Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hi everyone, well we're freezing our asses off as we have been without heating or hot water for a very long day now. The plumber is at present trying to sort it out. I don't have much faith in him,because yesterday he was meant to merely change a part and next thing he had boken the whole thing and told me it was a bomb waitng to go off. I just could not believe it and my heart sank when I realised he was just going to go off and leave us heatless. I don't know what we'd do if we didn't have a fire. Now I've had no sleep, but I'm feeling OK, maybe I'll get a chance to nap later. I hate being cold. I like watching the flames of the fire as they dance and curl around the coal, it is very hypnotising, even in the daytime, makes you just want to fall asleep. Gerald finally finished painting the living room and I must admit that it looks fabulous now that we have put it all together. Nyo is getting frustrated because she can't come out of her cage at the moment and I am frustrated because I just want this bloke to hurry up and fix it, it's horrible when you can't relax in your own home. I am trying to think powerful , positive thoughts about being warm!


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