Thursday, January 03, 2008

Smile for the paper!

Well, the New Year has got off to a good start, we are once more going to appear in the local paper, they are even sending a photographer around tomorrow to take some snaps. This was after Gerald did a press release about us giving our music away for free and getting paid for it! Funny enough , we were just saying that we needed some more photos as well, see what I mean about getting what you ask for?
Also gone into rehearsal now for our up and coming gig in Brighton, starting to feel excited and thinking about what on earth I'm going to wear this time. I was comforted to know the other day that even mega stars have their bad moments on stage , someone was interviewing Mariah Carey and she was saying that she has had a few moments when she wished the ground would open up and swallow her, that live performances can always be a bit edgy. My intentions are to go out and give the best performance ever and put the last bad experience behind me. At least I don't have a stinking cold this time and we have settled in a bit now to our new home.
My mum seems happy, I hope that she is, I'm sure she misses Zimbabwe a lot, I am getting more used to having her around as well and it all seems to be working out!


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