Monday, November 19, 2007

Still loving it!

Hi everyone, I'm just sitting at the kitchen table waiting for yet another workman to come around, this time for the boiler, it doesn't seem to end. Anyway, isn't it cold in the UK, I thought it was just because we had moved out of town, but everyone is complaining! I must admit that I'm glad we can have a proper fire every night, we need it out here in such a big house.
Did I tell you about where I run these days? I step out of the house and go a little way up the main road, then I turn onto a quiet country road that takes me past all these interesting houses and cottages, then a little way after that there is nothing, I'm just running next to open fields. Shortly after, I actually turn off into the fields and follow a path that runs parallel to the forest, I pass through two huge fields and run up a hill towards a farm. When I reach the farm, I turn back and at the bottom of the hill, I go off into the forest itself and follow a little path through the trees, it is so rejuvenating. It's as if your mind is cleared of all negative rubbish, and I just love the peacefulness and the energy that surrounds me. I just feel so glad to be alive and to be here right now!
Anyway our studio is all set up now and everything is working fine with the Internet again so look out for some creativity that is now being brewed in Hollybush House!


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