Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gerald's potential clingmobile

Greetings, it's a beautiful sunny day here and at last the house is getting a bit warmer. I spent the whole afternoon yesterday hanging up curtains, only to find at the end that I didn't have enough hooks anyway, but it does make a big difference to have something covering the windows. The only 2 rooms left to sort out now are my Mum's room and the yoga / therapy room. I have decided that since we have so much space in the house, I am going to start doing Reiki from home again, I might as well use everything that I have and at least I will be helping people. By the way, I can also do distance healing, so if anyone's interested....
So Gerald and I have our little peaks and troughs. He gets tired because he has to travel so much further everyday and then we feel like we never get anything done because we always have to sort out something in the house, but we are getting there.. Good job I don't park my car in the garage either, because the roof has a leak and there is about 2 inches of water in there now. We called up the management company and they were like, oh no, what's happened now?!!
Gerald is looking to buy a car and one of his clients knows of someone who is selling a London taxi really cheap. I want Gerald to buy it as we could turn it into the Clingmobile, you know, spray our logo on the side, and it would be great for carting all our equipment round. Only problem is that we know nothing about cars and don't want another white elephant, or in this case a black elephant. It would be hilarious though to be driven around in it, people would be constantly trying to flag us down !


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