Monday, December 10, 2007

Still sorting everything out

Hi folks, first of all, I must mention that the Dubai thing is off, some problem because we are UK residents! Sorry to get you all excited. Just doing the last minute preparations before my Mum gets here. It's going to be another busy week, first of all the alarm is being installed tomorrow, then my Mum gets here on Wednesday and the chimney is also being swept, how old-fashioned. On Thursday we have an environmental health officer coming over to check out these godforsaken windows that have caused us so much trouble and if we find we have a case we might be taking action against our landlord, who happens to be a household name and a corporate giant. Talk about fighting for your rights, in a way the burglary woke us up a bit and we decided we were not going to be stomped all over by anyone. Still, sometimes life does seem a lot harder out here, but I suppose we are adjusting. If I didn't have anything better to do, I would go and join the fuel protesters over the weekend , the price of petrol in this country is ridiculous. I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter where you live , the governments are sneaky and underhand, just that in Africa they are far more blatant about it. I can see the attraction of going to live on a commune on an island, remember the book and film, The Beach?


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