than I do, that's because he is still a long , thin rake. I did some reiki on him yesterday because he has severe pain in his back, it was good to feel the energy flowing through my hands, I need some clients now so I can get it all going. It's quite incredible just how many people suffer with back problems, that's why I'm glad I do yoga as it is so good for your spine. Don't want to end up all hunched over like my grandmother and my mum. I might have to have a siesta this afternoon otherwise it will be a long night tonight!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Winter Days

Hi everyone, isn't it funny in the winter, I feel so reluctant to emerge from our lovely warm bed into the cold daylight. Today wasn't so bad because it is quite mild outside. My favourite winter days are when it is very sunny, but crisp and fresh, it's the best time to run because you don't overheat. I'm still enjoying my country runs, but at the moment I am having to stick to the roads, the forest is too muddy, unless you're on a horse. The roads too have their treacherous moments, like when infantile lorry drivers wait till they're right up behind you, then decide to blast their horns, but there are moments when there is the absence of traffic and I can tune into the nature all around.
Yesterday evening I saw such a spectacle, the full moon was rising behind the forest, it was an enormous white saucer in the sky. I saw it when it was quite low down and at it's biggest, I was mesmerised. Imagine being in the forest when there is a full moon, it must be so vibrant, full of energy.
Well, I must get on with the day, I have things to do and songs to write. Catch you later!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The sun is shining brightly today, but it is deceptive as there is a distinct chill in the air, it's a bit frosty. I am still overwhelmed by the amount of little birds we have visiting us in the garden. I can't wait for summer.
Did the backing vocals for our new track yesterday, so I'm sure it won't be long now before Gerald finishes it off. We have had some sound problems in our new studio because the acoustics are different and we will even have to buy some acoustic tiles to sort it out. Then also, apart from our new track, Dreamlab wants us to do another collaboration and they have sent us a backing track which I had a little listen to yesterday and found quite inspiring. So we are working hard behind the scenes to bring you more tunes.
I'm not sure exactly what is on the agenda today, I will take my mum up to the library to change her books, she hasn't quite got the hang of computerised check outs, see how computers have taken over the world? I had to teach her how to use all the electrical appliances like the hoover and washing machine, because of course in Zimbabwe many people rely on the old fashioned way of doing things. It's been a revelation for both of us!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Twilight in the forest

Yesterday we went for the most amazing walk in the forest at twilight and by the time we came home, it was really dark. There is such an incredible energy in there, I think it must be because the trees are so old, it really transports you into another space altogether. When we left home it was raining softly but we didn't let it put us off, we trampled over some very muddy fields and along some footpaths and all of a sudden there we were, swallowed up by the trees. As you looked up, the bare branches of the trees were silhouetted against the metallic sky, which was tinged with swathes of pink. We explored little footpaths that deviated off the main track, our feet quietly rustling the carpet of leaves. And as it grew darker, the birds started to sing a cacophony of songs, it was almost like they found our antics amusing as we stumbled around the mud in the fading light. We saw many rabbits and guess what, the tail end of a deer. It grew so dark in the end that we had to head up to the main road which was lit up by the headlights of all the cars, we must have looked like strange apparitions emerging all muddy and bedraggled from the dense foliage. The moon was high in the sky , covered by clouds and it reminded me of that very famous poem, The Highwayman, "The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas...."

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Still recovering

Happy Sunday everyone, I slept and slept. I was so knackered from our gig, even though it's only a short set, the amount of energy you need is staggering! Yesterday I was just in a daze! Performing is the best feeling in the world, being in that space where you can give something to the audience, and you're up there and it 's all going right, it's a wonderful, natural high. I just want to do it all the time!
For those of you who would like to check out the story that the local paper did about us, here is the link
Wanted to go for a walk today, we have got up so late now and I also had a plan where I wanted to go and languish around one of the little coffee shops and have a delicious cappuccino or hot chocolate and read the paper.I want to enjoy all the things that this little village has to offer, we deserve it!
My mum has found herself a little cleaning job, bless her heart, at her age! I am pleased for her because even though it's only three hours a week, it gives her a sense of purpose and she
will have a little money for her little luxuries. Plus my sister has agreed to help a little, it's a long story, but in a round about way, I managed to get her to understand at last!
The latest on Nyo is that she has been ok this week and loving the big bag of sunflower seeds I bought her yesterday!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

We Rocked!!

Hi there everyone, I'm pleased to inform you that our gig was a great success last night, I gave a good performance, my best ever yet, and I'm just so happy about it, words can't describe. It did help that we had an audience for a change and it was the right sort of venue at the right time, but I was pleased with my performance because I know that I really can do it now. I can put that terrible experience of last time behind me. Mind over matter. I even managed to fight off my cold, despite spluttering and sneezing the night before, I think I am coming down with something nasty again though, must be all the damp and condensation in the house.
Anyway, Gerald is pleased that now he can go and get some more gigs, he really was serious that it was my last chance. See how tough and ruthless he is with me?
Only got back home really late , we had to drive all the way back from Brighton. Don't talk about how cold and windy it was down there, especially with the icy breeze blowing off the sea. It was quite buzzing down there for a Friday night, a bit raucous and busy like London, completely different to when I've been there in the day. Today, apart from going to the pet shop, I can take it easy, I will be chilling!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Eventful Day

Hi everyone, I have managed to fight off my cold, I think, sleeping is the greatest healer, I just curled up last night in front of the fire and the telly, and that was it, I only got up again to get into bed! Woken today by the lovely song of Nyo greeting the world, feeling miles better.
Was quite an eventful day yesterday, I went out shopping, didn't find anything for myself, only some belated Xmas presents for my niece and nephew. I was on my way to meet Gerald when he called me to inform me that he had been detained at the station for not having a ticket. I went to the station and they were trying to fine him £20 for a £2 journey, how ridiculous. He was quite innocent as well, genuinely forgot to get one, but the staff were unsympathetic. There was therefore many angry words and feelings of injustice. What about all the people that jump the barriers etc and the staff never do anything about it? Anyway, Gerald has appealed against the fine, what else can he do?
Got news of our little dog yesterday, he has settled in fine to his new home, but apparently every time he sees someone wearing a hat, he sits and stares at them. This choked me up because my Mum used to wear a hat all the time, and it must remind him of her. I see his little face all the time and I am grateful he's gone to a good home with a lady who adores him, it was better than bringing him over here and making him suffer in quarantine.
My sister called yesterday, I ended up speaking to her, despite vowing not to. I just can't be bothered having all these negative feelings towards her, it doesn't achieve anything really. I still think she could do something to help though. I'm sure one day I will express my feelings to her in a constructive way.
I was practising the set yesterday, just singing along to a backing track as Gerald wasn't here, my Mum kept trying to spy on me and seemed to find my antics rather amusing. Still have to sort out what I'm wearing.
You all have a good day, I shall be running later!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Timing is everything

Hi everyone, you won't believe it , but I have come down with a tickly cough, fortunately I am not that bunged up, but still what rotten timing. Also for the last 2 nights I have woken up in the middle of the night freezing cold, drenched in sweat, with all the bedclothes drenched as well, don't ask me what it's all about, I seem to overheat in bed . I might die of hypothermia. I had to put towels down on the bed at some obscure hour of the morning and I went back to bed in my dressing gown! Will try a duvet cover that is not so thick, but then Gerald might be too cold!
Had to drop off something at my friends house yesterday, she lives a few roads away from us. She wasn't there and her mother was so suspicious of me she wouldn't open the door to me at all, I even had to pass the goodies through the window. this is in sharp contrast to my mother, who opens the door to any person, despite us giving her explicit instructions not to, grr.
Will be out shopping today, so I hope that I find my outfit!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Getting edgy!

Hi everyone, at last I have a couple of free days where I am supposed to catch up with everything, I need a holiday really. Still need to sort out my outfit for the gig and we have to get a few more rehearsals in. I don't know what I will do on the night to calm my nerves, I have had various suggestions from people ranging from having a drink beforehand to valium! I think this gig will be challenging for me because of what happened last time. But saying that, we are performing at a better time and we should have more of an audience because it is a club on a Friday night. They seem to be quite a happening venue. So if you live near Brighton, come and give us your support, it will be greatly appreciated.
Just going up the road soon, every Monday there is a market and I need to get some more food for the wild birds. Nyo is holding her own and still hanging in there although she is a bit unsteady on her feet, this morning she fell off her perch!
Did I mention that I saw some more deer in the forest? I even had to stop my car so they could cross the road! today is a very wet day, I don't know if I can run without getting drenched, I will have to settle for some yoga I think!
hope your week got off to a good start!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Comments got lost!

Hi everyone, apologies to all the people who left comments on my last blog, I tried to post them on the page and they somehow got lost forever! Another MySpace idiosyncrasy! Thanks again though for all your interest and support!
Will be interesting to see what transpires with everything, now the cat has been set loose amongst the pigeons. The most important thing at the moment though is our gig on Friday. I was naughty this morning as I was meant to get up early and go running, but I was too lazy and lingered around in bed where it was all lovely and warm!
Anyway, I don't have much time today, but I will catch up with you all again soon xxx

Friday, January 11, 2008

Cling Takes on Tesco

Apologies for not writing yesterday, we have been busy fighting for our rights again, trying to sort out all this house business. A couple of nights ago, I was approached by a neighbour who told me that our house was a target for burglars and this was the reason that the last tenants moved out, they had been burgled twice in the last year and out of all the houses in the road , this one was the only one that had ever been broken into. Of course this left us infuriated at the way we have been treated and so yesterday I spent the whole afternoon composing letters etc. We will not rest until all of this has been resolved and justice has been done. Really we should be claiming compensation for our battered nerves, all we want to do is get on with our lives and who the hell do these people think they're dealing with? We are not a couple of complacent fools. So if you ever see on the news that some poor tenants have taken on the feudal giants, Tesco's, you will know that it is us, and we might get some good publicity for Cling in the meantime!
On a sad note, Nyo has been very ill, I get the feeling that she has not long left in this world with me, but I keep visualising her being in the garden in the summer, I hope that she makes it!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Hi folks , had a productive day today, and what beautiful surroundings we were in. Our rehearsal studio turned out to be a converted barn and was literally in the middle of nowhere, it was great. When we wanted a little break, we just stepped outside and looked across more open fields, even saw a couple of farmers wandering around in their gear.
It's very strange , all this adjusting to our new life, because we feel like we're on holiday all the time. Where we live and the places around it are like the kind of places we used to go and stay in for short breaks. Having to adjust to any kind of routine has been really hard because it is so different to living in the city. For example our previous rehearsal studio was down a narrow alley, next door to a mosque and just behind a bustling high street, shops only a few metres away. I'm sure , in time, we will become more used to being out here, I should be used to it , because of where I grew up. I think because the weather is so extreme out here as well, the winter seems to be really, really cold and we're not used to it yet. Our little flat used to warm up in about five minutes! Still , I have no regrets, I'd rather be here than anywhere else at the moment!
Anyway, like I mentioned, it was a good rehearsal and for the first time in ages , I felt like a singer again, quite fundamental really when one is fronting a band. Definitely worth the journey!

Monday, January 07, 2008


Hi everyone, hope you all had a great weekend. The icy wind is blowing a gale out here, but it is a beautiful sunny day, which more than makes up for it. I just had to step outside to clean Nyo's cage and it sure cleared the cobwebs!
Back into the rehearsal studio tomorrow, we are trying a new one, miles away on some farm, we really need to hear what we sound like loud. Our next gig looms and I have been given my final warning about making sure we don't have a repeat performance of last time!
Nyo was very ill again last night, I was crying my eyes out as once again I thought she was dying in my hands, but after a long time she slowly recovered her strength again. Poor little bird, I really don't know what to make of it. She's another one that just refuses to give up. It does kind of put a damper on one's evening though, you realise how quickly things can change, it's the only difficult thing about having pets, even small ones can break your heart.
Someone was meant to drop something off at our house on Friday, but was unable to because of this terrible bug sweeping the UK, it is like an infectious stomach virus, even been on the news, sounds awful to me! Have a great day!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Deer in the forest

The festive season draws to a close now, we are going to take our Xmas tree down, I will miss it in a funny kind of way. Once, my Mum kept her tree up for a good part of the year, she said that it cheered her up!
The photographer showed up yesterday and took the photos in a couple of minutes, he said that the article will be featured next week, I do hope that he chooses a decent snap of us both. We were in the studio, so at least we 'll look like professionals!
I went running in the forest yesterday, down a bridleway that I've never ventured down before. It was gorgeous being amongst all the beautiful trees, but very muddy and I kept on twisting my ankle, I need sturdier shoes for this cross-country business.
I was driving back from London in the early hours of this morning, there were so many animals in the forest, first I saw two deer, then loads of rabbits, then another group of about six deer. I wanted to stop and stroke them, they looked so beautiful and shy, with their big eyes shining in the headlights. How i love the magic of the forest, especially at night, it seems so mysterious.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Smile for the paper!

Well, the New Year has got off to a good start, we are once more going to appear in the local paper, they are even sending a photographer around tomorrow to take some snaps. This was after Gerald did a press release about us giving our music away for free and getting paid for it! Funny enough , we were just saying that we needed some more photos as well, see what I mean about getting what you ask for?
Also gone into rehearsal now for our up and coming gig in Brighton, starting to feel excited and thinking about what on earth I'm going to wear this time. I was comforted to know the other day that even mega stars have their bad moments on stage , someone was interviewing Mariah Carey and she was saying that she has had a few moments when she wished the ground would open up and swallow her, that live performances can always be a bit edgy. My intentions are to go out and give the best performance ever and put the last bad experience behind me. At least I don't have a stinking cold this time and we have settled in a bit now to our new home.
My mum seems happy, I hope that she is, I'm sure she misses Zimbabwe a lot, I am getting more used to having her around as well and it all seems to be working out!