Thursday, December 06, 2007


It's a rainy day in the country, I still love it here despite all the recent problems. Today is actually the first day in a long time that I've woken up feeling like my normal self, which is a good thing, I don't like to feel vulnerable. I wonder if burglars ever stop to think about the psychological effect they have on their victims, I very much doubt it. My only consolation is what goes around comes around. My poor Mum though that she was escaping all this nonsense, just goes to show that it doesn't matter where you live, you are always at risk. Some people seem to be gloating about the fact that we moved to a nice area and then got burgled, call yourself friends?
Tomorrow we will have not heating all day because they are doing gas works outside. the other night we had to call someone out because they dug a hole outside our property and there was such a stench of gas we thought oh no this will be the final straw if the whole house blows up! I don't think that I could take any more mishaps.
Haven't seen our garden squirrel for a few days, I had to ignore him the other day because of all the upset and the constant stream of people coming into the house to give quotes for the alarm, soon we will be all belled up, and my Mum is going to sit on the front porch on a rocking chair with her shotgun!


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